Jan. 28, 2021

Book Review: "Too Much and Never Enough" by Mary L. Trump, Ph. D.

by Harlan Richards (author's profile)


Date: 1/12/2021 2:39:33 PM Subject: Blog
January 12, 2021
"Too Much and Never Enough: How My Family Created the World's Most Dangerous
by Mary L. Trump, Ph. D.
A Book Review
I just completed reading Mary Trump's biography of Donald Trump. It's a shame she didn't pick a more innocuous title, something that would have tricked delusional Trump supporters into buying and reading the book. The last thing the rest of us need to do is read another book about a delusional, narcissistic megalomaniac. We already KNOW the truth about Trump. It's his deluded followers who need to face the truth.
But I suppose that just like the refusal to admit that Trump won the 2016 with the help of Russia and that he was ousted in a fair election in 2020, they will refuse to admit that Mary Trump's book is an accurate portrayal of a sociopath. In my opinion, Ms. Trump does not come off looking all that good but at least she impresses me as a fairly normal human being out to tell the American people that the emperor has no clothes.
Donald's father, Fred, bears primary responsibility for creating the sociopath who is serving out the last days of a failed Presidency. But a mostly fawning, sycophantic media bears much of the blame for Trump's lifelong success. They created a media sensation over the previous decades in much the same way reality TV made Kim Kardashian famous for being famous (and a millionaire to boot). And that's only the beginning of the long list of enablers who paved Trump's path to the White House, most recently consisting of Republicans in Congress who tried to steal the 2020 election for him during the certification of the electoral vote. And, no, I don't subscribe to the fiction that there are legitimate questions about the 2020 election which must be investigated and put to rest for the benefit of those Trump supporters who think the election was stolen from him. If not for Trump's increasingly hysterical rants making that claim without any evidence whatsoever, and his supporter's inability to engage in independent thought, it wouldn't be an issue. As Senator Mitt Romney said the other night, the best thing you can do for those deluded people is tell them the truth.
One nice thing about Mary's book is the way she describes the millions of dollars Fred Trump amassed, the way he engaged in tax evasion and the hundreds of millions of dollars Donald lost in his inept business dealings. The revelations are mostly things that are generally known about


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kikithekiwani Posted 4 years, 1 month ago. ✓ Mailed 4 years ago   Favorite
Very nice work!

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