Attacking God
Hello, everyone. I want to share one of the wisest, greatest things I have ever heard and the Holy Spirit confirmed it as truth.
A pastor from the free world volunteered to come to the unit and share God's love. :) In his sermon he said, "Anything you do to anyone, we do to God." Think about that. If we hate anyone, we are hating God. God created that person, designed every party. He loves that person as much as He loves us. He loves them as much as He loves Christ. Everything, absolutely everything, God creates is good. Who are we to judge God's creation? Who are we to judge God?
Any time we ignore someone asking us for help, we are ignoring God. If they ask us for change, clothes, a home, protection, a family or simply love and acceptance, we are shouting to the world that God isn't important enough for our consideration. If we speak harshly to someone, we are speaking harshly to God. This simple truth covers every part of dealing with other people. Abuse of any kind, jealousy, greed, bullying, manipulating, using—anything we do to others, we do to God too.
There is a word from the Eastern cultures: namaste. It means "God in me recognizes God in you." Everything God creates has a purpose. It's indeed part of His plan. How would the world change if we took this truth and made it part of our daily lives?
Now I understand that we mess up. We get angry, jealous, and that is alright. Don't hold on to it. Give it to God and ask for forgiveness. Then get back on track. Don't worry about what others are doing. Just do your part and let God take care of the rest. Do this, and I promise you—every part of your life will get better. In doing this, we glorify God's truth.
I also want you to understand another simple truth. All of the thoughts and actions which cause us to negatively affect the lives of other people are not from God. I know that there are some who say God hates those people or God says that we are supposed to judge those people or God doesn't want to involve ourselves with those people because we're better than them. This is a complete lie and only serves the purpose of evil. God is in everyone and everything, and God loves everyone and everything.
If we can try to hold this simple truth in our hearts and practice it in our lives, you will see your life and the lives of those around you get better. You will see the world change.
God bless you all. I look forward to your comments.
Peace and love, :)
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Donny Welch #1375713
McConnell Unit
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