I cannot fathom how this commenter could have gotten so wrong such demonstrative facts concerning what the video evidence does/doesn't depict, or why the commenter would incorporate such factual misstatement to tarnish my case for justice. Please review the video. LINK? Which should be available any day now @ jordanlitigation.com I encourage that commenter to also review my proposed trial testimony at pages 105-112 of "Jordan's Amended Motion to Vacate" ?, which is pending before the court and available at jordanlitigation.com, on the "Criminal Litigation" page, under "Section VI. Pending Motion To Vacate Conviction". All of the evidence, save the perjured testimony of two jailhouse rats, one of whom has since recanted, is entirely consistent with my proposed trial testimony, my not assaulting anyone. Finally, I remind that commenter that Federal Judge Lewis Babcock refused to allow my defense to call Sean Riker to the stand in my defense, as a witness, to ask him whether and why he in fact stabbed the victim. The basis for Judge Babcock's refusal was that my doing so "would confuse the jury". It is clear to me that justice in my case will not be administered by the courts or by way of my release. I expect only that my innocence, my wrongful conviction, my be proven publicly and that the public will administer justice in grater awareness, progressive changes in the criminal justice system, and the prevention of further wrongful convictions. It may be too late for me, but it is not too late for change. There, will I find my justice.
Submitted by lala (not verified) on September 30, 2010 - 3:35pm.
Thanks to everyone for their positive comments and support. And a special thanks to those who made it to the oral argument. Unfortunately, the Federal Court of Appeals affirmed the district court's denial of my motion to permit DNA testing of the murder weapon under the Innocence Protection Act. LINK?. The court reasoned that even if someone else's DNA is foundon the wapon, such as the DNA of Sean Riker, that would prove only that Riker handled the weapon at some time (Riker actually denies ever handling the weapon), and will not prove that I am innocent. The court basically interpreted the Innocence Protection Act very narroly to permit DNA testing only where the results will prove conslsively exonerating. A copy of all proceedings in this case under the IPA, including the appeal court's February 11, 2010 order, can be found on jordanlitigation.com on the "Criminal Litigation" page, under "Pending Innocence Protection Action Proceedings". LINK? I also want to separately address the sorely misinformend June 16, 2010 comments posted my "Hmmm". First, as to what is or is not "ON FILM", the video evidence used at trial is now availabe to the public at jordanlitigation.com, on the "Criminal Litigation" page, under "Section II. Trial and Sentencing In District Court". We hope to also have the entire trial transcrips posted very soon. While it is not at all clear from that video, I did manage to get ahold of the murder weapon immediately after BOP/FBI confidential informant Sean Riker stabbed the victim, my former cellmate and friend. I did then run behind the victim - between him and his assailant - after he was stabbed by Riker. Although not on video, which mysterioulsy skips over this activity, I did throw the murder weapon on a rooftop and run to a Bureau of Prison' Lieutenant to assist the victim, Davin Brian Stone, who died later that day. Further contrary to the commenter's misstatements, the actual assailant, Sean Riker, was not "seen leaving the scene long before the stabbing happened". Indeed, the video places him with the victim minutes prior to his assault and the government's own star witness, Gary Collins, a fellow gang associate of Riker, testified to Riker's presence at the time of the stabbing.
