I am talking about your story and many similar ones I had the chance to read through this blog, sharing them with my family and friends. I totally agree with you in spreading the information.
Can you please explain me this "beacon of democracy" expression? what do you mean by that?
Thank you for your reply! I believe being "Conscoiusly aware" is a core human feature. I feel it like a right/duty and I think we have constantly to work in order to remind ourselvels never to stop reacting to what is wrong in the world and, even in harsh moments, try to do our best to help the others. Regarding what you said, maybe "some individuals consider it a course to have social consicence" and NOT being free to express it. What is your opinion about it?
Years have beaten up the body a little bit, right between still feel young and oh no. So lately I've been thinking would I rather live a dull and non eventful 20 more years, or should I try to find that place that makes you feel alive, the place I could never find in adult hood. You see about 15 years ago, things were not going well so I decided the drinking and drugging had not given me what I was looking for.( wait for it the hammers about to fall ) and I said goodbye to my long time companions, booze and drugs. Saying goodbye was easier for me than I noticed for other people, that was it,one day I just stopped. My thinking was that I had not found what I was looking for so I would try it another way. Life changed for me then,I was able to stay at one job started a long term relationship( we recently broke up ) Randy, Sometimes I get tired writing on this phone and my eyes start to strain, so I have to stop for now. This web page does not hold your writing until you come back to it, so I have to send it unfinished ( I'll get back) hope you are okay ?
Dear Tracy, hi. I just got your letter in the mail. No I'm not married. And no I don't have a problem with your charges. I know lots of men who have been to jail for the same charges. I saw your mug shot on the internet. I really wanted to write you back in the mail but I'm having a mental health crisis right now. I am emotionally unstable. Someone did something to me recently. I'm suffering two emotional trauma's in a row. Maybe by the next time you right me back I'll be recovered from this. But I just wanted to say hi real quick and let you know that I accept you the way you are. I'm glad to hear that you do 45 minute Bible studies every day. You sound really spiritual. God bless Melissa
I am talking about your story and many similar ones I had the chance to read through this blog, sharing them with my family and friends. I totally agree with you in spreading the information.
Can you please explain me this "beacon of democracy" expression? what do you mean by that?
Many thanks,
Thank you for your reply!
I believe being "Conscoiusly aware" is a core human feature.
I feel it like a right/duty and I think we have constantly to work in order to remind ourselvels never to stop reacting to what is wrong in the world and, even in harsh moments, try to do our best to help the others.
Regarding what you said, maybe "some individuals consider it a course to have social consicence" and NOT being free to express it.
What is your opinion about it?
God bless