July 16, 2021

In the News

by Guy S. Alexander (author's profile)


June 24, 2021

Dear Between the Bars...
I pray all is well and
everyone is healthy and Covid-19 safe. As
for myself, I am well and Covid-19 free.
I received 2-doses of Moderna Apr and
May. As many have gotten vaccinated
Some have their choice.

I'm writing ot have this posted.
I'm wanting to talk about what is
in the news "CRT" I listen to AM-
Radio. Also NPR. We have 2-flat
screen TVs in the dayrooms, one
stays on ESPN, every now and then we
watch local news and at times world
news but as always, all day we're
on a in and out. We can go [illegible] to the
dayroom all around 7ish in the morning to
sit either at a table or on a bench
while we wear a mask.... we haven't yet
been allowed not to wear them.
Unless your in your cell... or the

I was born and raised in
the Southweast side of Houston.
You can Google [illegible] 10615 Atwell dr.
Its a light tan brick house. It has
changed the outside, but if you
scan the street, across from my
house is a elementary school me
myself attended up to the 2nd grade.
But my other 3 siblings Went there and
also to Johnston Junior is down off over
Brasswood and Willowbend is where you
can see Johnson. Also [illegible] I was place
at Edgar Allen Poe which is on Hazard
Street, I was then shipped to John
J. Pershing off of Stella Link. I am
sure both can be Googled too if
you the ones who do Google them
can print out page of each I
would love to post them. So those
who check out. B+B site. Can see
see back in the day was the 1960s...
It was early or mid-60's
I seen big buses segregating
black students... It actually
had written on the yellow school
buses "segregated" or segnation on
the bus... I was young, it was
1966 or 1967 I began 1st and 2nd grades
But it was in 2nd I lost it. Why
I can't say I was the youngest of
four OK, we still had B/W Tv's. So
I'm sitting on the den eating a bowl
of Cheerios and chopped banana. When I
seen JFK being shot... I told my mom
she got on the phone had the school
send my other three siblings home!
All of was going on them neaks,
had Vietnam even had a uncle go in
1965.. but (


Replies (10) Replies feed

Justafewqueation Posted 3 years, 3 months ago. ✓ Mailed 3 years, 2 months ago   Favorite
You stated you have a son who was adopted when he was 4. Has he ever reached out to you or any member of his family? Do you know if you have grandchildren?

Guy S. Alexander Posted 3 years, 1 month ago.   Favorite
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JustCurious1 Posted 2 years, 6 months ago. ✓ Mailed 2 years, 5 months ago   Favorite
So in a past letter you wrote to your son. Did he ever reply to you? You spoke of a grandson also does he only have the one child? You must be happy to reconnect with him. Also I might have missed it but can you explain how life has been for you behind bars and are you hopeful to get out at se point.

Guy S. Alexander Posted 2 years, 5 months ago.   Favorite
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Guy S. Alexander Posted 2 years, 4 months ago.   Favorite
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Garageband_Junkie Posted 1 year, 11 months ago. ✓ Mailed 1 year, 11 months ago   Favorite

Is it true that the only reason you were caught and went to prison is that you went into a McDonalds restroom in Mississippi and a state trooper didn't think you were in the toilet long enough to actually use the toilet so he followed you to your car and called in your license plates and found out you were wanted for murder in Texas?

If that really happened then do you ever wonder what would have happened in your life if only you had taken longer to use the bathroom that day?

The little moments in life that can prove so critical and change the course of our lives forever.

very truly,


Guy S. Alexander Posted 1 year, 10 months ago.   Favorite
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Garageband_Junkie1 Posted 1 year, 10 months ago. ✓ Mailed 1 year, 10 months ago   Favorite
I didn't mean the police who chased you came out of McDonalds. I'm saying that you went into a McDonalds bathroom in Pascagula, Mississippi but you came out of the bathroom so fast that a state trooper was suspicious and he followed you out and called in your license plate. By the time it came back telling him that you were wanted for murder you had left. So then all the police in the area went on alert to look for you. It was a rookie state trooper named Trooper Lamb who discovered you and gave chase. After many minutes of driving erratically you pulled over. Lamb tried to cuff you but was so nervous he couldnt get your cuffs on until a 2nd trooper arrived and assisted him placing you in cuffs. So my question to you was 1. Where the hell were driving to? and 2. Do you ever wonder if you had just taken more time in the McDonald's bathroom that day that you might have gotten away?

Guy S. Alexander Posted 1 year, 9 months ago.   Favorite
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Guy S. Alexander Posted 1 year, 8 months ago.   Favorite
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