Aug. 13, 2018

Sentence Reduction

by William D. Linley (David) (author's profile)


Date: 08/07/2018 02:24 PM

Subject: Sentence reduction

Hello world,

Life in Graham continues. Each day is one day closer to parole day. In January IDOC implemented the new good-time-credit program. This is an effort to reduce the over crowded prisons. Most people who have been getting time back in sentence reductions are those under the 50% sentences. In other words, if you are sentence to 10-years you must stay in prison for at least 5-years. This has only applied to guys in the drug program or those working in industries. Everyone else is just waiting and hoping for an opportunity to earn some relief by good behaviour (EGTP). This is the basis of the GrahamVet Program.


Our greatest set back is that IDOC has not assigned a staff person, as a job responsibility, to run the vet program. Someone on a full time status is needed to process all the paperwork and implement program classes etc..


In the meantime its just business as usual. From where I sit, the gang-bangers and drug dealers, men who don't work or pay taxes and don't give a rip about America are getting the breaks. Those of us who served our nations military get nothing. Those proven to be supporters of our nations values and most likely to succeed in programs and jobs are left out.


A bit frustrating.


NOTE: My mail address was updated on this site if you'd life to write me directly. Until next time, David


Replies (3) Replies feed

phxfinn Posted 6 years, 6 months ago. ✓ Mailed 6 years, 6 months ago   Favorite
So I'm a bit confused on the differences between the programs that allow for early release. And what a full time employee would do for the Graham Vets that is not being done now? What can we do to encourage the prison Vet programs to be acknowledged?

(On a side note, I did send emails to the politicians that visited the veterans program, thanking them for showing an interest.)

William D. Linley (David) Posted 6 years, 5 months ago.   Favorite
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William D. Linley (David) Posted 6 years, 4 months ago.   Favorite
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