May 5th, 2018
Dear Governor Baker,
AND Senator Brownsberger;
I am writing this letter as a bi-partisan initiation in continuation of the OPEN LETTER CAMPAIGN in supporting Prison Reform and the opportunity to address important principles of justice, even-though many people don't care about prisoners' opinions. But I keep my hope alive that somehow legislative action will authorize pilot programs for the entire prison system and, further, conduct a comprehensive evaluation of those programs to assist law enforcement, school departments, and community leaders on how to deal with crime prevention by creating contingency plans aimed at juvenile gangs who are operating in cities and towns.
The Department of Correction (DOC) for many years has had tunnel vision, either it's "BLACK or WHITE" without putting attention to the growing gray area. The only time that people look at the gray area is when there is a case of police being murdered, rape and murder or a drive-by shooting. The standard procedures need to be changed.
The D.O.C. is classifying gang members as "SECURITY THREAT GROUPS-STG", without really knowing their own turf and form of operation.. Within the prison subculture language those groups are named as Nations, Associates or Brotherhoods with different turn and by-laws. Over the years I was able to connect the names of STG in prison and STG groups in the street. I dedicated many hours, days and years to understanding this human phenomenon. I studied avenues to defuse gang activities. At one point I was doing college exchanges with Religious Humanities and I was taking classes on different factions from the Islamic Church. I was very curious indeed about their success in diffusing gang activities at the Housing Project in Chicago. My teacher was a Muslim from Lebanon and he was well-educated with a great knowledge of the Holy Koran. There was an indication that one of the religious groups was able to broke down a couple of the paragraphs of the Holy Koran and interpreted that "Struggle for Life" has another meaning of Martyrdom.
My main concern is with the strong possibility of religious fanatics or cults radicalizing gang members for the purpose of committing sabotage on government installations or participating on terrorist attacks in U.S. territories, while we are having civil unrest of racial disparities in America.
There were cases of comparison with other religious groups or cults that got trapped by fanatics' interpretation of the bible. We all learned from historical experience or cases like Jim Jones in Guayana how he was able to kill over a thousand of people or the situation of Waco Texas. Religious around the world have become a source of LOVE and POWER, while on the other hand fanatics among the 14 religious officially recognized religions of the world, for centuries have used religion for control and manipulation by killing people in the name of GOD.
For credibility purposes I am introducing (EXHIBIT-A) and my correspondence with Mr. Muller, as an act of good faith when America is in danger and how I reacted to the 9/11 attack. At that time the United States was dependent on Israel for Middle-East Intelligence and 9/11 caught them with the pants down. We can learn from the mistakes and work with the Program Proposal for STG and juvenile gangs in City's and Towns'.
It was easy for me to obtain certification, but I never knew how it would impact my personal life, when I was studying Protestantism and Catholicism. Religious education brought me to Native America diversity in comparison to Native Americans in Central and South America, including Natives from the Caribbeans. For credibility purposes I am also introducing letters from Bible Correspondence Schools (See Exhibit-B).
Governor Baker, Senator Brownsberger,
Again, based in good faith, I want you to know that at the present time, the traditional STG names have multiplied with other names, including those groups that belong to white people operating as STG in Cities and Towns. There are two main points for programming, the component that can lead to success and eventually would create a network of evidence-based programs designed to reduce recidivist and gang activities in the community.
1. The Department of Youth Services will create a Training Program for Staff and Inmates, like the one we had 33 years ago from the Director of Training Mass. Criminal Justice Counsel. This program would help inmates to talk to High School and College Students from the same county where the prison or county jail is located.
2. Juvenile gang members arrested for minor offenses or first time offenders, can participate in programs at the prison, but a different style of programs than the one that was designed for the school
This kind of program with STG members or former STG will be targeting the major criminagenic risk factor's correlated with criminal behaviour of juvenile gangs tht cost them the incarceration. This project will also include females prisoners who may volunteer to participate.
Juveniles Judges from each county can assess the cases of Juvenile Offenders with the DOC and County Jails for program recommendations similar to what Judge Thomas Quinn did in small Proportion with us back in 1979 - and 1980 at MCI-WALPOLE.
When Judge Quinn dies, we never had another program like that. The closer we got again was with the Boston Police Department "Community Disorders Unit" that began to bring youth offenders into the prison and Sgt. TiTo Whittington was dealing with a Juvenile Judge to avoid major incarceration for members that he arrested for involvement with drugs. At that time (2002-2004), there were two boot camps in operation, one in Plymouth and the other in Bridgewater. We were working with the one at Plymouth from Bay State Correctional Center. The Civil restraining at the boot camp was 4 or 6 months, including visiting our program at the prison. When Sgt. TiTo died, the program slowed down and the activities with the Boston Police Department were dissolved.
