Redemption, LTR. 93
If us black people is gonna get anywhere in this racist Amerikkka, we have got to educate ourselves with the truth, because "Long Live John Afrika" the founder of the MOVE organization, as all the members of the MOVE family take the same surname, at first "Life" then "Afrika!, and all share the same age, one... The MOVE organization helped the community by assisting drunks, addicts, and gang problems of the community, as many MOVE members had their lives straightened out through following the guidelines of John Afrika, because drugs were in the black community for a long endless time, but never had any drug rehabilitation programs until it got into the white community, and "the powers-that-be" would give you drugs to control you... MOVE women are expected not only to bear many children, but to give birth naturally, and there would be no birth control practiced, no obstetricians, no gynecologists, no abortions... MOVE children should grow up completely free of the "addictions" of the "system lifestyle", because their food should consist solely of natural food, fruits, & vegetables, as they will grow up without ever being contaminated by the taste of meat & fish, so they can be pure and unaddicted to such poisons... The MOVE lifestyle should be everything the hip-hop movement should be, commanding all males & females alike to grow their hair to its fullest "natural" length in thick, unwashed dreadlocks in the style of the West Indian rastafarian sect... It encourages one & all to eschew meat, become vegetarian, dress alike, and chew garlic for its natural medicinal purposes... There will be frequent meeting at which John Afrika would teach his followers the "wisdom of mama" as MOVE members is a peaceful organization until the system, decided to creat trouble, by harrassing & beating up MOVE people, as everytime they protested, they were beaten, bludgeoned, kicked, stomped, babies killed, rifle butts upside they heads, until finally MOVE decided they werent taking anymore, and they were going to fight back against the system... "The confrontation" on Aug-8-1978 & May-13-1985, a force of what would go down in history, as the biggest assault by 500 hundred or more police & fire dept., would place baricades & try evicting MOVE members out they houses on several different occassions, as MOVE fought on May-13-1985, the fire, which had begun with a bomb dropped from a helicopter onto one row house, burning down other row houses, being ignored by the police, that launched the illegal killing of MOVE members in Philadelphia...
Redemption, LTR. 94
I would like to thank everybody, for being there in supporting what I'm doing, that has either sent me J-pays or text messages thru this between the bars.organization... I also would like to thank the staff-people at between the bars.org for posting up my redemption letters, so that everybody can educate themselves with the truth, about our black hip-hop movement being under attack, because us blacks come from many civilizations that we need not be ashamed, we are not a inferior race, but we is a misguided race, miseducated & misinformed about our true history & culture, which gives us the inferiority complex forced upon us by our oppressors... The black race has one of the richest heritages in history, because us black aboriginals can be found all over the world in documents of neglected history not being researched about the master achievements of the afrikan negro people that have built civilizations all over the planet... The racism & discrimination is nothing new to us, because even when Colombus found that Amerikkka was inhabited & discovered by blacks on his arrival to this western hemisphere, that he also found blacks living in South Amerikkka, they told him that their ancestors came here from the South East (Afrika) and carried some of us blacks back to Spain with some Indians and represented us blacks to the court of the King & Queen of Spain... The teaching of how to grow crops, such as sweet potatoes, peanuts, corn, and tobacco were brought from Afrika & Asia by the black aboriginals who taught the Indians how to cultivate them... It was us black aboriginals who discovered Amerikkka before Colombus, but the spainard europeans being eager for honor, kept it a secret, and went all over the planet destroying Afrikan history found in ancient civilization after ancient civilization... The ancient ruins in all these countrys, the maya civilization, the pyramids of Mexico, ruins in India, etc... Are akk identically the same as our civilization in Egypt... The monuments & hieroglyphs prove that us blacks with negro features thick lips & flat noses, was teachers of the world, and these monuments are not slave monuments, they do not erect monuments to slaves, or paint hieroglyphs of slaves as rulers... Ancient egyptians were Afrikan negros, as the powers-that-be want our customs to be claimed by another race, as we got facts to prove they were Afrikan blacks... We came from ethopians & building the first world's greatest empire, that was of a black race...
