The Gods of Patriotism and Obedience
I have to confess. I'm not sorry to the American public for anything. Not for how I've lived my life, not for he numerous crimes that I've committed. I'm sorry for having offended God, who is an infinite good, but feeling remorse to a system or society that is quite possibly the most morally bankrupt and intrinsically evil the world has ever produced is a little beyond my acting skills.
When I see a judge, prosecutor or policeman enforcing a law that they themselves can't, and even choose not to, abide by, and in fact make entire careers and practices out of knowingly and intentionally violating, does the whole charade not seem ludicrous to anyone else? I know that some of the public may be able to claim ignorance. Maybe a great majority are, in fact, too absorbed in American Idol and Starbuck Latte sipping to actually pay attention to what goes on in the real world, but even they must be in the minority. Anyone who even casually reads the paper will have noticed how many people have been railroaded into the world's largest 2.4 million man prison system, will have read about the lies, the corruption, about officers planting evidence on people, on running crime organisations themselves and other such crimes perpetuated by our 'representative' government.
I'm not even getting onto all the crimes that Washington perpetuates all across the world in other lands. The rapes, the killings of innocent women and children, the bribes, the funnelling of arms and ammunition into groups that we know will use them to wage guerilla wars to topple 'unfavourable' regimes...'unfavourable' not meaning evil or because they violate fundamental human rights, but unfavourable merely because they don't support favourable trade agreements or other non-essential nonsense to make money for America.
I guess the righteous thing to do, according to the powers that be of course, is to sit down and shut up. And anyone who doesn't of course, is susceptible to any violation of constitutional rights, susceptible to having evidence planted on them, framed, perjured and convicted.
And equally predictable of course, is that no matter what our government does or how evil it is, the public will clamor it's approval. And anyone who opposes Washington's agenda and is labelled an enemy of the state, the public will condemn and hate and expect us to feel sorry for our actions...well I don't feel particularly sorry. In fact, I think it's America that will feel sorry when the time comes.
I talk to a lot of so-called good know, crooked cops, prostitute prison guards etc...and so many of them at some point will admit that the people they serve with are absolutely corrupt and cannot be trusted, but then they conclude with..."but I'm just doing my job." I've had a number of them use this on me to somehow justify their moral superiority over mine.
It always reminds me of the Nazi SS guards' defense at the Nuremberg trials. "Just doing our jobs...just following orders," they said. At the end of which they were either lined up against a wall and shot, or hung.
Since when does doing your job - when it amounts to screwing people over, or obeying men you believe or have reason to believe are evil, or are screwing people over - become a righteous thing?
On the flip side, if "just doing your job" entails depriving me of basic fundamental human rights, would or could or will you consider me wrong or evil if, in reprisal, I take one of your lives? Or would you still assume the moral high ground and claim I'm 'crazy' or a 'criminal' for responding to you the way you have acted against me...unprovoked?
I think it's great that America is declining economically. I know that the US military is far too strong right now for a foreign power to begin shipping arms and ammunition to domestic dissident groups opposed to Washington right now. Or to any group that's concept of right and wrong isn't blind obedience to Washington's decrees, but I got a feeling once we lose our ability to bully the rest of the world into submission, the rest of the world may give us the ability to not be bullied into submission by our domestic tyrants either.
Maybe then we can contest the moral superiority of the prostitutes and drug dealers and child molesters that rule the country now.
Maybe we'll have a large trial like the Nazis had. Maybe we'll listen as the respectable people tell us it was just their job to screw us over, just their jobs to plant evidence, just their jobs to enforce orders they know to be wrong. Maybe after its all said and done, we'll get to see our judges and police officers and prison guards all lined up against a wall and shot as well.
Funny way how history has of repeating itself, funny thing how people never seem to learn either...In case you haven't noticed yet...capitalism is our the door. This election may slow its departure but seriously if you can't see the writing on the wall you just don't want to see the writing on the wall. Looks like Mammon wasn't such a great God to worship after all either
Chris Hall
2018 feb 12
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2017 nov 28
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Replies (4)
I am not American (British) but I think in the years to come America will go through the same things my country did 60 or so years ago, and realise they are not the most important world power. I think it will be a difficult cultural change, the effects of which are being felt already in the paranoia of some. Personally I don't believe this is because of God, unless you believe God prefers China to be more powerful? Perhaps He does!
Best wishes,