March 23, 2018

Comment response

From Innocence Betrayed by Raymond D. Cooke (author's profile)



I'm so sorry I haven't been able to write to you directly. As you know, Sarah/Cookie has been here once to see me. It seemed like all was going well between us, and the healing and forgiveness had started. AMEN!

I received a letter from here dated Dec. 14, 2017; the official post mark was Feb. 28, 2018. I'm as confused as you are. But more importantly, she told me the story of picking up Joshua and you, okaying the release of your info to me so I could write directly to you. I was so excited after trying so hard. She explained how excited she was and was praising God for this blessing.

And as a side note, son, you stepping up for Joshua like you have makes me even prouder of you than I was already.

So I guess what I'm trying to say is I can't write 'cause she never wrote down your address in the one and only letter I've received from her since Christmas 2017. I have no clue what's in her head. But I need you to know what I would have wrote to your personally if she had provided me your address.

M.C. I sent Joshua cards and little jokes when I can. I understand he shares them with you? That's just so terrific. Thanks, son.

Don't for one second think that I've screwed up again. I was the one who used this service (Between the Bars) to try to contact you and all the family. I must have sent ten Christmas cards to the Chealse address and never got any type of response. This, except from you. I was very touched by your response saying that you loved me a lot, but I broke your heart. Never ever be scared. I'm not that guy anymore. After 15 years in these places, I've come to learn a lot about myself. So write me here or use the blog site.

Be smart, be good, love your family. Big cookie, hahah. XO


Replies (3) Replies feed

Arthurst@ Posted 5 years, 10 months ago. ✓ Mailed 5 years, 9 months ago   Favorite
Hi Ray, it's Steve Bausemer sorry to hear of your current situation. I'm 63 now and I work for the MBTA.Get back to me if you want to communicate , hope to hear from you.

Raymond D. Cooke Posted 5 years, 9 months ago.   Favorite
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Raymond D. Cooke Posted 5 years, 6 months ago.   Favorite
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