June 19, 2013

Fight for Freedom - 5/22/13

From Fight for Freedom by Michael Crenshaw


Blog...Fight for Freedom...


There is never a day that prison is cool. It's the most lonely place on Earth there is no family or real true friends, they are really hard to find in the belly of the beast. But the lord will always be with you no matter what. I love to share my story with the youth of the future and the parents. Just maybe I can help save someone from this nightmare that I continue to live and I can only grateful to the lord for seeing me through this madness. I am now walking in the light of the lord and I have along way to go to grow in my walk, but I am willing to go where ever the lord wants me to go. I pray that it's the lord's will that I go home soon and that is a true blessing and I am so thankful and I continue to share my life story and the lord has blessed me this year. The lord is showing me everyday the lord has great love for a sinner like me, glory be to God.

Here in California there is a prison over crowding problem that has and still is harming inmates so [?] [?] panel has stepped in to solve the issue. There are a lot of life term inmates that are past their MEPD. As for myself, I am over a decade past my dates. I am a first termer that has been incarcerated for over three decades and if it's god's will I will be home soon praise the lord. I feel that is what will happen this time and I am so thankful you know. I plan on doing my best, to give back to society and help [?] the youth of the future that is one of my foals for sure. I can say that if I would have had someone to talk with as a teen, maybe I would not be here today, so I do understand how important it is to be there for our youth at the most important moments in life.


Replies (3) Replies feed

arcadiaego Posted 11 years, 8 months ago. ✓ Mailed 11 years, 7 months ago   Favorite
Hi Michael

I think your goals are really admirable and I wish you all the best for your parole.


Jacqueline Posted 9 years, 6 months ago. ✓ Mailed 9 years, 5 months ago   Favorite
Hi Michael this is Jackie Jefferson I went with your sister and you were a little older. But I remeber you in highschool and want you to know I have never forgotten you. Its amazing how our lives turn out but give God the Glory for whatever He allow us to go through thank Him for the trail and tribulation for these are to make us strong not to kill us. T

Jacqueline Posted 9 years, 6 months ago. ✓ Mailed 9 years, 5 months ago   Favorite
Hi Michael
Thank God any how for Him delivering you and even if He don't God is still able to do it. Just remember when you are talking to the youth how one ride and one crazy person you riding with can mess things up for a time. But God has really worked on your and I thank God that you have not turned bitter. Be strong and keep the courage and remember Paul in the bible who was locked up. I wont spill the beans.
High School friend
Jackie Jefferson

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