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Cursed8Blessed Posted 11 years, 10 months ago.   Favorite
but serve and protect fascists i sure lot of them is waking up now they cant protect them against Allah and their govts cant help them against Jah wraft either. i sure Jah raft is big enuf fit more than 144,000 people on Jah only has to say Bee and it is can just magnify it or something Allah knows i dont. anyway on way home they was do the stuff on the underground railway speakers watch out for terrorists trying insinsuite is like real muslims leaving bombs in bins so like a few times i done it i look at the cctv camera say is this some kind of coded govt warning are u terrorists in our govts planning a next 7/7 or 9/11 blame it on Islam and stuff. when i got off train later i noticed i had lost mi flag. i hope that grotz utube channel aint got it tried set up a false flag terror alert way he harps on about Quezecoytal being a terrorist evil clown joker and never mentions Jesus is black and he is waiting for his jesus come rescue him from the new 5th age of freedom or whatever is probably trying stitch me up same as bageera seems to have been like the real black panthers and hes on ly a kitti khat wel i think he shapeshifts see a big panther in the shadows cud be a Jag i aint good as seeing as long as is friend from Jah is all welcome....

Posted on Untitled by LaRon McKinley Bey Untitled
Cursed8Blessed Posted 11 years, 10 months ago.   Favorite
instead get some type of psychotherapy/shaman help tru Jah real people. i have received 3 maybe 4 of the blue crayon letters form your hospital bed or whatever now plus one unsigned typed missive that i found very interesting i was bit mystified by the somewhat abrupt and sudden ending and not exactly sure sometiems who sent it but i still trying contemplate on that...:-) sabbath tonight i be getting high listening hip hop maybe go down park check the stars see if they aligned yet how i hear tec say when it is tho his body is weaking his spirit is fine ready to go to war with devils at the drop of a dime...i dropped a dime i not sure what a dime is but i dropped some money in a lebanese halal kebab place in kingston other week i felt like Jah was say just leave it so i did i like pay charity chi riteY(ew) when i can maybe is some mi bruthahs coming up from the cave i meant be sirus dog in i not idea most of time how long we been there who i am how to get back or how many of us was there if i was there before i jsut hope SoS Khat agent Oscar Bageera get come back if i find mi way if i dont and mi bruthahs come up cud be i found a nice place for them to eat. had a nice halal sign similar one do with Orion B. i just relaised when mi starry plough flag banner fell down from where i had it hanging on a hook from mi window like tec say hanging your flag out your project window while govt try kill you or osmething...i don know if he took over usa govt yet i really hope he aint trying kill me if he has....i remember i was n a palestine demo once i come back i had 2 those starry plough flags do with james connolly irish citizen army i sure u know what we made protect ourselves against fascist coppers who dont want serve protect themselves their own fam and all peoples

Posted on Untitled by LaRon McKinley Bey Untitled
Cursed8Blessed Posted 11 years, 10 months ago.   Favorite
Shalom Bruthah LaRon please forgive me i not been writing you as much as i wud like to really i wont go into reasons and excuses i know you is aware of mi issues and stuff. i is post a little letter to you yeserday 02/05/2013 i have a nice card i have got for u i know u say before not waste like money on cards n stuff itts this deut28 cursei keep thinking i gwan die soon now i more like sage commander art of war whether life or death so called hard tell whats what is this reflection world or if in heaven or down in hell levels like KinG Solomon and Davit is no big drama really if Jah is for us. is cos your is in hospital i really hope you hand is healing its terrible they not give medical treatment they gwan regret tht same as these enemy combatant terrorist laws they set up they the muthafeckahs fighting against Jah and humanitys/djinns/animals/all life forms not us they keep this up i think tecs lyric they be answer to armageddon they scripted cud be happening sooner rather than later but no man know hour but Father/Abba. is cos u is in hospital without uyur radio and things like get well card also for Baha'i festival not sure if thats still on i may look online later copy and paste bit do with it here but i cant promise lol i cud forget or get tired. i did print off some photos for you i will post in card later today. i start mi new course at recovery college is called telling your story. i went open day with mi social worker think was mi new one Davina shes cool shes black i did confess to her i was involved somehow in the black illuminati zionist fascists a while she seems ok with that i was just bit confused thougth they was really for Jah like how say. i been plan read some your letters on mi nvideo channel i not got direct answer if is ok same as about photo but i feel Holy Spirit tell me just go ahead sometiems so i do . i sure if not u wud forgive me like u say ALlah is forgivng and understanding of the mentally ill and souljahs of allah too like u i sure wud be same. even i am becomign like that. i is comment on some couple videos do with Noble Drew Ali i like learn more about HIm. \I so grateful u introducted me to stuff about that sent me the printouts. esp how u told me is count the irish and like i said lot of these pale english is irish too just dont realise it if ALlah not put you in or back in mi life i wud been all hung up on carnality of too obseesed with skin colour cover and not whats inside. i know idiots like tireo who seems possibly be confessing backwards eg projecting his insecurites on other people opposite of what Tec say to not do that but how he seems think carnality is like Jah not allow ppl blaze marijuna or have oral sex thaats just his jealous hatred cant handle holy herb cos hes too overcome by evil and cant keep his woman saisfied so takes it out on other people