Sweetpea: Does your husband know that you’re obsessed with another man? That you write letters to him, call and talk to his lawyer and look up information for him. That you watch family videos from him. This is emotional cheating. Take the time and energy you give Sean and give it your husband. Is your husband ok with his wife being obsessed with someone else’s business? Sean would never be that type of husband, to let his wife write another man and watch his movies. Your husband either doesn’t know what you’re doing or you married a pushover. The type of man who if he ever ended up in prison himself would be raped in his ass by exactly the type of inmate Sean says he is. Does that make you feel good? Are you a self-proclaimed journalist or private investigator? Do you have any ethics? Have you taken a college level ethics course? It is clear by the way you write, the things you write and your comprehension abilities that you have no formal law education. And thanks for mentioning what Hart told you. I will be filing a formal complaint with the WI state board of attorney ethics on him. And if you tell me the name of the guard you spoke to I will be filing a formal complaints against him as well. You asked why Sean didn’t testify on his own behalf. Well, let me give you a bit of information that someone who actually does know what they’re talking about would have already known: Simple answer – Sean’s a coward. Longer answer – If Sean had taken the stand it would have allowed the D.A. to ask Sean if he was a felon. Sean would have to answer yes to this question. Then the D.A. could answer what felonies have you been convicted of. And Sean would have to answer that he was convicted of felonies that include arson, bombing an elementary school and three other buildings among others. This would have looked very bad for Sean. If Sean took the stand his entire past criminal and prison history would have been fair game. By not taking the stand it was never brought up. That’s right. The jury did not know that Sean had served federal prison time for any reason let alone for bombing a school. They didn’t know of his prison career from age 13 onward in max and supermax facilities in California and the federal system. They got no info that he is the most likely suspect in a murder that was committed in prison. They knew nothing of his past. And yet they still convicted him on all 16 state charges. It also allowed Sean to skate around all of the felonies he committed during our time in Utah. The abuse in Utah, the things he stole ect. All of Utah has basically off limits because Sean didn’t take the stand and because I did Sean the favor of not bringing up Utah. I stayed focused on only what happened in Wisconsin. If Utah had been brought up five days of trail would not have been enough.
You’re a nice guy Sean. You’re not racist, you don’t hurt people. You don’t commit property crimes and crimes against persons. You love children and your own previous record of being an involved father to your own children is solid. You treat women with respect. The whole “no mercy” policy was just a joke. You treated people in prison with respect and you never checked in or snitched to get freedom. You don’t lie about anything at all. It’s ok to have women write hate mail to your ex-wife and write lies about her to judges, social services and online. It’s okay that a woman killed herself for you and left with son with no mother. But you’re getting out soon! So soon you think you might explode, and you’re looking for love again. No matter that every woman who has had experience with you was ruined. Christina raised her boys on her own, no help from you. Paula spent 3 years in prison for being with you during the bombings and certainly she wasn’t the mastermind. Your ex-wife suffered years of abuse to her and her children. Angel killed herself. You are a caner on society Sean Riker. A cancer with no cure. I feel sorry for the taxpayers of Wisconsin for having to pay the bill to house and feed you.
Sean said on Nathan’s blog titled “Moderating the Sean Riker debate” that “I’m Sean Riker and everything I say is true” But it just isn’t true Sean. I have proved over and over again that you’re a liar. You claim to be a good guy vs. the court paperwork that says you’re a federal prison snitch who was in protective custody because you were worried for your own safety. You checked in Sean and we all know it. You say you’re not racist but the paperwork I posted shows you asked for “any nigger to kill” as well as demanding jail staff not house black men near your cells and calling a Hispanic jail guard a “spic”. You claim you’re getting out on your prisoninmates.com site vs. me showing that clearly you’re not thanks to the appellate court upholding the 7 ½ years. You said you got a letter from your child vs. nobody actually get a letter and me talking to four of the agencies you said you sent the letter to and the Attorney General’s own letter back to you mentioning only YOUR letter. You claiming I’m going to prison vs. Well, I haven’t yet so that is rather obvious. Saying I’m unstable vs. your fiancé killing herself over you and you being on psychotropic drugs. You claiming DNA evidence will exonerate you vs. you saying everywhere else that only my lies convicted you. And then Nathan saying the DNA mixup was just a white lie at most. Your desperate housewives and Nathan can go around on the merry-go-round of excuses and lies all they want. You went to federal prison for burglaries, arson and bombings. Including an elementary school. And you lied about the motive because it was to cover up a robbery from your meth-induced crime spree. Not because of Mormons having sex with kids. But they excuse that. You were in a prison gang and involved in a murder where a man has spent almost 15 years now proclaiming his own innocence. But Mark Jordan is also just a liar and this is all excused too. You committed crimes during the entire time you lived in Utah. Excused. You admit you were never out of trouble or prison for more than four years from the age of 13 until now. No biggie, it’s excused too. You have a swastika tattoo and you refer to black people almost solely as niggers. You ask to kill them and tell guards they are spics and you will remember their face and get them when they are not around five other guards. But you say you’re not a racist. We believe you, excused.
