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DavidS Posted 10 years, 10 months ago.   Favorite
Hello Robert, My names David and I enjoy reading your and others blogs. I came across these blogs by accident a few weeks ago but since then I have found reading them very interesting. I served 8 years in the U.S. Army. I was a proud member of the Delta force for 3 of these years. I can not immagine our military using prisoners especially in combat. The reasons being is that in the military we have to trust each other with our lives. Most people whould not feel comfortable trying to trust a criminal with their life. I understand people can change over time but not all can and will. Also, I can not immagine for one moment handing a loaded weapon to a prisoner and turning my back on them with the trust that they wouldn't try and shoot me. I'm not saying you are a bad person or all people who are incarcerated are but I feel very confident that most people who are prisoners reguardless of their crimes are not trustworthy around loaded weapons. I thank your family members for their sevice to our great nation but honestly Robert...You have to think practically and desifer reality from fantisy. I have been in Combat numerous times in several diffrent countries. I've been wounded twice and I've shot the enemy in firefights. War is not the same any more. It's not countries vs countries anymore its terror fractions vs Western Ideals and enemy soldiers dress as civillians while carrying a suicide vest under their clothing. Anyhow...Please don't take offence to my words. I don't know you petsonally and I'm not judging you I just think your idea of using inmates as soldiers is rediculous . Take care. Ps. I truley did enjoy reading a lot of what you have written. And I'm very sorry for your loss of your wife. You said she was killed? Was she murdered? I hope that this is not to impersonal...My ?'s. Thank You and Take care- David S.

Posted on Listening To We Are Sodiers by Robert Pezzeca Listening To We Are Sodiers
Marlieke Posted 10 years, 10 months ago.   Favorite
Wow, I really love your artwork! The color combinations are really pretty. I know that working with light colors can be difficult but you really made it work. Hopefully you get your privileges back soon so you can express your talent again.

Posted on Untitled by Ronald W. Clark, Jr Untitled
Paul Posted 10 years, 10 months ago.   Favorite
The fact that you did not succeed in slaughtering both Darren Cain and Dennise Hayslip at the same time is incidental to the fact that it was your intention.

Kelly Seigler is not in a position to tell a victims daughter anything. It is arrogant and presumptious.

Prosecutors had the right to seek the death penalty at your re-sentencing. The guilty verdict was not affected by the appeal courts ruling. You created ALL the victims and should be man enough to accept that.


Posted on Pondering It All... by Charles Thompson Pondering It All...
Lavender Posted 10 years, 10 months ago.   Favorite
Hello again Milo

I finished the transcription for your post entitled 'Court of Public Opinion Volunteers Needed' from June 27th 2012.

Take care

Lavender Posted 10 years, 10 months ago.   Favorite
Hi Milo

Thank you for your note about keeping it all 'in the public eye' - it's the best way forward, I think, and I'm glad you understand.

Also, thank you for saying thank you for transcribing your posts, and don't worry about not responding each and every time. I totally get it and there's no need to worry about not saying it - I'll just take it as read.

This may be or become obvious to readers of the transcribed posts (and I strongly suspect that you don't see them) so I'm telling you here and now that I'm not American, and I don't live in America. My computer's spell checker won't pick up the European way of spelling as an error, so although I try, very faithfully, to transcribe your writing exactly as you put it, in the event that I make that error that's why - on words like color/colour or favor/favour.

Take care and stay strong

Posted on Twitter Users by Milo Rose Twitter Users
April Posted 10 years, 10 months ago.   Favorite
Hey Uncle Cheese I got yo letter frm Mama! I love my artwork especially the initials. I'm obsessed with my initials right now so I done taped them on a character pic of I have of myself on my wall. You clad kept that rose.... Lol! I see u were running out of ink..... But Mama's was pretty tho! I'm definitely gonna write thru the blog, because it's only too easy since I'm on the internet all day. I told Tete to send you some pics and gave her the address so she can. That lady Lisa is completely off the grid, but I will see if I can get on site tho! I love you always!
P. S. Write me back so I can have something to talk about.....
love you,
Love April

Posted on The Souls of Babies God Called Back to Heaven by Battites Wesley The Souls of Babies God Called Back to Heaven
bluelotus Posted 10 years, 10 months ago.   Favorite
yes there is beauty in imperfection...:) really like this poem.

