March 12, 2014

It's Not Easy To Go To Hell

by Gary Field (author's profile)


1-3 :) It's not easy
to "go to hell".

Well it's not easy to "Go to hell".
There are roadblocks all along the way-
You have to get around Emmanuel
So many times before there's Hell to pay.

First you have to stumble at The Word
And a way to get around the blood-
You have to "disbelieve" once you've heard.
Get off the path and step into the mud.

That will lead you into that broad road,
The one that only leads to destruction-
And you have to choose to carry the load
Of those who won't heed His Destruction.

You have to close your eyes to the Cross,
Upon which His Great Sacrifice was made-
You have to skip the gift and take the loss
Although the price was already paid.

Then you have to disregard His mercy
And overlook His Amazing Grace-
By now you're heading for catastrophe
And He's begun to hide His face.

You must "Turn Off" the lamp unto your foot
Turn out the light there to guide your path-
Then you'd be getting closer to the heat;
With every step- you'd risk His wrath.

Then you'd have to fire your advocate
And dismiss your only mediator-
Once again, you have to assume the debt
And your foot's on the accelerator.

Picking up speed and heading downhill fast
And perhaps you'd have a snowball's chance-
But it won't be long till the die is cast
And you've lost your last chance at repentance.

You'll harden your heart to the point until,
Your very conscience has become seared-
By then you're so far out of God's will
That by the time the smoke has cleared...

You'd be given over to Satan's embrace.
God will have sent you a strong delusion-
And you've come out from under His Grace
So that the Truth seems a mere illusion.

By that time, the rocky road you're on
Will have become a slippery slope-
And at last you'd find all hope was gone.
You've about reached the end of your rope.

Take a minute- tie a knot and hold on tight
While there's time left to think about it.
Before He comes like a thief in the night,
Receive the Truth- don't you dare doubt it.

It's not easy to go to hell,
There are roadblocks all along the way-
Just take the hand of Emmanuel,
He's reaching out to you today.

Ro. 10:13

Gary Field

Century C.I.


Replies (1) Replies feed

dharip Posted 10 years, 10 months ago. ✓ Mailed 10 years, 6 months ago   Favorite
Thanks Gary for blogging - I enjoyed transcribing your post. Here's a little something back for you. Best Wishes, Hari.


Out of the night that covers me,
Black as the Pit from pole to pole,
I thank whatever gods may be
For my unconquerable soul.

In the fell clutch of circumstance
I have not winced nor cried aloud.
Under the bludgeonings of chance
My head is bloody, but unbowed.

Beyond this place of wrath and tears
Looms but the Horror of the shade,
And yet the menace of the years
Finds, and shall find, me unafraid.

It matters not how strait the gate,
How charged with punishments the scroll.
I am the master of my fate:
I am the captain of my soul.

William Ernest Henley

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