Capture of Emotions
Emerging from a slum
polluted with diabolical mental disorders
formulating a life lived under an elusive
produced misfortune
as agony arose to its highest peak
Extreme mental torment and stress coat the man
not knowing the spoiled fruit he came to behold
thus he went from top to bottom
and in his hand was the shovel
he himself
used to dig where he stood in darkness
hollow hearted
ever so cold
The fight begun
when truth warmed his bones
and a conscience gave birth to vision
understood and reflected to be virtue in the
utmost purest essense
he came to recognize signs
and appreciate his blessings
Refilling the hole dug
with richer soil
encircled with divine love
the fruits he now bear
be of sweetness
and essential in preserving an sustaining life
He has shed tears
out of pain and happiness
smiled and frowned while in the depths of adversity
liberated self mentally
when struck by the oppressive bull horns
What acts is it he demonstrate?
many may ask
and he shall tell all boldly
looking into the windows of their soul
I manifested manhood
being that which I know
An elegant young rose emerging from the
north side of St. Louis
that Walnut Peak neighborhood where only the
sapient and strong survive
I speak of you Erykah Lashay Pinner
daughter of a king
flesh of my flesh
you were born to reflect the reflections of a
for you have shown female souljahism
an ability to think
to prevail against odds that stagnate many
young black girls of this day
Your father gives you a star of honor
accommodated with unconditional love poured on
in an syrup honey thick way
May 28th be one out of many more graduations
to come that I'm to celebrate with you
even if I'm not physically there on that day
Still know that I'm with you
and remember these words I find means to
You are my heart
I'm very proud of you
love you
and I
your father am walking with you every step
of the way
By Mr. Michael D. Pinner #534756
Missouri Department of Corrections
P.S. Love you beautiful
daughter of mine
and even though
I'm unable to be
there for your
graduation in the
physical form, still
keep me there in
the heart and spirit
infinity love
2011 jul 7
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2011 jul 6
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2011 jul 6
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2011 may 30
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2011 may 13
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2011 may 13
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