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Shawn Perrot Posted 8 years ago.   Favorite
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Posted on Letters Never Received by Shawn Perrot Letters Never Received
greermahoney Posted 8 years ago.   Favorite
Thanks for writing! I finished the transcription for your post.

Thank you for your informative letter. I voted for Ms. Harris under duress this election, thinking we had no better option. I have feared ever since then it was a mistake, and your letter has stoked that fire. We do need a complete overhaul of the system, and maybe the only good that will come out of our current political nightmare is that we may just get it.

Again, thank you for writing. My best to you, truly.

Posted on Public Disservice: Dereliction of Duty by O. Mckinnon Public Disservice: Dereliction of Duty
Lumas23 Posted 8 years ago.   Favorite
Yo, good stuff...sorry, took me a while to finally log on...I had to have surgery on my Achilles tendon, long story..
Joe Carbis

Posted on Untitled by Byron Wilson Untitled
Rita Posted 8 years, 1 month ago.   Favorite
hi Robert,I can see here that you will receive this note on Monday, 6th; I hope it will!I am home on Monday evening and all went fine! The children are cute and little Lars will almost walk. He's cheerful and was cleaning the window with the chalkboard cleaner from his sister, Lynn. So funny. I told Lynn, Joanna has not to come anymore to clean the house, we've Lars now! :)I did a pretty long walk with Lynn and ate an apple and banana while sitting on a small stone wall. We listened to the birds, saw trains passing by and planes going in the air, as they live near our airport: Zaventem.She was tired and said: my belly says 'yes' and my buttocks say 'no'. I will note her sayings down, to not forget her quotes.;)She loves me reading stories! It's a very clever little girl of 3.Well, she had no school today; I slept at theirs.It takes me about an hour and a half to go and that same time to return home.I take a tram and two trains and I walk a quarter of an hour to reach their house.Not yet a letter from George... For a month and a half almost!I am very worried.I booked my flight to Chicago, on the 21st of April. And will be back on May 8th.Next I have to take the Amtrak; there I still have to reserve my ticket.In Chicago I will book a room in an hotel near the airport.The next day I go by train to Chester.I've done it years ago when George was at Menard prison as well.It's laying very close to the Mississippi.When a long train came by, I was shaking in my bed.:)I guess I will not go this time to a B&B, but instead to a Best Western hotel.I still can do that walk till the prison.It's about as close as that B&B.I read you had problems with your daughter, Robert?I can imagine you worry so much!By now you could have heard from her? I hope so!But you only wish the best for her...:(Yes, ask your mom how she got that monkey as a teenager!?So strange somebody gave that to her!How is your mom doing now?I know of the lady of the organization Inside Outside,Agnes.She visits her friends in Texas on DR twice a year.She's there now.I write with two inmates too there.One is a Mexican; he suffers so much from cancer of the bladder/kidneys(?)!...They didn't help him in the past; it's a shame!On Christmas he hadn't electricity.Only on the second of January they fixed it.When she came for a visit, he was so much in pain!He had a medical bag attached that he had to carry at his feet.They finally gave him some help!But they could have let him carry it in his hands! But no, they had his hands locked on his back!He had a green yellowish color on his face, when she saw him.:(He said he couldn't come the next day; he just suffered too much!Agnes did everything to call his lawyer, she did talk with a friendly helping guard and a nurse who cared for the prisoner.He felt better(he received at least some help!) and maybe she could bring him a visit after all. But he should be treated in a clinic... :(He says he thinks they will let him die from natural causes.All so sad!Rita

Posted on Comment Response by Robert Pezzeca Comment Response
Julia Posted 8 years, 1 month ago.   Favorite
@Golgatha w/waymon (cont.)

F. What's the word on this cool couple you said that came to visit
you from the church?

W. I didn't think I was going to be nervous at first, but I learned
that reservations goes both ways because, it's funny how I was
thinking to myself, What if I get somekind of wayout person, I
didn't know what to expect.

F. Yeah, that is funny how the devil plays doubt first, but true
blessings work through doubt. I know it's still early, but you
seemed inspired by them, or excited to get at me about them, so,
who are these people?

W. I'll start with the husband, they take turns visiting me because
they have a new born at home, his name is Ryan, he impressed me
off the top just being a man, a husband and a new father, and
soccer player that took time out from his life to come visit
somebody on death row, being of this generation, I compare him
to being someone I could see myself kicking it with at school,
and, oh yeah, he has a different upbringing than me, so his
diverse nature expands my cultural experience, he's really a
good dude.
3 of 4

@Golgatha w/Waymon (cont.)

F. And his better half?

W. Her name is Lynne, she's a traveller, this inspires me
because, obviously in my situation, just having somebody
to share those world wide experiences with me, expands
my connection with society in a way not possible without
the church having prison ministry, wish I could meet
Sister Kathy.

F. Sounds like Sister Kathy's connection with God is
reaching a new generation up here because none of us
even knew about any of this.

