Jan. 15, 2017

Hello Friends-1/4/17

by Gary Field (author's profile)


Gary Field
DC MO5398
Okeechobee C.I.
3420 NE 168 ST
Okeechobee, Fl. 34972


Hello Friends-

Thomas Paine once said something along the lines of "These are times which try men's souls..." Well, if the American Patriot could take a look at some of the events unfolding on the evening news and world report of today, he would probably have an anxiety attack."

Before I share the following poem which I've entitled "Signs of the Times," I'd like to highly recommend 2 books which were written from a completely different perspective, but rather then contradict, serve to emphasize the point being made by my poem "Signs of the Time."

One of three books, written from a completely secular point of view is "An American Prophecy,The Fourth Turning." What the cycles of history tells us about America's next rendezvous with destiny.It was written by William Strauss and Neil Howe, c.1997, Broadway Books, NY, a national bestseller which, in the words of USA Weekend, present "A startling vision of what cycles of history predict for the future." The other book is called "The Harbinger:The Ancient Mystery that holds the Secret of America's Future," by Jonathan Cahn. (Frontline Publisher/Charisma House Book Group, Lake Mary, Florida. (theharbingerbook.com). "The Harbinger" will present a view of world events from the perspective of an ancient biblical view, and yet dovetails seamlessly with secular/historical narrative personified in the "The Fourth Turning."

I would love to receive feedback,or comments from anyone (or 2's); not just on those 2 books, but also thoughts on the following poem, entitled, "The Signs of the Times."

By the Way, since I have no internet access, I have no way of responding to comments that may be posted to the "Between the Bars" site (l.o.l). There was a time when I would receive a notice when someone placed a comment. I haven't received one of these in over 2 years-but by faith I continue to make "posts" in the hopes that Isa 55:11 rings true.

Point being said, a special thanks to 2 new friends, one from Sanford, Fla., and one from Salisbury, NC, for encouraging me and helping to sustain the viability of the US postal service during this era of instant communication.

A note before closing as we begin this New Year, despite the storm clouds which may appear on the horizon-let us look ahead with hope, and be prepared to overcome whatever challenges we may face. If there was never any doubt, there would be no need for faith! Excelsior!(Latin), 'Upward and onward!'

Oh-a final, final note.
We got the name for the month of January from the Roman god "Janus". In art, Janus is usually depicted with 2 faces, one looking to the past, the other ahead to the future. He is also the god of gates and New Beginnings.

As far as names go, that's a perfect fit. It couldn't be more appropriate. Let's hope, that we've learned some things from the year gone by which we can apply in the year to come. Let us enter his gates with thanksgiving and pray all of our New Beginnings lead to Happy Endings.

And let's remember this-no matter what the call the month, it is a New Year of our Lord-A.D "Anno Domino". He is the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End. May He make his face to shine upon you all.

Your Friend-Gary

Signs of the Times

Each time we turn on the evening news,
Our stress levels can begin to rise-
As images of a world gone mad, abuse
Our sensibilities, and assault our eyes.

And yet, as in the days of Noah,
People just running to and from-
As punch drunk as Rocky Balbao,
Trying to shake off another blow.

If the "Signs of the Times" wore neon lights,
Perhaps then they would get our attention-
Or revelation reduced to sound bites,
Labeled "Time for an intervention."

Well we've got wars and rumors of wars,
And those earthquakes in divers places-
The devil roars while the world ignores,
The "Signs of the Times" flashed in our faces.

Yet some "Gospel of Prosperity"
Is what seems to be filling the pews-
And so many of us just refuse to see
That "Revelations" on the evening news.

Can we be so blind that we cannot see,
The handwriting is there on the wall-
And what's unfolding is prophecy,
"Let those who stand take heed lest they fall."

Well there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth,
On a day when it's least expected-
For those who chose the path of disbelief,
By whom the Word of Truth was rejected.

Now I know I'd be much more popular
If I wrote things people wanted to hear-
Or if I chose to hold a seminar,
With words catered to the itching ear.

But it's not me that's being rejected,
It's all plainly written there in the book-
The word of God is being neglected,
Perhaps it's time we all took another look.

Gary Field MO53398 Okeechobee C.I Okeechobee, Fl. 37972.


Replies (1) Replies feed

Mayall57 Posted 7 years, 11 months ago. ✓ Mailed 7 years, 11 months ago   Favorite
Thank you Gary for your poem "Signs of the Times". I will get around to transcribing it shortly. Steve

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