Dec. 20, 2012

The Death Penalty Lies

From Undoing Injustice by Lakeith Amir-Sharif (author's profile)


The Death Penalty Lies

The ultimate mission of the system upon which "we the people" rely to protect the life and liberty of the accused; as well as the welfare of society is to ascertain the factual truth. When this mission is not achieved in a case wherein the death penalty is the sentence, an unconscionable and irreversible punishment is set in motion to be carried out.

I have spoken with and personally know men who have been executed, and others who were sentenced to death - and had eaten their "Last Meals" - whose convictions were overturned, and they have been set free or received a reduced sentence.

The death penalty, with all its politics, revenge, racism and dirty secrets is a big lie. A big lie propped up with a web of several little lies. These little lies are trite and predictable.

* Capital punishment deters other would-be murders
* Capital punishment is not cruel or unusual.
* No innocent person has ever been executed in America.
* Capital punishment is not imposed based on the race or financial status of the accused.
* Capital punishment is not imposed based on the race or financial status of the victim.
* Capital punishment's use is not politically motivated.
* Every defendant who faces the death penalty receives effective, functional and competent legal representation.
* The post-conviction remedies in place in America are adequate, effective, and efficient to prevent a wrongful conviction from standing; and prevent the execution of an innocent person from being carried out.

To all the above and more, I have one word to say: LIE!




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almuccia Posted 12 years, 2 months ago. ✓ Mailed 12 years, 2 months ago   Favorite
I have read all your posts and I can only restate I do agree with you and I support your cause.
Although it might sound naive and inapropriate said by a young free girl who has never been in prison nor her relatives, I think you should not give up believing in justice. Justice, is the only way to pursue your cause and to "make things right". Through justice, cases like yours have to be re-examined and thanks to justice one day this won't happen again.
Do you agree with me?

Lakeith Amir-Sharif Posted 12 years ago.   Favorite
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