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And now I’ve got Nathan Lindell, a convicted murderer of his elderly coin-collecting neighbor, arsonist and thief calling me a liar because he’s studied “kinetics” while in prison and based on that expert knowledge of his he believes Sean’s body language is telling the truth. How fucking ridiculous. A convicted murderer accusing me of lying about my own marriage. Nathan and Sean can’t even get it straight if Sean has a tv in his cell or not. Nathan claims Sean’s too poor for a tv, yet Sean claims he watches tv, works out and corresponds with hundreds of followers during the day. Only people like you sweetpea and people like Megan who can’t spell or write worth a shit believe this stuff. Sean and Nathan prey on women like you two. Women who are bored and lonely, maybe not fulfilled in their own life, think they are doing some great detective work and making a difference in all the injustice of the world. You care so much about my kids. Please don’t, they’re fine. Care about the kids that still live with people like Sean Riker. Or the kids whose parents couldn’t afford Christmas presents because Sean Riker stole their father’s Christmas bonus check from his job. Or the kids in Mark Jordan’s life that lost a family member because Sean pinned Mark for a murder Sean did himself. Are you as worried about Angel’s son who now has no mother at all because of her relationship and interaction with Sean? That poor boy lost a mother to suicide. My kids have a strong mother, a mother that is still alive. A mother that doesn’t allow delusions to control her life and spend more time worrying about a man in prison than her own child. Yes sweetpea, my children are just fine.
Their mother, Christina, never took the kids to visit Sean while he was incarcerated. And she didn’t give him the letters he wrote. And she did the right thing. It was better to move away from Sean and let the boys have a normal childhood. But why, if Sean was so great then as you claim he is now, did Christina leave him. Why would she leave that marital bliss and for such The other daughter you claim is his probably isn’t. Sean said this girl had a bad mother who was addicted to drugs and she had no good family. She wanted a father so much so she reached out to Sean for what was missing in her life. Once Sean got out of federal prison he wanted nothing to do with her. He said she was mentally unstable. (Who knows if that’s true or not) He slept with her mother a few times. I doubt he is biologically her father. And he certainly isn’t a father role for her. He was locked up during her entire childhood and teen years and he never once visited her after being released in 2006. Not once. Sean has had no time to be around children during his life to show one way or another on how he acts around kids. And I made the mistake of my and my children’s life by giving him a chance. He destroyed my children and treated us as if we were in prison with him and he gave us the “no mercy” policy he mentions above in his “Wisconsin Inmates are an Enigma to Me” post. Do you think it’s reasonable for me to post pictures of my minor children with abuse on them on the internet to fill your obsessive and somewhat weird sense of need? Do you think that is appropriate? You do realize that the jurors saw this evidence don’t you? There was five days of trial testimony, five days. I testified for two hours. The kids testified in addition to the videos and other misc. things for one day. That leaves 3 ½ days of testimony that was not related to me “lying” on the stand or the kids.
