Date: 8/22/2020 12:03:32 PM
Subject: Reply ID:djj7
Julia Dearest,
Greetings on behalf of myself n all those whose lives u have touched with ur ever awesome n
amazing presence. Yup U got the gift of presence like that! smile. I'm being truthful. Ur friends
will tell U! So 2 the stranger (man) U just met/ bumped into 4 the 1st time 5 minutes ago!
What r the odds?!?
: )
Ur thoughtfulness is greatly appreciated in these times of incarceration. I admire ur inner beauty
that moves u 2 seek 2 respond 2 postings of mines U haven't responded 2! I'm speechless!!!
But u know that already...
With what words I can conjure up I will respond 2 ur polite notice of me.
Thanks 4 the "sorry" Just like the system 2 deprive me of lil opportunity 2 smile,laugh,n
appreciate the lil things in life. Would b less upset if I least gotta chance 2 see em! Other
facility's let u view what is they denying. By not being able 2 see the items U can't adequately
challenge the denial. After all what would u say? Can't really describe the discrepancy or
nothing! Feel me? Its like trial without letting U see the evidence/examine it!
thanks 4 the something 2 think about as it relates 2 my use of the words JIVE!
So I did think bout it...
it is horrible in the context of it being defined as "negroetalk"
not used 2 using it in my everyday verbiage! Guess that moment brought it out - jive
On the flip side sometimes I might use jive in a poem
The American Century Dictionary:
"lively jazz music popular in the 1950's"
"slang- foolish or deceptive talk"
"play jive"
"slang - deceive"
Sure a dictionary of American Slang will go more in depth
Wow didn't expect U 2 read the book.
I'm speechless, once again!
Thanks 4 taking an interest in my interests!
what else can I say or do but,
tip my heart 2 U.
Thank U 4 inviting the contents of To Kill a Mockingbird in to ur leisure time. Still trying 2 wrap
my head around ur amazing ness! anyways...
Yes I've read the book
twice matter fact!
1st time was in 9th grade. Didn't want 2 but it was part of the curriculum of Advanced English,a
class I was given but didn't want!!! Wasn't really a fan of it! Watching the movie angered me.
Know I was a fan of Tom Robinson n just his innocent negro innocence. Just wanted 2 live life n
then rape charges happened. Whew!
Last read the book in 2012!
Voluntarily this time!
2 connect with a treasured loved one who loved the book. I even took notes,not sure where they
r now! Still the "book report" helped me 2appreciate the story in my new found adulthood. Finally
got the title n y the book was called that. Definitely didn't see that 28yrs ago! Damn never
thought I'd ever say that (28yrs ago!)
Might read the book again,as I need a break from heavy reading. Yup I'm gone do that IF they
got it at the Library! Either way gone have it in my personal library,just like the book I'm reading
Letters 2 an Incarcerated Brotha
Some good resources in it,plus after seeing the author Hill Harper on Mentoring Kings I have
the notion 2 contact him! Said he'd respond,try 2, 2 all who got at him via twitter,Instagram!
Don't have those technological amenities, so I'm gone see if I can get his email info! Or I'll write
him via the publisher. Or I can wait till I get out 2 see what's up!
Been working on that a lot more lately,super motivated by my daughters comment,"its time 4 U
2 come home!"
So now I'm gone 2 the library once a week,that's all we get,2 look up potential employers n
helpmates! Even looking at Essence magazine n getting reacquainted with black culture best I
can . The latest issues were bout black fashion designers so I wrote down plenty names n
contact info. Not even sure what the address go 2 ,know its not email!
But I'm sure u can tell me!!
here's a sample
Samariah Leah (@samariahleah)
Well she n the others I wrote down now added masks 2 their collections, n rightly so! So
maybe I can start off working 4 1 of them or least networking with em! In like fashion maybe I
can work 4 1 of my 2 relatives who I found out got lines. One do t-shirts the other jumpsuits!
Gotta get they contact info or have moms give em mine!
But I also don't have a problem venturing out on my own! I got the designs n my moms got the
sewing machine n asked me 2 do business with her.
Bout 2 order an up 2 date blank clothes catalog! so I can play with some real. numbers n
articulate my business plan at my next parole hearing through I'm praying they release me b4
then. Lord knows I wrote em n simply asked 2 "go home!" Course I coupled it with who I am n y
I will succeed. Yup I genetically predisposed 2 b great at what I am great at!
Tru story
NEwho can start my T-shirt bizz with like $100-200 I got in my release account. Already got a
friend who willing 2 help me ,who knows how 2 do slogans/designs on the computer n screen
print. Work 4 me! Can jump right in with masks as well,n that's n even cheaper investment
$5-$50 ! Work 4 me. Already designing a winter collection! smile! Bout 2 learn how 2 sew at
work n the last 3 days been in the fabric room wetting my whistle! n just having a ball!!! Course
compliments come with the territory! Praying 2 get picture's of my work! add 2 my portfolio!.
Been doing some cold stuff,all hand sewn 2 say the least.
Meanwhile calming down n making more analytical choices,like deciding ,so help me God,2 not
start "dating" till I get out of here,n even then can't just jump into something! I gotta lotta
baggage n just stuff going. So even with having a wifey being the end goal maybe I'm better
suited as just a boyfriend or a good friend who a boy! I don't know,I'm just gone live life n see
what happens. But what happens when I find a woman's heart attractive? Do I say something?
or hold it in? Or play match maker!? What happens if a woman finds my heart attractive?...
I simply don't know
Do know I love my daughter
N that
I'm gone live the life I dreamed of
Also right now I'm looking 4ward 2 ur written letter
2 Portuguese
not 2 Portuguese
Know I wanna learn a few sayings ,words in Swahili
Mrs Julia
know any good spoken word poets?
song u might like
by The Roots featuring Raheem DeVaugn
remember when Juice came out I wanted 2 look like n change my name 2 Raheem
tru story
2 the coolest of Julia's
Take care of Urself
n those around u
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