Back in 1989-1990 I was trying to obtain acceptance of Juvenile offenders into the National Guard or any other military service, but it was rejected (See Exhibit-C). Other ranking officers from the Army were saying that they considered all persons for enlistment into any of the U.S. Armed Services, the personnel in question were ineligible until such time as they have been released from all forms of civil restraint.
It is very important that you be aware that I was very close to having the program proposal being implemented back on 2008 when Mr. James R. Bender was a Deputy Commissioner. (See Exhibit-D). Unfortunately we don't have Judges like Thomas Quinn, Sgt. TiTo Whittington or Deputy Commissioner Bender anymore, but there are many people that are willing in good faith to work under the same progressive ideas.
STG in prison need to clear they name from the culture classification, create skills necessary to reduce the likelihood of future STG activities. - Please keep in mind that minorities are the majority of the entire prison population. I read the article "JUSTICE REFORM A GOP OPPORTUNITY", It was very interested indeed - (See Exhibit-E).
Respectfully yours,
Luis D. Perez W33937
Gardner, Mass. 01440
U.S. Department of Justice
Federal Bureau of Investigation
Washington, D.C. 20535
December 21, 2001
Mr. Luis D. Perez
Bay State Correctional Center
Post Office Box 73
Norfolk, MA 02056-0073
Dear Mr. Perez:
Thank you for your October 31st correspondence to Director Mueller offering to assist the FBI with regard to security issues after the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001. Unfortunately, due to the curtailment of mail services in Washington, D.C., it was just recently received. Your correspondence has been referred to the appropriate personnel.
I can certainly understand your desire to get involved and appreciate your willingness to help. However, thus far we have been meeting our needs with regard to this investigation. I want to assure you that the FBI is working around the clock to determine the full scope of these terrorist acts, to identify all of those involved in planning, executing, and assisting in the commission of these acts, and to bring those responsible to justice. In addition, Director Mueller is clear that the FBI's first priority is to prevent the occurrence of any additional terrorist acts. Please be assured that the FBI is committed to this effort.
Sincerely yours,
Nancy [blanked out]
Unit Chief
Office of Public and
Congressional Affairs
The Word to the World
ECS - Emmaus Correspondence School
ECS - Emmaus Prison Ministry
ECS - International Ministry
ECS - Publications
December 8, 2016
Luis Perez
PO Box 466
Gardner, MA 01440
Dear Luis:
In his thank-you letter to the Philippians, the apostle Paul talked about his spiritual goals. He said, "I keep working toward that day when I will finally be all that Christ Jesus saved me for and wants me to be" (Philippians 3:12 NLT). His desire was to continue to follow Christ so that Christ's purpose for him would be fulfilled in his life. Paul had already accomplished a great deal, but he was looking ahead and pressing toward another goal. His desire was to be found mature in Christ when at last he would be in His presence.
You have completed 96 units of study, which represents many hours of reading and studying God's Word. You have already reached some worthy goals - you have completed courses, passed exams, and gained new knowledge. Christ desires to continue to work in your life as you practice each day what you have learned. May your life continue to bear fruit until that day when you stand before Him. May your desire be that of the apostle's - to continue to press on to know more of Him and His Word to be found complete in Him at last.
We enthusiastically congratulate you on your outstanding achievement of completing Emmaus Correspondence School courses with a value of 96 units. "Continue in the things which you have learned and been assured of" (2 Timothy 3:14).
Warmly in Christ,
Terry Wilson, Director
ECS Ministries
PO Box 1028, Dubuque, IA 52004-1028
Ph: 563-585-2070 Email: Web:
Universal Life Church
601 THIRD STREET, MODESTO, CA 95351 Ph(209) 527-8111 Fax(209) 527-8116
October 13th, 2016
This is to verify that Minister Luis Perez, PO Box 466, Gardner, MA 01440, upon acceptance of the tenets and precepts of the Church was duly ordained as a Minister of UNIVERSAL LIFE CHURCH, a non-profit religious organization that is engaged in carrying on it's teachings in the State of Massachusetts.
Minister Perez was ordained into the ministry on February 4th, 1992. Minister Cox is a minister in good standing with the Church and has authority to perform all Sacerdotal duties of the Ministry including the marriage rite.