W. Is Sister Kathy Black?

F. I so understand that question because she's got like this...

W. Soulful, family, home energy in her letters, I cant explain
it, but whatever it is, somehow she reached us.

F. I hope other people at the church read what you just said
because people need to know what kind of impact they already
have on us by baking goods, the bakesale, the visits, the
prayers, and challenging us to shake nerves and doubt and
just allow God to do what God does, even though non of us
are worthy of his mercy. Im super thankful because Im no
bible thumper, but Sister Kathy has my attention. The
attention of New Souls.
4 of 4

Posted on Golgotha w/ Waymon by Byron Wilson Golgotha w/ Waymon
Julia Posted 8 years, 1 month ago.   Favorite
@Golgatha w/Waymon

So Im on the yard sharing my boxing skills with a young energetic fella named
Byron, until one day, the student begins to teach me about his vision to
produce a zine from deathrow, Im no journalist, I write Raps and letters, thats
it, but youth on deathrow hear too many no's, and this was my chance to be more
like Ru-AL, and another man named Blue that said the word yes to a young me, when
I first got here.

Today, Byron's Write Or Die Zine Project is now near Ten issues published, and I'm
proud to be a part of the interview section of the zine because I get the chance
to sitdown and document unedited one on one conversation with people on California
Death Row.

Byron's idea to show our appreciation to Sister Kathy, and The St. John Bosco
Ministry, and the Congregation at The Holy Spirit Church in Fremont California for
having bakesales to donate Gods blessings to prisoners, must include one of our
interviews segments that we call @Golgatha, here, we talk to eachother about you.

So enjoy, as I walk over to the San Quentin Prison Legal Law Library with another
New Soul, a young man named Waymon.

Date: 12.23.16
Location: Condemned Legal Law Library
Time: 7:30pm
Weather: Super Freezier
Survey by: Floyd Smith #K.72700
Responses by: Waymon Livingston #AP.1552

The Back Story

GOLGATHA, the Hebrew name for the spot where Jesus was crucified (Matt. 27:33;
Mark 15:22; John 19:17). The name is interpreted by these writers as meaning
"the place of a skull" supposedly from the shape of the hill so designated, or
possibly from the human skulls there as the place of execution. The most
probable site is that northeast of the modern Damascus Gate.

When I Was In Prison, You Visited Me! 1 of 4

@Golgatha w/Waymon (cont.)

F. Whats up young bro, good to see you again, long time no see.

W. It takes forever to get called to come over, how have you been?

F. Im cool, trying to find out if you and MR. Thomas recieved the
special purchase order blessings from the churches bakesale yet?

W. I did, not too sure about MR. Thomas, but I think he did, I'll
find out tomorrow at next yard call, I've already sent a thank
you letter to Sister Kathy too.

F. So what did you get, and why did you order these items?

W. Just a couple of shirts, and an alarm clock, man I needed tthat.

F. I get the shirts, but whats up with the clock? thats a trip
because abother brother said he was in need of a watch.

W. I just really needed to get back into my own personal schedule,
you know, prayer, legal work, working out, it's a touch blue
neon light small clock, gives me time, military time, date,
alarm and weather. Or you might say cell temp. Its easy for some
to lose focus here on the row, and a brotha is too young to lose
focus right now.
2 of 4

Posted on Golgotha w/ Waymon by Byron Wilson Golgotha w/ Waymon
ZuzusPetals Posted 8 years, 1 month ago.   Favorite
Fortunately he can only HAVE ONE GOFUNDME page, and it's been decided that I will be helping his sister set one up for him. No others need to be involved in that, nor can they except to donate.

Multiple requests like this are common when a person is worried no one will help upon release. We've all learned to take it in stride. We know why it happens. And we have everything under control.

Some people should just be glad that Tim will be off these boards soon enough.

Then you get to see him fight this crap IRL....;)

Rita Posted 8 years, 1 month ago.   Favorite
correction: though ;)

Posted on Comment Response by Robert Pezzeca Comment Response
Rita Posted 8 years, 1 month ago.   Favorite
hello Robert,

Leslie is living now in San Diego, CA. About George; most probably when he would be free one day... he CAN'T leave the States.i cold be wrong dough? Speaking about George; he gave 3 calls to his dad since he was free. But I didn't hear from him since my last letter dated around the 24th of December! I told his dad (we call an hour usually!; Its free for me after my 5 pm and in the weekends with Proximus, my phone company.
So, that is so very strange... if I had not heard from his dad he's okay, I would be very worried! Wonder what's going on?

Tonight, Sunday I'm going with the train to my daughter Elke, to babysit on Monday. Lynn of 3 doesn't have school. It's been a while I saw them. Well, on the 21st of January Lynn turned 3 and Lars got one year old. :)
His birthday is a week later; so, we celebrated it with my mother and me as well.I will write more another time before you get this writing, Robert.

I sent 20 dollars to your brother; maybe you got it in the meantime? They're good for some extra calls to your loved mom! :))

lots of love, Rita

Posted on Comment Response by Robert Pezzeca Comment Response
ALEX Posted 8 years, 1 month ago.   Favorite
+2348162084839 OR you can send messages on
Whatsapp on
same number +2348162084839 you can call our new head office in USA because
our head office is no longer in USA we are now located In USA for
confirmations call our head office number
HEAD OFFICE NUMBER: ++448726142373 you can message me on email on WORLDILLUMINATI201@GMAIL.COM

Posted on Comment Response by Richard Stevenson Comment Response
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