June 6, 2014

Comment Response

by Oliver E. Lister II (author's profile)
This post is in reply to comments on:  Comment Response thumbnail
Comment Response
(March 11, 2014)


Reply ID: bvbg

Amani (Peace)
Shalom Aleikhem (Peace be unto thee)

I, Car Michael, appreciate you transcribing my response for my recent post and I wold like your advice on how to liven up my blog page.

Also, what ways can I tell people to go find my blog who are not computer literate? I always give them the URL and http web address and as of recent, told them to google it. Also, how much actual space do I have to post writings, drawings, pics, etc.? Alos, what other social networks can I use that are cost-effective and effective to stay connected to loved ones and meet new people? Also, are free blog sites available? I have a komrade or more who is in need of one.

Earth Day is 05-05-14, "Big 35".

Oliver Lister III


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