Since becoming a Minister of Universal Life Church, Minister Perez has completed the course study of Doctor of Religious Humanities on February 4th, 1992, Doctor of Immortality on August 9th, 2016 and Doctor of Universal Life on August 31st, 2016. All Universal Life Church courses are accredited by the International Accrediting Assoc. as religious courses.
Andre Hensley
WASHINGTON, DC. 20310-0300
March 22, 1989
Directorate of Military
Personnel Management
Mr. Luis Perez
Republican Presidential Task Force
Gardner Chapter 1010952
P.O. Box 466
Gardner, Massachusetts 01440
Dear Mr. Perez:
Thank you for your letter proposing a Juvenile Drafting Program.
The United States Army has an important mission. That mission is to support and defend the Constitution of the United States. In order to meet this mission, the Army must dedicate every dollar, every soldier, and every day towards training for war. A program such as the one proposed in your letter would detract from the Army's ability to train as it would like to.
The American public demands and deserves a high quality Army that is, as well, cost efficient. The costs associated with selecting, classifying, training, and equipping new recruits is extremely high. As a result, the high level enlistment requirements placed upon applicants for enlistment helps the Army to produce a high quality and cost efficient force. Studies conducted for the Army have verified that young men and women of the backgrounds mentioned in your letter would be less likely to complete their terms of enlistment. Therefore, it is important that the Army minimize the enlistment of applicants who have the potential to fail to complete their terms of enlistment.
As long as the US Army can continue to meet its recruiting and retention goals under the present system, it will continue to do so. Furthermore, it is felt that existing programs such as those mentioned in your letter are adequately designed and funded to meet the demands of those in need of them.
Again, thank you for your interests in helping America and its youth.
JAMES S. [blanked out]
Colonel, General Staff
Chief, Enlisted Accessions
The Commonwealth of Massachusetts
Executive Office of Public Safety and Security
Department of Correction
50 Maple Street, Suite 3
Milford, Massachusetts 01757
Tel: (508) 422-3300
Deval L. Patrick
Timothy P. Murray
Lieutenant Governor
Kevin M. Burke
Harold W. Clarke
James R. Bender
Ronald T. Duval
Veronica M. Madden
Deputy Commissioners
September 22, 2008
Luis Perez W33937
North Central Correctional Institution
P.O. Box 466
Gardner, MA 01440
Dear Mr. Perez:
I am writing in response to your September 11, 2008 letter concerning your proposal for Security Threat Groups cultural programs.
Please be advised that I am forwarding your letter and proposal to Veronica Madden, Deputy Commissioner of Classification, Programs and Reentry for her review and for her files.
James R. Bender
Deputy Commissioner
Prison Division
cc: Veronica Madden, Deputy Commissioner
Gary Roden, Superintendent, NCCI
Inmate folder
Deputy Commissioner Madden is in charge of all programs with the DOC
The Commonwealth of Massachusetts
Executive Office of Public Safety and Security
Department of Correction
North Central Correctional Institution
500 Colony Road
P.O. Box 466
Gardner, MA 01440
(978) 630-6000, Fax (978) 630-6040
Deval L. Patrick
Timothy P. Murray
Lt. Governor
Kevin M. Burke
Harold W. Clarke
James R. Bender
Ronald T. Duval
Veronica M. Madden
Deputy Commissioners
Gary Roden
July 15, 2008
Luis Perez W-33937
North Central Correctional Institution
500 Colony Road
P.O. Box 466
Gardner, MA 01440
Dear Mr. Perez:
Your correspondence to Commissioner Clarke regarding the D.O.C. Operations and the manner to address all of the problems that exist with the population and racial conflicts has been referred to me for a response. In your letter you state the following:
"Also, it's important that you know that when the culture program was removed the gangs took over and over the last 13 years the problems have spread to our communities, while Superintendents and deputies have hidden under the table and have dedicated themselves to create regulations without any knowledge in the correction field. They need to come up with innovated ideas that will address the problems".
I believe this issue was already addressed in a letter dated October 25, 2007 by Christopher Mitchell which states the following:
"Please be advised that an STG program is currently under development by the Department. This program will be designed to change inmate behaviour by targeting risk factors, the STG mindset, criminal thinking, and other key elements of underlying STG involvement. A goal of the program will be to reduce STG involvement and affiliation. Two vendor contract positions are being dedicated to facilitate this program. I urge you patience as the Department works towards implementing this initiative".
I, also, believe comments similar to what is in your letter, "It is for this reason that your administration could not adapt to new ideas and projects. The tunnel vision does not allow them to see around them. You can not draw water from a rock, the majority of the prisoners arrive at Concord with doubts "Victim fees" - "Court fees" - "Lawyers fees" and "Drug assessments". All these things when there no sufficient money due to the prices in the canteen, not enough jobs, no vocational jobs etc. etc. Most of the money budgeted towards the D.O.C. goes towards your employees".