Redemption, LTR. 95 "Juicy" - by Notorious B.I.G
I would like everybody reading my redemption letters to tell all your friends & family, especially black, to stop talking all that bullcrap church nonsense, and educate yourselves about what's really going on?, so people can know the truth about us poor righteous teachaz in our hip-hip culture, is here to takeover the world, in being on the frontlines of this war, with our blackness of being the most innovative people in history about how us black aboriginals have trekked all over the globe, building ancient civilization after ancient civilization, by continuing to strive at being the greatest, that have taught the world of our existence, leaving behind statues not built by no aliens, to show that us black aboriginal people are the ones... It is said that, "The lost city of Atlantis", was built by the ancient egyptians before it went undersea, as all civilizations derive from ancient Egypt, that spreaded out to Asia, and then to Amerikkka, as us black aboriginals spreaded to other parts of the world, leaving behind customs we innovated, such as the influence of mummification implying our burial with jade, pearls, gold, & jewels inside our tombs, that is a firm belief to preserve the body from putrefaction... We have been the most oppressed race all over the globe because of our blackness, because we are the poor righteous teachaz looking to educate our people to know our true identitys being destroyed, so that can't no other races give credit to aliens & not us blacks for teaching them the mathematics, because every ancient civilization was built by us Afrikan blacks, & have some resemblance of our ancient Egypt, to Indochina, India, Polynesia, Cambodia, Malaysia, Melanesia, Australia, and finally Amerika... I don't believe in the racist Bible, that ignores my people existence, as you got alot of brainwashed older black people, scared of the truth, who think that us blacks should believe in the church, (a foreign religion that isn't ours) is gonna stop the mass-genocide of our people, that is being modern day lenched in the streets & mass incarcerated... People can kill the thought that we will one day be treated equal, as we have been killed more than the Jews, and it is important for everybody black, to know where we have been, in order to know where we is going, because anybody who don't care about our black struggle, is a lost zombie...
Hate religion
Redemption, LTR. 96
We have been forced to forget our history & culture, so that we could be easily misguided & brainwashed by another race religion, into believing everything we been doing is backwards, as us blacks is the most innovative people on this planet, because history will show the truth, of how religious missionaries is the biggest gangs in the world, that went in country after country to force the natives to follow their religion or die, their power was unchecked, their influence on our lives was pervasive, they instituted taxes, cheated our people out of our lands and imposed harsh penaltys for the most minor offenses, all the while preaching religious charity, meekness, and forgiveness... It became a joke, to tell us their responsibility is to educate us black Amerikkkans that they are better than us, so that we bow-down praying to their foreign gods, and to forget our Afrikan roots... As you still witness today, how black people continue to worship a slave-induced religion that has kept my people in the dark, in not walking with our heads up proud about our history & culture, in allowing our oppressors to steal everything we birthed, to exploit & profit off our ignorance, as this racist society views all us poor righteous teachaz as threats to their dictatorship, who risk going to jail, being killed by law enforcement, & blocked from speaking out against the system... You got black, Indian, & Asian people all over the world, that was told they would not be accepted in european society unless they stop behaving as who we are, and marrying into their group by lighting their black skin color, that proves all the natives of different countrys was black, and us black aboriginals is always under attack, because we was the first to put it down on the scene, because too many times they viewed us blacks, Indians, & Asians as backward & were constantly critical of our lifestyles, as their cultural heritage was strongly colored by european views, dominated by their religious system to force upon us a racist system, associating their way of life with virtue & godliness, as most europeans regarded anyone who did not accept & adhere to these concepts, was told they was inferior... It's krazy how people learn the truth but forget, that all us black people all over world have innovated numerous things, in uplifting our people to embrace our own culture...
White rappaz
Redemption, LTR. 97
Isn't it funny?, that you don't never see or hear any white rappaz talking about how us blacks get messed over by the system, because they is not fully aware or don't care about us blacks getting modern-day lenched by the police, and they wanna embrace out hip-hop movement, but ignore what's going on, acting like they don't know nothing about our black struggle against all the racism & discrimination we encountered all over the world... It astonishes me, that everybody wanna be down with us rapping, but not down with the actual kause of our hip-hop movement, so that white people all over the world don't just stereotype us blacks as the scapegoats for everything messed up in the world, but instead these white rappaz could tell the truth about everything that's wrong with this racist system, on bringing attention to our hip-hop movement on some revolutionary type stuff, because it's all good for white rappaz to talk about what they experienced growing up in the hood or trailer park, and them embracing homosexuality, but none of these white rappaz ever saying abything about they black friends being harrassed or getting modern-day lenched by the racist law enforcement who targets us blacks more than they do any other race, as I feel it's a injustice to have our hip-hop culture stolen out our hands like rock-n-roll, so people can say hip-hop is Amerikkka's culture, where everybody is faking, shaking & perpetrating like they cool with us blacks, dressing like a hip-hopster with they pants sagging... I'm just a undaground rappa, speaking on the truth about the entire situation, that white rappaz can do everything us black rappaz do, but get more acknowledgement on doing something that wasn't always in the spotlight, because if everybody knew the truth of everything, there wouldn't be no swagga-jackaz in our hip-hop movement, not trying to speal on the racist conditions we're subjected to on a daily basis, and if I wasn't locked up in this dungeon, I would destroy ever rappa out, that isn't keeping it real about our hip-hop movement, and it don't matter if you black ir white, because I will permanently bury all sucka M.Cees, in making absolutely sure you & everybody that's down with you, never get to pick up the microphone ever again...
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