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sunrisenolies Posted 7 years, 7 months ago.   Favorite
kat3005 do you mean this particular transcription or others also. ( you can reach me directly I got out in January 2012

Posted on Untitled by Horace Payne Untitled
John M Connelly Posted 7 years, 7 months ago.   Favorite
(scanned reply – view as blog post)

Posted on Comment response by John M Connelly Comment response
Steve J. Burkett Posted 7 years, 7 months ago.   Favorite
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Posted on Love Note by Steve J. Burkett Love Note
Sarah Posted 7 years, 7 months ago.   Favorite
Thanks for writing! I finished the transcription for your post. I really appreciate your words.

Posted on Irish Soup Journal by Steve J. Burkett Irish Soup Journal
pastordonna161 Posted 7 years, 7 months ago.   Favorite
GLORY TO GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I just discovered your between the bars site. Just want you to know that I am still praying for you. I just got a windows 10 laptop which is very challenging for an 83 year old lady! I bought a book "windows 10 for senior dummies" but I'm still reading the first chapter. Oh, well. Anyway, I love you and will continue to pray for you! Donna Hanson (Self Help)

Posted on Romans 6:19-23 by Randy Whiting Romans 6:19-23
christipep Posted 7 years, 7 months ago.   Favorite
RE: Mayv11th post, regarding how blogging make s you feel "free, like a weight has been lifted off your shoulders. Hun, yes, short for,v " Honey", I guess I have forgiven you. Lol. If you EVER feel like you need to vent to me, jus go for it. OK?? I told you that I'd love you 4ever, no matter what, so many times,v& I meant it. I am here for you, friend.

C ;)

christipep Posted 7 years, 7 months ago.   Favorite
O, BTW(by the way) What the Hell is:"Wisconsin Secure Program Facility "?? Lol. I mean, damn jus imagine what I thought when I read: " Boscovel"?? Yep, like a shithead,bIbwas there w/ too. I didn't regret that, either. U could've made it, WITH OUT me, but, why would I stop writing to you? That wouldn't make sense. I was with you, for the "long-haul". I guess I STILL am. Looks that way. (Smile) I can't STOP writing. Guess I HAVE to pick up my fave pen once again. ;)

Posted on This Bullying Campaign Has To Stop by Marteze Harris This Bullying Campaign Has To Stop
christipep Posted 7 years, 7 months ago.   Favorite
This reply is RE: your letter written directly to me, Mr. Harris: I know, full and we'll, that I already wrote, @ KEAST, OBE reply to your letter already, BUT U know ME, pretty much, thruand thru. I love to talk, and EVEN MORE, Vwrite, so'here goes..... U said, in your last line, I think, "tell Z I am most humbly sorry". U remember how BIG he was, for his age?? Or, have you forgotten that too? He's now OVER 6 ft. tall &, as you prolly know, Vin GR8 physical shape. If he was still mad at U he would, MOS DEF, give even you, a " run for your money ", my dear. BC he US STILL MAD about how you hurt me, not about him. Ya know?? But, he, just like his Ma, is " peace-loving doesn't fight too much. He was ALWAYS a respectful kid to you, tthough, so U no he"s a good guy now right?? Anyways, this was just the ramblings of a hurt Mama, I guess. Man, how I miss him. I actually miss you, too.

A lonely Chris :(

Posted on This Bullying Campaign Has To Stop by Marteze Harris This Bullying Campaign Has To Stop
tinabell Posted 7 years, 7 months ago.   Favorite
P.S. The part you wrote about wanting to "shake me off" got blurred and I couldn't read it all. What exactly did that part say?

Posted on Journal entry 4-29-17 by Jeremiah Ray Bond Journal entry 4-29-17
tinabell Posted 7 years, 7 months ago.   Favorite
Guess I sent that "note" just in time. You had been "fed up" with me not giving you financial support. So I'm obligated to send you money. That's what I'm for. It's ok. You're so messed up you're impossible to be a friend to anyway. I guess all the help I did give you wasn't enough and I was supposed to take you on as a dependent along with my own child. Cuz I'm so wealthy?? I guess what I did give you was a total waste I should've given my own child. No problem. You just keep at your blog and maybe you'll find some other sucker willing to pay out. But I'm not a thief. You send an order form what you want me to get with your artwork money and I'll order it.

Posted on Journal entry 4-29-17 by Jeremiah Ray Bond Journal entry 4-29-17
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