May 7, 2020


From Lessons Learned by Antoine Murphy (author's profile)


Date: 4/28/2020 3:39:31 PM
Subject: PAROLE


Yesterday about after an hour after getting a surprise letter from an old friend, I journeyed 2 the restroom. On the way there I glanced at the Appointment List 4 the next day. Wouldn't U know it there was my name!
Murphy, Antoine 9:50am- HSU Sgt. Parole Hearing

Yup as they at liberty 2 do they moved my Parole hearing from April 29 to April 28
I'm actually 12 minutes away from whatever blessing God wants 2 bless me with. The last 4 times I prayed 4 the words 2 say 2 convince them 2 release me. This time thanks 2 the book Ragamuffin Gospel I have simply prayed "God move me out the way n allow me 2 receive the blessings U decreed 4 me 2 have in accordance with Luke 12:32 Whether I got 2 do 6-months or more or less or more Ur will be done. u r with me 2 give me peace Exodus 33:14 amen

So,at approximately 10:45am I had my hearing. Found out minutes b4 hand that it would B a video conference!
Was weird cause I never had a video anything! Though we talked camera 2 camera it felt super less personal n robotic. Pray this ain't the future of human contact!

NEways ,
We went through the normal nuances of the hearing. Name DOC number n him reading off my charges n sentence structure, plus how much time I've already one 22 years n 8 months! From there he spoke on my having excellent conduct,great release plans,all my programs completed, n my working at Community Service. He then asked if I was participating in any other programs. I could only mention programs I was doing b4 the pandemic n my still working on my Bachelor's n just doing self improvement like learning 2 write music n honing my entrepreneurial spirit. I then just spoke on how when I was lil n broke toys I put em back together with parts from other broken boys. N how I broke my daughter by coming 2 prison b4 she was born n though I can't undo what I done I CAN use the parts I now possess 2 FIX my precious daughter. Other than that I will always have a hold in my heart because I almost took a mans life.

He then asked me when I see PRC (the people who determine where I do time)
I responded," October"
He then mentioned I should put in 4 an early PRC as he gone
"Recommend Work Release n Work Outside the Fence"
There was then more mention of the current situation n nobody knowing when it'll end !
(See right now there's no transfers Unless U going 2 Earned Release Program!)
Well because of that he decided 2 give me
"An 8-month defer(ral) .I'm going 2 go with my gut n my initial instinct of 8-months"

His then asked if I had any questions 4 him or anything else?
Wanted 2 rant n rave bout how I know I'm not coming back 2 prison n know I'll succeed ... But god sent me an angel 2 give me peace with holding my peace.
His parting words were,
"Uve earned minimum. Continue 2 do well n Ull B recognized 4 it."
I thanked him 4 his decision n left.

As I returned to the unit a guy met me with a smile n a thumbs up!?!
Almost put my thumb down but just put my hand sideways like paper! N said,"8 months n work release. "
"No PPI or whatever it is?"
"No. Just an 8-month defer so I go back in December"
I then shared the news with my 3 roommates who were eagerly awaiting 2 hear me say," I gotta 6-month defer n a PRI!" As that's what I been praying 4 n believed I would get based on 6-months lingering in my heart n soul since 2018. Even last night watched a prison show where I heard verbatim "6-months from going home!!!"
So in my humanity I was saddened by the 8-month defer,mainly because I expected/wanted 2 hear "with a Pre Release Investigation" Kinda wanted 2 hear that so I would know my release was a shoe in. Does that make sense?

But all in all I'm good. Just crucifying my flesh n praying 2 keep seeing God in it all. So far the Parole Commissioner's words of "u have earned...n continued 2 do well n ull b rewarded" brought scriptures 2 mind Galatians 6:9 n 2nd Chronicles 15:7 Also this morning I read a Devotional about tests n how they don't last 4 ever n r designed 2 grow U. N better still b4 hearing God brought Connie's (N Richie Rich's) words 2 mind: "Murphy no matter what happens. No matter what it look like keep believing God 4 release."

So that's where I'm at with it right now. Choosing 2 not be upset or in my feelings or give any room 2 sketchy finicky emotions. Instead choosing 2 believe that my time in prison bout 2 b over at some point this year! Let's go 2020! See I know that faith is all bout (spiritually) seeing the (physically) unseen n believing it shall come 2 fruition. A great example of this can be found in Mark 4:35-41. Here Jesus told the disciples in the boat "let's go 2 the other side" However like halfway there a storm arose n the 12 doubted they would make it 2 the "other side". Fearing they were about 2 die they awoke sleeping Jesus n cryd 4 him 2 save em! Jesus rebuked the storm then questioned them ," Y r u so fearful? How is it that U have no faith?"
See they let the storm they could see distract them from what they couldn't see! That being that Gods works always come 2 pass. If He say "Let's go 2 the other water then come hell or high water y'all gone get 2 the other side. Believe that.
So 4 right now I'm rolling with the impression that I have in my heart that I'll be home b4 the year is out! Amen
Now IF I'm hearing wrong from God or misinterpreting His words then he will let me know n I will immediately confess my humanity/faults via this blog n however else.

So b it

God thank u 4 the 8-month defer n the recommendations 4 work release. Please let me know what work release 2 request. right now Oregon in my heart though STF is in my back yard! Would love 2 get visits n have a chance 2 see Priska but I son went so long without seeing my family whats a couple more months! Sill ur will be done. Ultimately Im gone wind up where U want me as I have no control of what prison I go 2. PDCI is a prime example of that, so... Thanks 4 bringing Turquoise and Dontae back into my life n blessing me with Love n bringing more support into my life. Continue 2 grow me as I still have some growing 2 do. Thanks 4 the glorious song lyrics u gave me as I sat waiting on Parole. Now I just need the story I'm spose 2 tell. Thank u 4 technology n the tablet definitely a blessing. Love typing on it. Way better n quieter than the typewriter. So what do I do with my broken smith corona 250? Needs hundreds of dollars worth of repairs. God I need 4 U 2 make a way, 4 me 2 go 2 rec n get on the phone! Wow just realized we have rec at 2:20 n my call at 2:30 amen. God help my mom as my not coming home harder on her than it is on me. Same with my daughter n my Pop! N god knows who else! Thanks I can go back 2 work can't wait 2 play ball least shoot around

Well time 4 work
Bless my smile
Trying 2
Ur son


Replies (2) Replies feed

Eva R. Swanson Posted 4 years, 9 months ago. ✓ Mailed 4 years, 9 months ago   Favorite
Thanks for writing! I finished the transcription for your post. I hope you get out this year! I'll say a prayer for you and your family!

Antoine Murphy Posted 4 years, 8 months ago.   Favorite
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