July 27, 2012
From Mindful In Bedlam by Daniel Labbe (author's profile)
This post is in reply to comments on:  Untitled thumbnail
(June 25, 2012)


Reply ID: MABK

Thank you all for your encouraging comments. It is difficult to remain inspired in this kind of environment and equally difficult to know whether or not your efforts are having any positive results. Your comments mena a lot. Thanks again.

GeorgeL asks who woul edit the newsletter I proposed, and if thereis a way for people inside prison to control the newsletter. The newsletter I envision would be an online newsletter. due to the lack of internet access it woud be difficult for the residents of a prison to put the newsletter together in an appropriately appealing way. My hope is for an organisation to offer putting the newsletter together, but contributors could be prison residents. Maybe Between the Bars could send out a request to all blog participants for stories about inmates that are inspiring or if they know of someone who has an inspiring story. It would need to be a collaboration between outside Professionals and prison residents.

Denise Mewbourne us working with an organisation called all of Us or None who is considering launching a national newsletter. Thanks for your support. I agreee about arts influence on public opinion. Our prisons are filled with some amazing artists. Please keep in touch with me on the progress of the newsletter. Nourishment for the soul. Thank you, and congratulations on doing so well after all you have been through.

Again thank you all, it is critically important that we pool our resources and do all we can to bring the U.S prison system into the 21st century.

Return to my blog shortly for a look at a movement I am currently starting among the residents of our prisons. It's called: True Prison Reform, change begins with us.


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DeniseMewbourne Posted 12 years, 7 months ago. ✓ Mailed 12 years, 6 months ago   Favorite
Hi Daniel,

It's good to hear back from you! I will look forward to hearing more about the movement you are starting.

The first version of the All of Us or None newsletter will be coming out by Aug. 20 in celebration of Black August.

We will have a feature article celebrating All of Us or None member Elder Freeman, a former Black Panther and very committed activist for the rights of those incarcerated and formerly incarcerated.

If you are interested in receiving a copy of our newsletter let me know if it is ok to mail one in and I will be glad to do that.

We do plan on having a large section in the middle for letters from incarcerated people, but due to the time it would take to get permission from people do not have that in this current issue.


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