Posted on A Blog Poem by Antoine Murphy A Blog Poem
kabe63 Posted 10 years, 10 months ago.   Favorite
Hi Bill,

Thank you for your response!! You are correct in that it takes one to know one and it is always nice to communicate with someone who can offer me a bit of a challenge and also teach me something new.
First, let me say I.Q. is established through a series of tests given by Psychologists. I would venture to guess, that as odd as this may sound, your high I.Q. was a major contributing factor in many of your legal troubles. A high I.Q. without direction is a recipe for disaster. I have a son like you, and it was a constant challenge to keep him on track and a continual battle with the school system to keep him challenged. I finally had to pull him out of the main stream and put him in a school where they were equipped to handle his level of intelligence. Had I not done this, he would have ended up in trouble. He is thirty years old now, college educated, married and doing great.
You say that you were a rambunctious hoodlum; no, your were just lacking direction and under challenged. You once wrote in one of your blogs, that dysfunctional parents raise dysfunctional children. I couldn't agree more. I am the product of dysfunctional parents; alcoholic father, enabling mother who I might add was verbally abusive, so I have struggled not to raise dysfuntional children. To break the cycle so to speak. Still, it is a challege maintaining a relationship with my adult children because I was never taught to parent by example. However, it is easier for me than it is for you because I am out here in the free world.
I have read much of what you have written to your children. You appear to be a caring and concerened father who has acknowledged your wrong doing and you have attempted to forge an open honest relationship with your children and one can do no more than that. Yes, I believe that every generation has its gap and no, I do not believe this is a karmic manifestation for you. However, I think it is always wise as a parent to look within and ponder our reactions to what we percieve as slights from our children, as well as well as always keeping in mind that everyone has baggage that they carry.
I apologize, I know this is a lengthy post, but it is also a difficult question that you are pondering and one I could go on and on about lol. Keep trying Bill. Don't use passive aggression, be honest and direct and tell them you miss hearing from them. Better yet, maybe they will read this sermon that I have written and all will be well. Keep me posted, my thoughts are with you.


Posted on Promise Yourself by William Goehler Promise Yourself
nikki Posted 10 years, 10 months ago.   Favorite
Anthony alex and ricky are their names....I haven't seen my mom in 12 years.....she cut her ankle bracelet off and moved to Phoenix caught a gun charge and did 5 years there....I'm glad to hear from you...should I write? My pops left too I really don't have nobody but my mom gave her child up 20 years ago and she found me on Facebook it's cool to have a sister. ...hope all is well if you see my friends dad bill firehammer tell him I been doing my best for his son

Posted on Prayer 4 The Un-Well by Antoine Murphy Prayer 4 The Un-Well
Woz Posted 10 years, 10 months ago.   Favorite
Reck ,

Thanx for the reply . I recall all this stuff because I was either there or "around" at the time . I ran with the Dogs in those days and Scott and I are still tight . Hes still in Ventu and a local Punk icon . At least to hear him tell it .

You are right the 80s were crazy fun times . I remember the Lasses house of course and the big Bob incident . His girls name was Shanden or something of that nature . She was also with my neighbor Mason shortly after . Total Nightmare ! Also , Mumbles girl was Corie and she really got around . That girl caused some problems and most everybody couldn't resist going there . Surprised nobody died over it . LOL! Mumbles is a piece of crap sitting on the row for some horrible shit he did . Hes toast and fucking deserves what he gets .

Like I said Scott and I are still pals to this day but cant speak for the others from those days . Many grew up and made a break for it . Some doing all day on the installment plan and some six feet under . Lots of bad blood mixed in with it all too . When Scott and I talk we don't wax nostalgic for the "good ol' days" too much . It is what it was I guess . The best of times and worst of times .

Keep head up and soul free . Oi Oi Cheers !

Posted on Ramblings in No Particlar Order by Scot Pinkerton Ramblings in No Particlar Order
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