June 6, 2014

Dear Blog Readers (5/10/14)

by Darrel (Terra) O'Key (author's profile)


May 10, 2014

Dear Blog Readers,

I know it has been quite a while since my last post, I have been really busy with prison life...it is not all sitting around waiting for time to pass.

I'm 600 hours int my Cosmetology Vocational Training, I'm quite proficient in hair cutting and ll things Cosmo related. I have 1000 more hours to go before I get my state license. This is the only program of its kind in California Men's Prison, so it's king of a big deal. We work on free staff, guards and inmates, so we get a lot of practice. The shop is set up just like a shop on the outside. Everything you can do on the outs we can do in here. It's like I'm not even in prison for the 7 hours a day that I'm there. Unfortunately it is located on the Vocational Training side of the prison and in order to be able to go there everyday, we are required to strip searches twice a day, totally naked, bend over and cough, the whole bit. It's a little uncomfortable since I'm Trans, but I just stare straight ahead and for those few minutes, that seem like an eternity as all other inmates are staring, I'm a stone statue...The only thing that gets me past all that is knowing that one day I will be done with this crap and I will have my license and won't have to bend and cough for anyone!!!

I' also well on my way to my A.A. Degree, I just finished my Spring 2014 semester and loved it. It is quite intimidating at first. It took me a few weeks to realize tat I could actually do it and I wasn't stupid. I will only be taking one class during the Summer semester (Sociology) should be fun...

I apologize for the many mistakes in my typing. I do not have access to a computer right now, so it's back to the stone age :)

I believe the last time I wrote, my partner of 8 years had decided that he wanted to be with a (cis) Female since he was getting ready to go home and I was ready to die, as you can see I did not die and I'm recovering nicely. My partner has since gotten a date and goes home in the next few weeks, we have managed to stay friends but it was touch and go there for a minute. I felt betrayed and he could not see my side of things but we worked through all of the broken dishes, bleach on his clothes and all the other normal break up stuff (ha,ha) only half kidding. I realized that my self worth did not depend on him and that I was FABULOUS! I did not want to be the bigger person in all of this but it was easier to do that then destroy a friend...I will always be grateful for the time we had and the friends we share, that was another aspect of it. Who gets the friends??? But in the end we are much better friends...I know, I know...how cliche.......

I recently read an awesome book called "Redefining Realness" by Janet Mock...if any of you out there know any Trans people, you have to send them this book, grab a copy for yourself too. She is a trans woman who has a story that will inspire anyone who is trying to overcome adversity in their lives. She is my new role model on how life can be...truly inspiring book. My friend Molly McClure sent it to me and I have not put it down since.

I have a request from all of you reading this. I'm interested in TRANS stories, either from prison or from the streets, I have included my mailing address in this post and would love to hear from you...any and all stories either M to F or F to M, does not matter...I will thank you in advance...

Also, I know that a lot of you are busy people but there are a lot of inmates that need mail, just a few kind words to let them know that they are still people. If you visit cellblock-services.com you could make the day of someone who feels like they have been forgotten about...

Send your stories to:

Darrell (Terra) O'Key V-51327
Valley State Prison
P.O. Box 92 B2-13-03L
Chowchilla, CA 93610

Or if you just want to drop me a line feel free...

Thanks for listening and I will write more often...hope to hear some stories from you...



P.S. Don't forget to visit cellblock-services.com and me someone's day...


Replies (4) Replies feed

Lynne Posted 10 years, 8 months ago. ✓ Mailed 10 years, 8 months ago   Favorite
I am Lynne, 62 yo woman. Nice to meet you. I just moved from Arizona to Alabama to support a man on death row twenty six years for a crime he did not commit. He has his very own person in the free world to try to do things that the country's best lawyers, millions of dollars and the (so called) Criminal Justice System hasn't been able to do so far. I just visited Holman Prison for the second time today and I am tired so this won't be very long. I am interested in everything prison reform, justice reform, prosecutor accountability, solitary confinement, death penalty...I write to two hunger strikers (60 days) last summer at Pelican Bay. Somehow I ended up here on your blog. This is my first visit to this sight and it is very cool. I am also interested in transgenders///don't even know the correct term there. I will continue to read your posts, and write a better letter soon. I am so tired my eyes hurt, but I wanted to say hello because I know how important it is to do it now. I won't forget you...Lynne

Darrel (Terra) O'Key Posted 10 years, 8 months ago.   Favorite
(scanned reply – view as blog post)

Lynne Posted 10 years, 7 months ago. ✓ Mailed 10 years, 7 months ago   Favorite
You made my day also. I struggle with the trouble of "every little tiny thing goes wrong...yeah goes wrong" (Janis Joplin) well tonight it got to the crying point, and for me, well I'm tough...and people...like jb...how can they sleep at night, I wonder. So many ignorant people...in my life as well... so here I'm balling in my car, a ten year old Toyota Corolla (every thing i own fits iside) in the Walmart parking lot thinking how worthless I feel my life has been. And I read that I made your day. And I stop crying! I make a little attitude adjustment. I realize that the most important things in life are not things (of course) but people. And we made a connection on this crazy little website I found one day as I research all things prison...

I'm renting a two bedroom apt. tomorrow. I've met Billy three times at Holman prison. I am going to be occupied with some clandestine tactics...did I mention we know who did it? He has a dream team law firm, but Alabama doesn't take to New Yorkers telling them they are wrong.

I will write a real letter when i get settled.

Oh, I cut my own hair! Ha ha! You should see how lopsided it is.. I kind of like it...I'll send you a picture.

Tell your friend...well I don't know what to tell him. It's gotta be frustrating.


BostonRocks Posted 10 years, 4 months ago. ✓ Mailed 10 years, 3 months ago   Favorite
Thanks for writing! I finished the transcription for your post.

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