Reply ID: pcra
arcadiego: Hey Elizabeth-Anne! Thanks for your comments! Okay, I see why you used Hitler - I guess I used him 'cause he's the modern culture's absolute standard of wickedness... even though I think there have been worse, personally. I don't think it's completely un-understandably strange though, or just randomly come about that he occupies the most sinister place in our minds.
I mean, consider: Communism and Nazism are like ideological polar opposites and the main two antagonists in WWII. How much Communist resources were consumed and destroyed by Hitler's war with Stalin. Resources that could otherwise have been used to fund the 'worldwide workers' revolution?' I see why the communists and their sympathisers hate Hitler, and the driving ideology that drove him to hate Communism.
Both Nazism and Communism are errors that had/have horrendous consequences... but the Nazi/Eugenic argument/paradigm rests fundamentally on the premise that most or all of the world's problems are the results of genetic defects that are inherited and passed on from generation to generation and concentrated in certain families, tribes, nations and races. Criminality, lack of impulse control, sexual deviances, mental handicaps... they all have a genetic basis - the Nazis sought to cull the collective gene pool - breed superior humans.
The Nazis denied or greatly underestimated the individual's ability to overcome and override genetic predispositions. They certainly denied the existence of Divine Grace which can empower individuals to overcome genetic impulses when raw willpower alone is insufficient.
Communism takes the opposite extreme of the old "Nature/nurture" debate. They blame all societal ills in humanity as the result of flawed environmental influences - shaped, they believe, by Capitalist social engineers that influence us to produce, consume, buy and continue working to support a "parasitic" bourgeois. They come close to denying the existence of any genetic influence at all. Many professors and intelligentsia infested with the error of Bolshevist thought even deny the existence of race... which is retarded and the equivalent of denying the existence of different breeds of horses, cattle or dogs. For all their talk of logic, science and dialectics - the Communists also suppress or destroy any science that produces results that don't square with Marxist doctrine. (Like all genetic research in Siberia or even para-psychological research like L.L. Vasielov at the Institute for Brain Research).
Look how far Communism has come! Russia, China, Vietnam, N. Korea, Cuba... look at all the attempted Communist coups like Brazil, Argentina and Spain. I mean - here in the US, we had the McCarthy Hearings where the US Congress held hearings and uncovered so many Communists and sympathisers that had infiltrated our government, educational institutions, Hollywood, etc... they even boasted that in the 1960's they pushed 10,000 Communist puppets through the priesthood!
It's inevitable that with so many influential men and women who hold deep-rooted Bolshevist values, beliefs, and outlooks concentrated in key positions of power and influence - that Bolshevist thought would gradually become permeated throughout society - in the hearts and mind of the mass of people. I believe their influence in our culture has a lot to do with why Communist ideas have been gradually becoming more acceptable and Nazi ideals becoming more despised. Look how many evil Hitler movies Hollywood churns out... name one (just one!) evil Stalin or Mao movie... if you can! Ha! But Russia would bankroll the revolution through the world, just as they armed and funded uprisings in various parts of the world. I think the culture shift here is just the result of a large number of their followers' hard work and determination.
They have their god - and I have to admit, they serve it exceedingly well! They even turned a number of priests and bishops and sent them back into the Vatican to do their work undermining the Church from within! (And vice-versa of course!) They believe in their god - that Communism is the saviour of humanity, to alleviate all social ills. I read a ton of Communist literature. They're extremely intelligent and relentless!
You're British, huh? What part? I had a best friend from England (Cambridge), he still lives there. But I'm sure you can see the Communist influence in your country as well. I think the ever-growing Islamic element will end up putting up quite a bit of opposition in the end. Sure the Left will agitate them and use them to tear down the existing structure, but in the end Islam is as incompatible with Communism as Capitalism is now. Unless they create a fake psuedo-Islam that can co-exist like they do with the psuedo-Christian seats now.
Yeah, I think America is done with too. Empires rise and fall. America's been mortally wounded, we just haven't bled all the way out yet. Screw the mainstream. We have a vibrant underground movement here. And armed! Nationalists of various stripes - White Separatists, Black Nationalists (N.O.N), A.I.M (Indians), all sorts of racial/religious dissident groups like Christian Identity/Aryan nations... purely religious (non-radical) groups... then, of course about 5 Communist movements, anarchists, Zionist-controlled front groups, Fascists... you name it. Just this government is strong enough to suppress all these groups. For now. But every year they lose a little more power. More budgets cuts. Less cops, informants and intelligence agents. Only a matter of time before it's open season on the current oppressors for all the evil they do. You probably haven't a clue what "cointelpro" operations are - but there's a lot of sorry, criminal and evil stuff Washington does behind the façade they present to the public.
Yeah, perhaps God does prefer China to be more powerful. Why not? How many times in the past had He poured forth power and strength and unity and determination into an insignificant nation to show forth His power by chastising a rebellious people? Assyria/Israel... Babylon/Judah... Ottomans/Byzantines... China may be the rod God uses to show us how badly we need His sustaining presence within us. We, as a people, have abandoned Him, so He slowly lets us slip further and further away... into delusions... see how small and insignificant we are without Him. But, then again, He'll swoop down and raise up a deliverer if we turn back to Him. Look at the Hundred Years War with France (1341-1453) - England had France back beat in - they barely had the will to fight back. Then look what happened... God poured so much power, insight, fortitude and courage into the 17 year-old peasant - Joan of Arc. Coronated the king, inspired the troops and turned the tide of that war that finally resulted in the liberation of France. Sometimes we need discipline! Else we grow arrogant and big-headed.
I'm sure you know your history... England reached its highest peaks when it walked closely with God. Isn't Beowulf the oldest written English work? See all the Christian undertones within it... before the recent revisionists "re-translated it" and removed all the references to God? I don't know, it just seems odd to me with all the problems Britain is currently undergoing is happening at the same time it has slipped its farthest from obedience to the God that pulled it out of the Dark Ages. Pre-Christian Europe was a mass of warring, raping, pillaging, plundering tribes... look how easily Caesar ran through that chaos. As Christendom - Europe was safer that it's ever been... now it looks to be slipping back into savagery and chaos, a little at a time. Have y'all been severed form the EU yet? How long y'all expect to exist alone in the world? I don't think we've seen nothing yet... but the storm clouds keep gathering and it won't be pretty. Then we'll see how much we need each other again, how much we need truth and trust and love and loyalty and unity, and concern for each other as opposed to all of us seeing how much he can get out of everybody else to please himself. We'll see how little the "I" matters again and how much the "we" matters.
Call me cynical. But I don't see us turning until God lets us see how wrong the individualistic, sense-gratificatory, materialistic, "me-me-me" mindframe is and lets us walk on the road that we chose over Him... until we realise that it's not a pleasant road at all. I could be wrong... but I doubt it!
Anyway, take care of yourself Elizabeth-Anne - I hope you're at peace with yourself...
Thanks for writing!
Chris Hall #1565195
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Huntsville, TX 77343
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