It's lil deb How have you been I just got of jail sorry I have not written to you I will send you out a letter with my new address on it k. I hope your ok
Thanks for writing! I finished the transcription for your post. I'm sorry to hear of your time spent in solitary for speaking out. It's wonderful that Harvard University is taking the case and I hope that they are successful. The image of the man with the lantern reminds me of Diogenes' search for an honest man, which I suspect was your intent. We're all searching for truth and I hope we do find it. Take care.
I almost forgot, I transcribed chapter 1 of NGR last month. Was it mailed out already? I don't know what type of font Between the Bars prints out letters.
Hey, I know I'm really slow with replying. Does Byron want me to print Chapter 1 of the NGR segment? Also, what is the specific name of the font on Microsoft Word that you want me to use? What font size? Let me know.
It's lil deb How have you been I just got of jail sorry I have not written to you I will send you out a letter with my new address on it k. I hope your ok
Always lil deb