Daniel Gywnn
I thank you for your comments & perspectives, they're always welcome. As I reflect upon my writing (Proud To Be An American)I notice that I neglected to lay the blame of a soiled America at the feet of the rightful perpetrators. It's not the laws or the system that are the cause, it's the people we put into office to run the government, administrate justice & interpret our laws. Our laws' roots are found to have stretched from the English shores; iut's just that we've evolved idealistically towards a more independent & democratic path. in the pursuit of our freedoms, we continue to stumble as the "Seven Deadly Sins" wreak havon among us. (Greed, Envy, Lust, Anger, Gluttony, Jealousy, & Sloth). Its destructive powers has tainted the hearts of many men, and we tend to keep placing great faith and responsibility in these men to lead us. Power corrupts absolutely, even in those with the best of intentions.
Take President Obama's attempts to make a difference. He was elected by the people to represent them & the changes they desired, but they left him to fend off the opposition on his own once he was in office. The opposition opposed 'him' vigorously at every turn, no matter how wrong they may be. And the opposition was looking out for the best interest of the people, but they were more concerned with their own special interest.
The public has been lulled into a state of 'Survival Of The Fittest,' and our self-preservation mode has been overriding our moral judgement. There's many facets to this public's state of ineffectiveness, of which I cannot state to fully comprehend. I only attest to the general observations I possess through my own experiences. I think we just need to get our minds right, and identify what's not in our best collective interests and what is.
2017 may 13
2017 apr 22
2017 apr 22
2017 apr 22
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