Your similar concerns expressed were previously addressed by then Acting Commissioner Bender on October 3, 2007, as follows:
"While your comments and reflections are appreciated, please do not misconstrue my response as an endorsement of your ideas. I do, however, encourage you to submit your proposal for the curtailment of Security Threat Group activity to the Superintendent at North Central Correctional Institution".
I trust this addresses your concerns.
Gary Roden
cc: Harold W. Clarke, Commissioner
The Commonwealth of Massachusetts
Executive Office of Public Safety and Security
Department of Correction
North Central Correctional Institution
500 Colony Road
P.O. Box 466
Gardner, MA 01440
(978) 630-6000, Fax (978) 630-6040
Deval L. Patrick
Timothy P. Murray
Lt. Governor
Kevin M. Burke
Harold W. Clarke
James R. Bender
Ronald T. Duval
Veronica M. Madden
Deputy Commissioners
Gary Roden
September 30, 2008
Luis Perez W-33937
North Central Correctional Institution
500 Colony Road
P.O. Box 466
Gardner, MA 01440
Dear Mr. Perez:
Please be advised that your September 11, 2008, letter to Commissioner Harold Clarke and Deputy Commissioner James Bender regarding a program proposal for North Central Correctional Institution (NCCI) has been referred to me for reply.
While your intentions in requesting a cultural/STG group program at NCCI are appreciated, we have no plans to pursue offering this program at this facility. With regard to Project Wake-Up, this program remains a part of NCCI's offerings. We cannot, however, eliminate the challenges faced by outside groups in their ability to take advantage of this program. We remain ready and willing to provide the Project Wake-Up program to those schools/groups capable of attending.
I trust this addresses your concerns.
Gary Roden
cc: Harold W. Clarke, Commissioner
James Bender, Deputy Commissioner/Prison Division
Raymond Marchilli, Deputy Superintendent/Treatment and Programs
Anita Collins, Director of Treatment
Six-Part Folder
The Commonwealth of Massachusetts
Executive Office of Public Safety
Department of Correction
Program Services Division
P.O. Box 351
Framingham, MA 01704
(508) 620-6437, Fax (508) 620-7099
Mitt Romney
Kerry Healey
Lieutenant Governor
Edward A. Flynn
Kathleen M. Dennehy
James R. Bender
Deputy Commissioner
June 7, 2005
Luis Perez, W33937
Bay State Correctional Center
PO Box 73
Norfolk, MA 02056
Dear Mr. Perez,
Your correspondence to Commissioner Kathleen M. Dennehy, dated April 22, 2005, regarding the transferring of STG members to BSCC for participation in the CRA program, and follow up letter dated May 16, 2005, urging the establishment of a pilot CRA program for STG members at BSCC, have been referred to me for reply.
Please be advised that the Massachusetts Department of Correction follows a system by which the security and program needs of each individual in the Department's custody is determined. These needs are regularly assessed and monitored. This system is governed by 103 CMR 420, Classification. In addition, as per 103 DOC 514, Security Threat Group Management, the classification of all inmates identified as members of a STG is determined pursuant to 103 CMR 420, Classification.
As you know, the Department has recently established a permanent CRA program at Bay State Correctional Center, with the first group of admissions occurring in May 2005. The eligibility criteria for the CRA program is a medium or high score on the Risk to Recidivate Assessment combined with a moderate or high score on the Needs Assessment. Therefore, any inmate that meets the eligibility criteria for the CRA program that transfers into Bay State Correctional Center is entitled to apply and enrol. Of course, enrolment into CRA program is voluntary.
I trust this response addresses your concerns.
Allison Hallett, Director
Program Service Division
cc: Kathleen Dennehy, Commissioner
Michael Corsini, Superintendent, Bay State Correctional Center
Al Dove, Director of Treatment/Classification, Bay State Correctional Center
One Ashburton Place Room 2133
Boston, Massachusetts 02108
(617) 727-7775
March 29, 2004
Luis D. Perez
Bay State Correctional Center
P.O. Box 73
Norfolk, MA 02056
Dear Mr. Perez:
On behalf of the Governor's Commission on Corrections Reform, I wish to thank you for your letter of February 9, 2004. The role of the Commission, as established by the Governor, is to examine systemic issues relating to the Department of Corrections and make recommendations for change. Your correspondence will be used to assist us in identifying trends and systemic problems.
Thank you for your letter.
Scott Harshbarger
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