Jan. 5, 2013


by Amondo Duckworth (author's profile)



You're a woman who has the burden/blessing of bringing children into the world, but along with this burden/blessing comes the responsibility, heartache, endurance, anger, and weight of picking the right person to share your most prized possessions: (1) knowledge, (2) spirit, (3) soul, (4) body, and (5) understanding. As a woman you are the earth because without you nothing grows, is born, or comes to be; you are the beginning and what you produce is the end. Believe it or not, without a woman, a man is nothing more than a hope and dream waiting to become a reality. As a woman you are wisdom, love, nature, and nurturer to all that exist, without you there is nothing, but without the knowledge of a woman's worth you are nothing. Without letting your personal feelings or bias come into play, what is a woman's worth? What is your worth? This does not mean: what do you do for me, our children, or yourself; this means what positive, productive, worthwhile lessons have you passed to the future generations of women to come? Your daughter is a direct reflection of your bloodline, your journey, your past, present and future, so if you see the bad in her, it is only a mirror of the bad in you, and so it is with the good. Surround yourself with strength and you will learn to be strong, because no one can be strong for you. Open your world up past the door of ghetto influence, set up a structure of strong, intelligent, women... Network with your teachers, social workers, etc... If you're not in school, find a way to complete education, seek out the means. Lean a woman's worth, be a woman, not by age, child bearing, or gender, but by example, knowledge, and learning what womanhood is.

You're a flower, strong, fertile, and nurturing, but you are also soft and delicate like a flower. Your petals are the ears you listen, and hear with, they are also the arms you use to hold our children, and the fruit of your labor; your stem is the foundation that helps you to stand strong and firm no matter how heavy the weight, your roots are the legacy of all that will be and all that is, as well as all that has been, it carries all of your life's lessons, and memories that will help you maintain stability and understanding. As a flower you may be covered in snow, burned by fire, blown by winds, even stripped by storms, but you're always going to recover.

You are blessed to come in many shapes, sizes, colors, and smells, but you personally are unique because even though you're the woman flower among millions of others you have qualities that none of them may have... you have to learn those qualities for yourself, because I cannot teach them to you, nor can I guide you to your inner self to find them.

This is a part of your growth, to search self for a deeper meaning, and position of power, as a woman you know how to do this better than any man, so there is no reason to look outside of yourself for the growth process. When you search deep within yourself, and question what you are, have become, and want to be then you know that you are on the right path. I know better than anyone that you have a hustler's nature, and know how to turn nothing into something, but with such a nature inside of you, it can become a battle of intellect versus hustle, and as a mature woman you either have to learn how to use both or choose which one to get rid of.

Your growth will manifest itself through your actions, decisions, circle of friends, and the environment you place yourself, and those you love in. It is one thing to live for self, and only self, but it is totally different, and difficult when you are trying to live for self, others, and gratification of needs, wants, and hopes, that are trivial in terms of the big picture. I hope that you will/have opened the door to the growth of: (1) knowledge, (2) spirit, (3) soul, (4) body, and (5) understanding but most importantly (6) self. My palms are up in hope of peace with you, in you, for you, and in the deepest study of self that I hope will come to pass because of this lesson and message.

I do this out of love, honor, respect, and most importantly growth for you in all things. I now close this in hopes that you will utilize this to your fullest ability.


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