Nov. 19, 2015

Welcome to the Truth blog

by D.A. Robinson (author's profile)


Welcome to the Truth blog

First and formost I must thank our Lord
and sustainer, the Creator of all things for
blessing me with the faculties which permit me
to hear, see, feel, think and ponder. It is through
these gifts that were able to take what's in our
hearts and transform it into communicative
expressions that we can share with millions
who may be feeling and thinking the same thing.

Second I want to thank you! Thank you
for taking the chance on what I have to share
not being a complete waste of brain cells. I
only intend to open my pen to write what's
relevant, beneficial and truthful as well as give you
a glimpse inside the heart and mind of an
incarcerated man who refuses to be a prisoner.

I pray that you enjoy your time spent on
my page. Feel free to leave a comment or write
me at: D.A. Robinson # AF7903
Pelican Bay State Prison
P.O. Box 7500
Crescent City, CA 95531

Welcome to the truth, enjoy


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