Aug. 4, 2011

Birthday Gifts

by William D. Linley (David) (author's profile)


(Tue) July 19, 2011

Hello world,

Just had a birthday a few days ago. Tend to lose track of time in here so for 4 months I've been telling people I'll be 47. The morning of my birthday I had to stop a moment and do the math and discover I'm actually 46. I feel like I just received a whole year back for a birthday gift!

I'm grateful for the cards I received in the mail. It's nice to be remembered. Some books and magazines were sent in which keeps me connected to current events. By the time I finish reading them there is always a line of guys who want to read them next. Afterward I'll take them to the library so they can be checked out by others.

Sometimes magazines are used to "hustle" for commissary goods (noodles, candy etc...), but I don't do this. It's strictly forbidden by the rules and a "ticket" can be issued if a person is caught trading. I don't condemn the guys that do so because 20-30% do not have any money at all and it it is the only way they can make any. The most valued are sports, National Geographic, work out or Men's Health, cars and the "gold standard" are any skin mags (Maxim, Playboy, etc..).

Receiving a little birthday cash on my personal funds account allowed me to stock up on some toiletries for the next 3 months. A new pair of running sneakers to replace my 18 month old torn ones. But even my torn shoes and broken shower shoes are needed by someone who has nothing. Clothes and shoes are stitched and taped together and passed down from one person to another until they're only scraps left. Clothes, t-shirts and towels that become scrap are stilled used as cleaning rags. Nothing is wasted, it's like living in a third world country.

I bought a few snacks, a coca-cola and enough chili, cheese, noodles and tortilla shells to feed 7 men with a big birthday meal to celebrate.

When people said, "happy birthday", I asked if they would try not to cuss all day, and that would be a great gift to me. About 10 minutes into my day and I was jumped from behind and put into a bear-hug. The first words out of my mouth were, "OH SH__!". So much for keeping my own birthday wish...

Turns out, it was a birthday "beat down", like we did in the Marines (I knew I'd regret telling that to someone), and I wasn't really "being jumped" as my first thought was. We all had a pretty good laugh about that.


William D. Linley


Replies (9) Replies feed

CplSmith Posted 13 years, 6 months ago. ✓ Mailed 13 years, 6 months ago   Favorite
Sgt Linley,

This site allows for users to transcribe the letters so they can be searched via the internet. Some of the guys accidentally put their comments in one of the transcriptions. I'm updating the transcription of your bio and moving those comments here so you'll receive them.

Cpl Smith

CplSmith Posted 13 years, 6 months ago. ✓ Mailed 13 years, 6 months ago   Favorite
William Linley,

My name is Woodrow Nesbit (you knew me as lcpl Nesbit. You are in my prayers. I knew you as a good Marine. I complimented you to the guys from 2/8 com. I want you to know that you are in my prayers. I am glad that you found peace in Christ. I became a Minister about 12 years ago, and began Pastoring 7 years ago. I will keep you in my prayers. I will write you in the near future. May God keep you.

CplSmith Posted 13 years, 6 months ago. ✓ Mailed 13 years, 6 months ago   Favorite
Hello Sgt Linley,

This is Lcpl James. Despite your current situation, it is great to hear that you are ok! Unlike the majority of 2/8 Comm., I stayed in the Corps. I made a lat move to the air wing and worked on Harriers(AV8B) for another eleven years. Go figure huh?! During my travels throughout the Corps, I was lucky enough to see SSgt Vershay (the wire cheif) retire at Cherry Point and SSgt Pegion (Radio SNCOIC) retire from MCAS Yuma. The rest of the group(whoever stayed in) I would only see in my travels around the world. I performed 15 years of Honorable service, being a SSGT is not what its cracked up to be. (That's another story for another e-mail)

I am currently a civilian flight engineer working on Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) for the Army. The Army is the Army, that's all I can say about that. Although I am not wearing the uniform any longer, I have come to the conclusion that the Army is mentally screwed up.(hahahaha!) I don't think that they have any type of honor, courage or commitment to themselves or the Army. I constantly find myself quoteing the discussions you had with me about "TACT" ( James, Tact is being able to tell someone to go to hell and have them look forward to the trip!) and being responsibl for what I say to someone (James, your words are like bullets, once the trigger is pulled, you can't get the round back!) Those are just a couple of the counseling sessions I referred back on when counseling my jr. troops, and passings on my great wisdom to the misguided children of the Army.

You continue to walk in GODs' blessing and be Strong,

"The race is not won by who runs the fastest but who can endure." - Jesus Christ

Sgt Benjamin James (Ret.)

CplSmith Posted 13 years, 6 months ago. ✓ Mailed 13 years, 6 months ago   Favorite
Sgt Linley-

This is Pendley! MacDougal called me "Fang." I did the best Top Frampton impression of anyone in the platoon. Quintero and I were best friends. (In fact we just talked to each other recently for the first time in over 20 years!! WOW!!) You and I have swapped some stories while PM'ing crypto gear, burned some boot leather with Fox Company and shared some warm whiskey with Italian Marines in the middle of Turkey. (That was not a night to remember; that was a night to FORGET! HaHaHa!) You taught me that the essence of being the BEST field radio operator was being, among other things, a professional. I still carry a pen with me everywhere I go. (Ask around! Ha!)

