April 9, 2011

The Cultural Excellence and Achievement Sign-Up Blog

From Cultural Excellence & Achievement Blog by Ricky Scott


The Cultural Excellence And Achievement Sign-Up Blog
What This Is?
This is the world's first and only sign-up blog to tell stories that will help to build, organize and maintain 11 different and distinct cultural movements. These movements will inspire and motivate people in EACH culture to try to accomplish great and historic achievements by using the examples of everyday unacknowledged local cultural heroes.
My name is Ricky Scott. A couple of years ago, I had an epiphany. Instead of focusing on all the anger, hatred and vitriol around me, why not write about the positive examples of my family and friends, along with other peoples' family and friends. At that moment I decided to try to help start a movement to catalog local cultural inspirational people and stories to give others a sense of pride and self-esteem about the greatness of their own culture or nationality.

I am doing this because negativity is all around us. I feel that people don't know enough about this positive contributions of their own culture or nationality. Especially about the contributions that are positive and the examples that the everyday hard working men and women of their culture provide. This will be my small way of trying to pay society back for my own transgressions. If I can be the catalyst to help to bring some positivity into other people's lives, then this will be my way of trying to give back and make a positive mark on society.

If you believe in American, African American, Mexican, India, Canadian, Chinese, Japanese, British, French, German, or Russian excellence. Anyone
of them. Then that movement is for you! This is your chance to be a part of something patriotic and historic. This is also your chance to be a part of something much bigger than yourself. Each cultural movement will only grow larger. As people from around the world sign-up and each movement snowball into a cultural and historic landslide, this will be your chance to state that you helped ut it all together. You will be able to tell family and friends what it was like. How you became part of a historic and patriotic movement. If you want to be a part of a patriotic movement and gain a certain amount of status and distinction, then sign-up today and help build these movements.

1) Become a "Cultural Volunteer" for your own particular movement.
2) Help to build your specific culture's excellence and achievement movement by setting up social media pages, for example: Facebook, Myspace, Youtube, Twitter, and on other cultural social networks that will let people tell positive stories about their particular cultures. The goal is to make each pages, account or channel a place for positive reinforcement of their cultures. Allow people to contribute and to talk about all the positive aspects of their cultures. I only ask that you use as the logo for each page, account, or channel, the logo from that culture's stories along with the corresponding name. (More about the stores later)
3) Recruit others from around the world to help build and maintain your movement, by having them contribute to your particular project or ask them to make ones of their own. The key is to spread the word about this movement any way possible. This will be the Climate Crossroads Movement.
4) Go to your particular culture's stores and do 2 things:
- cut and paste the logo of the cultures and use it for each and every page and project
- support your culture's movement by buying merchandise and apparel from the stores. They are called "Cultural Luxury Merchandise and Branded Apparel." Please tell your family and friends about the stores. Represent your culture's movement by buying and wearing the unique and new fashions. post pictures of yourself and others wearing the apparel on this blog. Here are the addresses and names of each culture:
Store Address --------------- ----------Movement Names
www.cafepress.com/GreatTigerPower - Great Tiger Power Network Movement (people from Inia)
www.cafepress.com/DragonAigoFa - DragonAigoFa Network Movement (people from China)
www.cafepress.com/BeautifulJapan - BeautifulJapanPower Network Movement
www.cafepress.com/GreatCanadianPower GreatcanadianPower Network Movement
www.cafepress.com/AmericanPower - American Power Network Movement
www.cafepress.com/BlackPowerEx - Black Power Network Movement
www.cafepress.com/MexicanPowerEx - Mexican Power Network Movement
www.cafepress.com/GreatBritishPower - Great British Power Network Movement
www.cafepress.com/French Power - French Power Network Movement
www.cafepress.com/German power - German Power Network Movement
www.cafepress.com/RussianPower - Russian Power Network Movement

Please use the movement names along with this movement logo from each www.cafepress.com/aby
in anything that you do for any movement.

5) After you do anything that has to do with your particular movement, com back to this blog and post it so that everyone can see it and there will be a complete record of everybody's contribution. Also post any new ideas that you might have.
Our goal is to start, build, organize, and maintain 11 distinct global movements that will highlight, record, and celebrate each culture's examples of achievement and excellence. If you become a "Cultural Volunteer" please that you will spread the word about your own culture's store and help to sell 1 million dollars worth of our Cultural Luxury Branded Merchandise and Apparel" so that we may build local community website for each culture in every country around the world. Be a mover and shaker in your community and culture. Be a part of a truly unique movement and opportunity. Get started today. Spread the word, visit your stores and let's make history together.
Once a month, I'll update everyone on how each movement is doing, and I'll write about an inspirational story from one of the cultures.
Good luck, and may you help build and be a party of a great and historic movement.


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