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Nicki Posted 8 years ago.   Favorite
Hi Daniel,

I'm sorry you're not getting anywhere with the legal process, I can't even begin to imagine how incredibly frustrating this must be for you. I received your letter before leaving the outback... I'm now back in the city with all of my 3 children which has been wonderful. I did mean to reply to your letter before moving and I'm sorry i haven't gotten back to you as yet. I have stories to share of the 2500km drive, tracking down my escape cat & getting him onto a flight 2 weeks later (naughty Archie!).

I like it when your posts pop up in my e-mail & I just wanted to say hi. I will respond to your letter soon.

Take care of yourself my friend.

Nicki X

Posted on Wronged Again by Daniel Gwynn Wronged Again
Steve J. Burkett Posted 8 years ago.   Favorite
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Posted on Untitled by Steve J. Burkett Untitled
Rita Posted 8 years ago.   Favorite
hello dear Henry,

It says here you'll receive the mail on February,27th.Tell me if so.I haven't yet read your blogs, but I surely will do so.It's a matter of time.:)I am also curious what I will read!So to hear it is not pleasant...The harsh life of a prisoner!In America they keep people so very long in jails;it's just a big shame!!They don't prepare them to leave.Horrible.Look how long they left my fiancé George in prison; this year it's 50 yrs!!Tragic :(.He is in fact a true survivor.He keeps strong because of his dad,92 and me.We help each other through those tough times,Henry.What more can we do?
Henry,it made me sad to read your news, but you're right,take up life and prove your innocence,dear friend.
Talking about something else.I hope you have some friends at your place.Maybe cooking helps you cooperate with life?I guess you like it?
Are you in a federal prison? There the food at least is better, I heard?In a state prison,it is bad. George tried to speak to a person to let it change.I don't really know if it will? He only can try.George is an activist and works at changes; but they receive hardship too...Like the 6 months of segregation!It was not because of a certain fact; only pure retaliation!He came out on December 15th with his head up. His lawyer Jessica would consider if he needs mental help?He says not, but leaves the decision to her.
I've a good cough!But still did this past weekend two marches of each 20 kilometers!I had hiked a long time ago with the group called Sippels.
A friend Veerle (say 'Varle') with whom I went to Indonesia,asked if I was willing to do this?It was truly hard!We had a backpack on our back.We slept in a modern gîte.It was done in a protected area,elevated high up.Very down and up.Sometimes there were long walks mounting, climbing through obstacles like tree roots, mud spaces, etc A very irregular area so to say.Sometimes we had water, ice spaces, and even snow here and there.It was rather cold too.The group was rather large, but they mostly had a better training to walk then me. I was the second oldest as well.But I was amazed to see how good I did!After a long long time of not doing any hiking at all!After the walk I did feel stiff in my waist, but my legs felt fine.Maybe because of doing my yoga?This always is good for your condition. :)
One should train the body and the spirit.I wondered if a good book would please you, Henry?Can we send books through Amazon?
What kind of music you like to hear? Some special singers perhaps?So, tell me!
I am curious to see your picture.Thanks for thinking of it!;)

Stay strong,stay healthy and take the best of just everyday, Henry.
Friendship and blessings go your way.

A big hug from Rita!

Posted on Untitled by Henry West Untitled
Jessica Posted 8 years ago.   Favorite
My condolences to you and everyone who knew Bob. He sounded like he had a very special talent in constructing models. I wish there less stigma surrounding these types of issues so that there could be more measures in place to help people rather than punishing subsequently. Thank you for writing.

Posted on Robert Pollard - R.I.P. by Harlan Richards Robert Pollard - R.I.P.
decarcerate Posted 8 years ago.   Favorite
Sunday February 19, 2017 Greetings Luis! Thanks again for the sprig of evergreen.
I support your petition for commutation wholeheartedly. I'll write to the Governor and share this with friends.
I am putting a note in the mail to you Tuesday.
Take care, your friend at MPV.

Posted on Commutation Petitions by Luis D. Perez Commutation Petitions
Ajj13 Posted 8 years ago.   Favorite
Hello Richard. I read your blog posts and really enjoyed them. My name is Alyssa and I am asking a few people on the blogs some questions for my own research and was wondering if you would answer them if you felt like it. What are ways that some men deal with missing women in prison? Do you think men change not being around women? If so in what ways? How do you think this affects them when they are released? How do men deal with their "needs"? Do you think men become more reserved or dont know how to deal with a womens "touch" when released? ;) I just want to hear your input on this out of curiosity. Speak your mind. You don’t have to hold back. Nothing will offend me. Haha. I would love to maybe see a blog post about this too. Thank you. Hope to hear back soon:)

Send a new picture also if you have one. I would love to see you post more blogs as well;)

I also see your address has changed since the last time you have posted. Hopefully between the bars will send it to this address.

Richard Blackstone 125637
North Fork Correctional Center
1605 East Main St
Sayre, OK 73662

Posted on Love Expressing by Richard Blackstone Love Expressing Posted 8 years ago.     1 Favorite

I'm guessing that means no. I am assuming you don't need anyone to talk to. I see how it is. That is fine. No problem. W.


Posted on Two Everyone Out There by Joseph Thibodeaux Two Everyone Out There
Robert Pezzeca Posted 8 years ago.   Favorite
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Posted on Christmas Morning In Prison by Robert Pezzeca Christmas Morning In Prison
Byron Wilson Posted 8 years ago.   Favorite
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Posted on Guardian Angel by Byron Wilson Guardian Angel
Henry West Posted 8 years ago.   Favorite
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Posted on Untitled by Henry West Untitled
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