Aug. 9, 2012

Hey Fans! (Especially Those in CT)

by Andy Blackmore (author's profile)



Hey, Fans! Especially those in CT

Hi, everyone! It is I, the voice in the wilderness. I am getting all the paperwork together to file my Interstate Corrections Compact for Parole, and I am having a tough time!

Has anyone out there ever had to do this? I could sure use any help I can get.

My biggest problems are getting responses. I send out requests, resumes, letters, etc. with sases, but I hardly ever get any responses.

I need help getting letters for job offer, job opportunities, transitional or permanent housing, etc. sent to me.

If anyone wants to send me the latest classified ads sections from the New Haven Register or the Connecticut Post, I would be much obliged. You can send them here to me at my prison. Address in on my profile page.

I am debating whether or not to blog my resume. Has anyone done that with any luck?

You are my loyal, faithful readers, fans, stalkers. Can you think of any ways to help or make suggestions? I look forward to your ideas and responses. I could use a friend!

If you are in the greater New Haven County area and want to know more—write or email me now!

As I close this day's blog, I also still need to find out if there's anyone that knows what the website addresses are for Angels. Those people who need favors getting online and finding Angels who give/donate or loan money. I need help there too!

I still have some restitution to pay (about $800). I need clothes to parole in (approx. $150). I need an Amtrack ticket from Martinez, CA to Milford, CT or Greyhound. But Amtrack is only %275 through Priceline. I could use some food coupons, new socks, undies, hygiene too.

So I know that some gal got free boobs (saw it on TMZ). So what is that web address? I figure I need my shot at help too, and I'm not ashamed to ask!

Thanks you all!


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