If you only knew the chatter you have recently stirred up! On the web, in our daily "reunion" conversations...and in our hearts. We are cheering for you and praying with you, David. Of ALL the leaders I served under in my mere 4 years of honorable service, you stand out among many. You talked the talk and you walked the walk. Many leaders struggle with walking that fine line between being a mentor and a friend. You did not. We always knew we could count on you if we needed an ear or a word of advice. And we also experienced the joy and privilege of "beating our faces" when we didn't toe the line! I know you're just a man, Sergeant Linley. I know you have struggles and faults and thorns in your flesh that you agonize over just like all of us. But you are, in my estimation, a "good" man. And I want you know that you have a brotherhood of (not so young anymore) Marines, who believe in you. And we want to help you and encourage you in any way we can.

You can do this. I am really, VERY sorry that we did not know of your situation until just now. I have thought many times in just the last few weeks how awful these last few years must have been for you. I didn't know!! But by God's grace, we know now. And by that same grace we will help you hump this last stretch...however long or short it may be. I will save some for later...but I wanted to tell you that I have often remembered your leadership. And I am a better person because of it. More later...!!

Blesings, Sergeant Linley!
"This, too...shall pass!"

John Pendley
2/8 Comm 88-90

CplSmith Posted 13 years, 6 months ago. ✓ Mailed 13 years, 6 months ago   Favorite
Sgt Linley

This is Eric Quintero funny that I should follow John's log. Like he mentioned in his log we were best friends while we were togeather in 2/8. I was a skinny mexican/filipino LCpl that by my own admission was pretty average. You may not know it but I really admired you while we were in 2/8 togeather. You were a sharp contrast in leadership compared to MacDougall and Frampton. From you I learned that leadership should come from inspiration, not intimidation. You remained in control and inspired us to follow you through your professionalisim and techinacal proficency. No one wants to follow someone who is a bully, or stupid. You were neither. My memories of you were that of competency and compassion. I remember one particular situation that you handled that stays with me to this day, maybe you will remember. Location: Rifle Range Stone Bay. It was rifle qualification time for comm plt and we (approximately 20 of us, of which you were the senior Marine) found ourselves at the target shed attempting to get targets for the next day. There was a Cpl that was in charge of the target shed and he was a lazy piece of s!@#! He would not give you what was required for the following days shoot, he was belligerent, and quite honestly insubordinate. You could have easily just asserted your rank over him and made that situation a non-issue, instead I recall you pulling that Cpl aside and in a private setting resolved the issue allowing that Cpl who really didn't deserve it to keep his dignity in tact. Realizing that he was an NCO and all of your Marines were LCpl or below you allowed him to correct himself and maintain his status. In the end everyone won. It took extra effort on your part and really flew in the face of conventional Marine wisdom but it worked. When I thought about it afterward I thought about all the inter-personal skills that it took to do that, and I was impressed. I wanted to be able to have that kind of infulence over people. To be able win over someone through intelligence, common sense and compassion. I remember that day well, maybe you do too.

I remember your stories of Beirut. Told not in a fashion to garner favor or applause but of sobriety and mourning. Powerful stories that resonated with me the feelings of man that had been there and remebered what was important about that experience. The loss of his fellow Marines! Sgt Linley I know so much has happened to you in the last couple of decades but please remember the lives you influenced in that short time you were with 2/8. You were definelty one of the few, the proud, you are a Marine!

Stay strong and know that there are many of us out here that are thinking of you and wanting you to succeed above all else! Take care!

LCpl Eric Quintero
Comm Plt 2/8

phxfinn Posted 13 years, 6 months ago. ✓ Mailed 13 years, 5 months ago   Favorite
All these years I figured prison life was more like the movies. An empty cell, nothing to do. A few books from the library and working out... and of course spending your days hoping not to get jumped (I guess that was accurate). But here you're telling me you can buy food and receive magazine subscriptions! Had I known, you would've had half a dozen magazines sent to you already! Since I began couponing I keep finding all these free magazine subscriptions. Well, I'll see what I can do about sending you some. Can't help you on the Playboy though, LOL! But the Men's Health I come across free subscriptions every so often- and if you won't get "jumped" by receiving women's magazines, I can send them too (I find more of those for free). So I'll sign you up for what I can when I come across them. How does it work with the toiletries? I assume you aren't allowed to receive sample sized items? I come across samples free from the companies all the time. Please let me know what you are and are not allowed to receive. Are you allowed to receive clothing or anything? Once, I naively sent you some stamps thinking it would help make mailing easier, but they sent the letter back saying it was not allowed. I also had no idea you could keep photo albums (again the movies seem to show a few pictures taped to a wall). Thank you for the card. I'll try to write again soon.

LcplTurner Posted 13 years, 5 months ago. ✓ Mailed 13 years, 5 months ago   Favorite
Hello David, I have been meaning to stop by the prison to leave a package or just get a chance to see you. I have been very busy at work and hopefully I can get that way this week end and surprise you if not at least leave some money. I do no want to get your hopes up because I do not exactly know how far this place is from my son's house. I am glad that you are using writing as an outlet to remain sane and stay attached to the outside world. Well I will write again soon and lets hope I get a chance to visit this weekend. Semper FI

LcplTurner Posted 13 years, 5 months ago. ✓ Mailed 13 years, 5 months ago   Favorite
David I was going to be in the area today and wanted to stop by but I had not been added to the visitors roster. I gave all of my information to the authorities there to give to you so I can be added to the list. I also sent some money to help out until I get there. Take care and keep your head up, we care and love you. Albert Turner.....Devil Dog

phxfinn Posted 13 years, 5 months ago. ✓ Mailed 13 years, 5 months ago   Favorite
I got your letter today... I was thinking more gardening magazines than Redbook. I totally understand some of those magazines are off-limits. I'll write again soon.

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