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iThinkB4uAct1981 Posted 12 years, 8 months ago.   Favorite

Posted on Blinders by Ronald W. Clark, Jr Blinders
Benshimeon Posted 12 years, 8 months ago.   Favorite
response to to the whole person you intended to be???? or evolve to SEE you are already the person of greatness that you have always been... an classic and living legend X-Ray.

CHECK THIS I somehow have had in my possession letters from your students when you were sick...

Amir says, "Get well soon minister x-ray. i love you," There's a bug and star drawn on it.

No name, "minister we can see love" full of hearts and jewels...

from Qene
"We miss you minister X-ray. I remember the music was fun and I like it. I can't wait to see you again and can't wait to sing and we miss you"

Savannah Wilson says " Get well, we, I can see love"

Wessly writes Get well soon , we miss you, I hope you are happy (spelled hapee)

Samaj, Quincy,John John, (he has a picture of him giving you flowers) and Leona say the same.
I have a longer letter from Ujahnae Logan Sekinah titled the best best teacher!
I'll send that later.

we wish you could come back, your are specicle and we like your musice...anonymous

Could say it better...

Posted on The Real Point by X-ray-Robinson The Real Point
Benshimeon Posted 12 years, 8 months ago.   Favorite
GedalYahu Ben-Shimeon

Posted on The Real Point by X-ray-Robinson The Real Point
Benshimeon Posted 12 years, 8 months ago.   Favorite
My Brother,
I just read a book on happiness and writing to you makes me so very happy, my crazy brother and minister.
Pleas update me. I've contemplated doing something with your music but did not know where you were. Share it or make some money for you and your family? Do you have facilities for making music?

I am reminded of your beautiful gift of music. I'm listening to your music, now. "my soul cries out HalleluYah"

Joyful noise is my favorite, JOY! JOY! the life I live to make a joyful noise. Can I make videos for your music w/papwerwork? I have a project external community center near JRYMCA.

I'd like to do a joyful noise, "praising" service. We want the community to create a sacred area/ holy place/ garden. It will symbolize peace, hope, and change
We can do all things through Christ...
he loves me, so glad he loves me

Please write
Gedalyahu Ben-Shimeon
1133 Manzana Way
San Diego, CA

Posted on The Real Point by X-ray-Robinson The Real Point
iThinkB4uAct1981 Posted 12 years, 8 months ago.   Favorite
I want 2 respond 2 ur view on homosexuality. In regards 2 ur question inquiring about having homosexual activity now on TV; I see that as growth. Maybe 10 yrs ago when Ellen came out on her #1 hit tv show, the show was cancelled. This was a very taboo subject & I think society is now changing. You asked, "what about the children?" Why you think the children's minds will be tainted by viewing "homosexual" relations on tv, is COMPLETE IGNORANCE. I think you should study & see that facts & statistics have shown, children growing up in a family w/same sex parents aren't affected any different than children growing up in a family w/heterosexual parents. At the end of the day children require the same - love & attention. Who they get it from is irrelevant as long as it is received. You say the act of homosexuality can not reproduce any young; biologically you are correct. However, that is why there are other ways for homosexual couples to produce, so if you are wondering about our population dying out, w/all the people in this world, I think that should be the least of your worries. I quote you in saying, "People are going all around the country fighting hard to promote this behavior." Well that is correct. They are fighting for equality, for the same rights as you receive. They pay taxes & follow the law just as u do, but because of who they lay next 2 at night, they are not eligible? That is ludicrous & unconstitutional. They are not asking u 2 agree w/it or even accept it, they are simply asking 4 the same rights that everyone else receives, NOTHING MORE & NOTHING LESS.
Regardless of what school ur teenage son & daughter may attend, they are going 2 see homosexual children/teens/adults in life no matter how well u shelter them. I hope & pray that u teach them 2 treat people based on the content of their character & not judge them based on who they choose 2 have relations with. Homosexuals aren't trying 2 promote themselves in general just to, the only reason they are trying 2 be heard is SOLELY because of equality; Having the same rights as you get & that's it. U asked, "Why do most people who are in this, instinctively & initially, cover this act?" That's because due 2 ignorance, homosexuality isn't accepted everywhere. Homosexuals don't want 2 get picked on & bullied so they try & hide it until the time is right FOR THEM & until they get the strength 2 hold their head high & fight 4 what is right 4 themselves against people like u who think their lifestyle is wrong. So they're not hiding themselves because they think it is wrong, they're hiding due 2 lack of acceptance everywhere & 2 protect themselves! Homosexuals aren't asking u 2 change your morals, they're not even asking you 2 accept them, they're simply asking 2 no longer be second class citizens.
One day this will be like slavery-- an issue of the past. One day homosexuals will have the same rights as everyone else & they will be FREE.

Jessica C. E.

iThinkB4uAct1981 Posted 12 years, 8 months ago.   Favorite
"Two Wrongs Don't Make a Right"... very interesting quote & in my opinion, very broad in its meaning. You think for someone to get killed due to being sentenced to death is wrong. I don't. So to me, that doesn't apply to "two wrongs don't make a right". If there are no consequences for ones actions, this world would be full of crime, worse than it is. USA as a country has to set boundaries and abide by them. Everyone on death row had free will just like every other human being in this country. If you break the rules, you suffer the consequences, regardless if it is slap on the wrist, getting grounded from your parents, put in prison by the law, or getting the death sentence from the law. My heart truly goes out to you as I have been reading your blog for awhile now. You have brought light to alot of things and I enjoy all of your posts. I haven't really commented but I had to on this one. I don't agree w/what you are saying on this post.

Jessica C. E.

Posted on Blinders by Ronald W. Clark, Jr Blinders
Shawanna1ml Posted 12 years, 8 months ago.   Favorite
Hi uncle, this is Shawanna. I just want to say happy birthday, and so does my mom!

pkwydr Posted 12 years, 8 months ago.   Favorite
Lets get into the specifics of your time Mr. Trotter. What are your ideas about appealing?

Posted on Dear Outside World 3/8/12 by Christopher Trotter Dear Outside World 3/8/12
spilledmilk Posted 12 years, 8 months ago.   Favorite
I'm not able to send you a typewriter or wire you money, but I am willing to transcribe you writ if you post it. Also, just curious, why do they make you BUY your court transcripts? Shouldn't that information be available to you if you're involved in it ?

Posted on Blog Post # 5 by Douglas L. Thomas Blog Post # 5
spilledmilk Posted 12 years, 8 months ago.   Favorite
Hey, I just transcribed your blog. Should be writing a speech for school, but your blog was a million times more interesting. Not sure if my fingers are up to typing anymore though..

But wow, you have a crazy, messed up story. But then again, isn't that just called life? You're amazingly strong through all of the injustice, and I really respect you for that.

I know you took the effort to write so much, and I'd love to reply to everything you said, but unfortunately 10 pages are a bit much for me... Hopefully this will suffice though?

Oh, and I'm interested in knowing... did you get released in early 2012? I suppose if you don't get this, that's a yes.

Wishing you the best though! Stay strong. You probably don't need that, but like you, I have weird thought process and usually write everything that comes to mind.

Looking forward to reading more of your blogs!

Posted on Blog Post #1 by Douglas L. Thomas Blog Post #1
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