Hi zmw......Thanks for transcribing so many posts. It really helps to get the blog 'out there'.
For this blogger what you must know is that, contrary to what he would have you believe, he is not in solitary for speaking out. He is there for refusing to abide by DOC regulations. He doesn't believe that they should apply to him. Compare the tone of his blogs with others that you have transcribed and you will soon notice the anger and bile within them. .
He has another idiosyncrasy......don't be surprised if he hits you up to set up a gofundme page for him. He is well into double digits of requests for that. Failing that he will definitely ask you to get 'more deeply involved' in the 'struggle'
Since you are searching for truth I am happy to provide it.
It's this type of "criminal thinking" and self absorption that got you in prison in the first place. Stop fighting society and make an effort towards rehabilitation. NY state has many programs to offer. Stop feeling sorry for yourself, grow up and take responsibility for your past actions like a man.
PS Timmy: Remember your prior statements about "restorative justice and forgiveness heals"? You have to show it to others before you demand it for yourself.
Lovely diatribe Timmy. Does your blog relieve your pent up anger? The DOC does offer programs that deal with that emotion. If you ever want to rejoin society please avail yourself of them and stop whining and feeling so persecuted and self-absorbed.
Frank Soffen's behavior in prison is disgraceful, his crimes atrocious, and his rehabilitation nonexistent. Right up to his recent demise he was un-remorseful and self absorbed. Good riddance to him.
For this blogger what you must know is that, contrary to what he would have you believe, he is not in solitary for speaking out. He is there for refusing to abide by DOC regulations. He doesn't believe that they should apply to him. Compare the tone of his blogs with others that you have transcribed and you will soon notice the anger and bile within them. .
He has another idiosyncrasy......don't be surprised if he hits you up to set up a gofundme page for him. He is well into double digits of requests for that. Failing that he will definitely ask you to get 'more deeply involved' in the 'struggle'
Since you are searching for truth I am happy to provide it.