Jan. 15, 2014

Redemption, Ltr. 41

From Redemption by Ray Jones (author's profile)


Redemption, Ltr. 41

How can I respect anybody on Twitter, posting their everyday idiotic ideas or things they do, to want to follow such downright garbage, which isn't about nothing, because alot of celebrities don't know nothing about anything, but want people to follow them on some social media sites, to believe in some racist ideology they were brainwashed into believing. And then you got idiots with reality shows entertaining the confused population to think they live fairytale lifestyles in performing for the cameras, and since there are only a few places where large quantities of life-giving and lifesaving information is available to the majority of black people, we now are finding that most black people rely heavily and almost exclusively on mass media, television, radio, newspaper, magazines and each other, because one thing stolen from original people during slavery was our language, and out native language contained very sophisticated knowledge that our people possess about our land, our ecosystem, our animals, our plants, how we survived, how we adapted and to switch over to another language, alot of our knowledge will simply be lost and forgotten, unless my people keep our heads up, in not forgetting the rest of our history and culture, as we tried to please the racist system in wanting to be treated equal, which is never going to happen. If my people can't find their way out of the dark, as some black people disembody themselves from our culture, only to identify with another culture, we have learned a new foreign language, because language is crucial to identity and culture, mostly used by blacks in Amerikkka is almost 100% black english, as the europeans used to hate and ridicule us blacks not pronouncing english worlds correct. They tormented us blacks into thinking we were incapable of speaking, or writing in english, most blacks recognise and understand the use of both languages, when associating with our people and our oppressors, and have adapted our speech accordingly, because just like other cultures, the way us black people communicate within our community is legitimate, and more importantly, a black thang... But once we move in and out of other communities, we will be more effective if we speak their languages, because language has been a major tool that whites have used to deny us blacks entrance into corporate Amerikkka, because we are the innovators and creators of a new black slang, that can mean different things and have different meaning, that are now being considered and printed in dictionaries...


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