June 11, 2014

Hello World! (3/21/2014)

by William D. Linley (David) (author's profile)



Hello World!

Received copies of the last three or four postings by snail mail. Thanks for the feedback. It helps me to know this is still a useful way to connect with people. The time lag is frustrating being a "blog", but not much I can do. Thanks for your patience.

We had a round of fly outbreaks and this time I did not avoid it. I try to stay healthy, but when I'm standing in a hallway shoulder to shoulder with 50 people and the old guy (65+) next to me coughs right in my face...

Sorry for the delay.

As you can see I'm not doing well keeping up with my letters. I'd really like to go in depth on the "communism" question someone posed, but I know my letter would never get there.

The new job is going well. I actually look forward to going to work. Monday through Friday fly by each week. That's helpful since I have 6 years to go.

My hope for some relief in the courts took a hit this week. At the federal level "habeas corpus" petition was denied. They did a thorough review and worded it very carefully. They followed the "latter of the law", but it sure looks to me that "truth" and "justice" were given a backseat.

What I knew from the beginning was that if you're not rich, with a private lawyer, and not of the privileged class, you can easily be screwed.

My accusers were the police and the police union, and they set out from day one to bury me.

For 7 years, I've heard the same thing from day one. "You can't use PTSD as a defense. It's not recognized in Illinois. But of course, you're not insane."

Well, there is still the governor's clemency option.

Someone from Canada sent me a book of poetry. Thanks for such a kind blessing, whoever you are. D.B. is one of the most inspiring figures in history.

Finally, summer is here and we get to have an hour a day on the exercise yard. I miss three days because of my work schedule, but I am fortunate to get two days in the gym. I have a new radio after four years, so I get to listen to some music. Some things become second nature in prison. Like keeping only one earpiece in if you're alone and around people you don't know. Fortunately, living in the "workers" housing, there are very few threats.

I'll try not to let my letters fall behind. I guess I was hoping to share something super after the article was published. Oh well, at least I did end up a target of my backlash.

There is a spark of hope...

Until next time,


Replies (3) Replies feed

phxfinn Posted 10 years, 7 months ago. ✓ Mailed 10 years, 7 months ago   Favorite
Hello friends of David,
We have begun an email campaign to Governor Pat Quinn, who currently has on his desk David's Pardon - which is not yet signed! It literally takes one minute or less to complete and submit the form. If you have the time, please note something personal about David to land a bigger impact with the Governor's office. If you don't know what to write, see the Facebook page for examples. You can contact Governor Pat Quinn here with an online form. It does not matter if you are out of district, you can still submit it via the online form.


For more information and to keep up to date, please consider joining this group to help support David.


And David, I got in contact with a Marine Veteran who works with Constitutional Veterans of America and other Veterans Advocacy groups. He is presenting your story to the above mentioned state-wide meeting in 2 weeks to get awareness, and the need to contact the governor's office, moving! Take care.

bsiler Posted 10 years, 7 months ago. ✓ Mailed 10 years, 7 months ago   Favorite

I want you to know that we are working and supporting you with your clemency to the Governor. I reached out to Bill Bird (SGT. Bird) who is a writer for Leatherneck.com to see if we can get exposure for you.

Also we are working on a writing campaign to the Governors office and spreading the word through Facebook.com. You are not forgotten and will not be left to fight this battle alone. Can you provide someone we can contact at your reserve unit to help spread the word?

If there is a chance for us to testify for you we need to know so we can see who can show up. Please let me know.

You are in my thoughts and prayers

A.B Siler

phxfinn Posted 10 years, 7 months ago. ✓ Mailed 10 years, 6 months ago   Favorite
Hi David,
I got your letter today. I'm glad you feel so honored, you have a lot of people in your court! AB Siler has really put some effort forth trying to contact news resources. Your Campaign For Clemency Facebook page has 73 members and growing. Every person I've talked to thinks you deserve this pardon. Every. Single. One. My babysitter, my Realtor, even my dentist! They've all written Gov Quinn on your behalf. A military advocate I spoke with said Facebook, media, and bombarding the governor's office with pardon requests is exactly what we need to be doing. Let's hope 70+ letters thus far is enough to at least get Gov Quinn's attention, right? It's a start... I contacted the Senator for my area and requested a meeting. I was advised to call but there was a "request a meeting" page. After hitting submit I got a little nervous. A meeting with a Senator? I think I'm a little out of my expertise. But hey, it's worth a shot. And it will be quite the learning experience if I get a call to schedule a meeting.

I hope you received my letter (sent back for postage and resent again so it took a while). I included 2 recent TIME magazines and a printout of your Facebook page (the magazines have all been from my personal subscriptions so if those disappear before reaching you, it only cost me postage). Now I realized it's cheaper to buy you a subscription than mail them. So I got you ESPN. Let's hope they make it into your hands every month. And don'g forget to transfer them to your new address when you get out though! ;) If these don't reach you, let me know and I'll have to resort to sending you something less enticing to swipe, like Carpenter's Weekly or anything with the word "God" on the cover. Take care,

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