April 29, 2017

Comment Response

by Timothy J. Muise (author's profile)
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Comment response
(March 27, 2017)


Reply ID: r34b

Dearest Gypsy,
Hello! I did get your latest letter and have it right here in front of me. I've been extremely busy with the reentry program, graduate maintenance program, and all my reentry preparations. A lot of separate activities have come up all at once and I will do my best to get a detailed letter off to you soon. It is crunch time for me and I just have to focus on a successful reentry.

Can you please do whatever you can to promote my reentry gofundme page. Share it folks at any websites you visits. You can find it at:

Please write as soon as you can and expect a letter from me soon. I am,

In Struggle,
Timothy J. Muise
Prisoner Rights Activist



Replies (1) Replies feed

Gypsyskye1954 Posted 7 years, 10 months ago. ✓ Mailed 7 years, 9 months ago   Favorite
I sent a note to you today, May 1st, I see on the go fund me page you have your release date, it's right around the corner, I find mixed emotions over the wonderful news, all the years we've written and talked, will they now disappear? I've lost so many friends already....God bless you Tim....always.....gypsy

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