Posted on Untitled by LaRon McKinley Bey Untitled
hpb Posted 11 years, 10 months ago.   Favorite
I can picture this. :)

Posted on It's A Hard Knock Life by Kyle De Wolf It's A Hard Knock Life
hpb Posted 11 years, 10 months ago.   Favorite
Particularly enjoyed your posting on this topic.

Posted on A False Oath by Kyle De Wolf A False Oath
hpb Posted 11 years, 10 months ago.   Favorite
Proud of you! Keep up the good work!

Posted on Grade report by Kyle De Wolf Grade report
aflores361 Posted 11 years, 10 months ago.   Favorite
Misty I like the poems you put up. Im sorry I haven't written you but you are always on my mind. A lot of things have happened over the past year. And I wasnt sure if you ever wanted to speak to me again. Ive had a baby boy, he was born 3/1/13. Misty the love a mother has for her children is incredible an I guess I never knew it till now. So yah bcuz I got pregnant by someone other than Alfred I thought you would resent me. And if you do then ok I'm sorry there is nothing I can do now. And I wouldn't take it back for anything. And by the way im already done school as a medical assistant now I just need to take the test to become certified. I did it ma I made it through and im proud of myself. I hope your proud of me too. Btw my sis is having another baby and its a girl. N my nephew jackies son is getting soo big he'll be 2 in lk 2 weeks. Well ma hope to hear back from you
Love Always
Ashlee Flores

Posted on Another Day In Paradise by Misty M. Torres Another Day In Paradise
bluelotus Posted 11 years, 10 months ago.   Favorite
that is incredibly beautiful, what did you draw it with is it watercolors?

Posted on Daily Journal - October 22-25, 2012 by Ronald W. Clark, Jr Daily Journal - October 22-25, 2012
Rita Posted 11 years, 10 months ago.   Favorite
Well Kelly, i am pleasantly surprised to read your answer here. I told you, same energies attract.

I can feel the two of us could relate real well, together!:-)

The feeling i had, was you were lesbian. I knew you were tall. But you certainly have a great personality.

Know what happened lately? I was standing on a tram. And in front of me sat a handsome man middle aged. I noticed his head. He was not heading towards me. Then i saw his nuded legs, somewhat with nylon blue color stockings... I thought he had shorts; it wasn't too warm though that day. His leg shape was elegant and rather thin.
Then he suddenly stood up and.... we all looked at him; under his raincoat vest he had a dark blue skirt. And those legs from an elegant women! He stepped out of the tram. Had I been waiting at the stop he waited... -people glaring at him...- I would have talked with him. Because I admired his courage to stand for his beliefs.
Most probably people made fun of him?....

Anyway, this event was somewhat unusual for me. But then again, in my painting lessons we learned "to see". ;-)

Posted on Untitled by Kelly Jones Untitled
angeliasamae Posted 11 years, 10 months ago.   Favorite
How is everything going? Your posts have me wondering.

Posted on 2013 Sucks by Donald Tinsley 2013 Sucks
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