Sweetpea: I have been called names, told I’m sadistic, a liar, a bad mother, had women want to get their hands on me and make threats against me. All women I don’t know. All women who have hate for me based on the bullshit Sean feeds them. Women have written to child services in my county offering to take my children from me when I go to prison because Sean has convinced them I am going to prison. This has become such an issue with the possibility of these crazy women trying to kidnap my children that I moved on the county’s dime to get out of this area so that I am safe and my kids are safe. And it burns Sean up so much. Trying to force me to give out my new address and trying to take me to court to demand it or have me sanctioned. Sean got kicked off the case here because he lies, twists things around and is a malicious jerk in all aspects of anything he is involved in. So all these things Sean says about me are untrue but I don’t threaten to kill judges or prosecutors, I don’t damage state property, I don’t make racial insults towards other people and I don’t have to be wheeled into court like Hannibal Lector. I know this stuff about me isn’t true but I go to work, take care of my kids, go to court and do all the other things in a normal life plus deal with the misery of the whole “Sean situation” without doing any of those things. Are you really giving Sean a pass on threatening to kill a judge and acting how he did in jail because he says he was wrongfully accused? So it’s okay for me to threaten people, beat people up, damage property and threaten judges and it’s all okay because Sean says things about me that aren’t true. And Sean’s past can’t be used against him because it has nothing to do with our case. Yes, it does. Sean admits in his own words he was in youth authority since age 13. Before 2006 he had never been out of prison for more than four years by his own account. And during those four years he was committing felonies. Back in prison in 1995 for another decade and released again in 2006. During the 06-09 years he was committing felonies as well. There’s no period of Sean being good to try to counter this. His whole life has been in prison or on the streets for a stretch while he committed more crimes. Your uncle was violent but not towards women and children. Good for him. But he’s not Sean. They are different men. Some similarities, some differences. I also believe that some men can be violent and dangerous and yet not hurt their family. Even though my own experience should tell me otherwise I still choose to believe that. But Sean isn’t one of those men. He does hurt women. He beat Paula, the woman who did the bombing with him. He beat me and beat my kids. Sean has no time in his life that he was around kids. His kids were in diapers when he and Paula were in a meth-induced bombing spree in Utah. Those kids never saw Sean for 15 years. No contact through the mail.
I encourage that commenter to also review my proposed trial testimony at pages 105-112 of "Jordan's Amended Motion to Vacate" ?, which is pending before the court and available at jordanlitigation.com, on the "Criminal Litigation" page, under "Section VI. Pending Motion To Vacate Conviction". All of the evidence, save the perjured testimony of two jailhouse rats, one of whom has since recanted, is entirely consistent with my proposed trial testimony, my not assaulting anyone.
Finally, I remind that commenter that Federal Judge Lewis Babcock refused to allow my defense to call Sean Riker to the stand in my defense, as a witness, to ask him whether and why he in fact stabbed the victim. The basis for Judge Babcock's refusal was that my doing so "would confuse the jury".
It is clear to me that justice in my case will not be administered by the courts or by way of my release. I expect only that my innocence, my wrongful conviction, my be proven publicly and that the public will administer justice in grater awareness, progressive changes in the criminal justice system, and the prevention of further wrongful convictions. It may be too late for me, but it is not too late for change. There, will I find my justice.
Submitted by lala (not verified) on September 30, 2010 - 3:35pm.
Thanks to everyone for their positive comments and support. And a special thanks to those who made it to the oral argument. Unfortunately, the Federal Court of Appeals affirmed the district court's denial of my motion to permit DNA testing of the murder weapon under the Innocence Protection Act. LINK?. The court reasoned that even if someone else's DNA is foundon the wapon, such as the DNA of Sean Riker, that would prove only that Riker handled the weapon at some time (Riker actually denies ever handling the weapon), and will not prove that I am innocent. The court basically interpreted the Innocence Protection Act very narroly to permit DNA testing only where the results will prove conslsively exonerating. A copy of all proceedings in this case under the IPA, including the appeal court's February 11, 2010 order, can be found on jordanlitigation.com on the "Criminal Litigation" page, under "Pending Innocence Protection Action Proceedings". LINK?
I also want to separately address the sorely misinformend June 16, 2010 comments posted my "Hmmm". First, as to what is or is not "ON FILM", the video evidence used at trial is now availabe to the public at jordanlitigation.com, on the "Criminal Litigation" page, under "Section II. Trial and Sentencing In District Court". We hope to also have the entire trial transcrips posted very soon.
While it is not at all clear from that video, I did manage to get ahold of the murder weapon immediately after BOP/FBI confidential informant Sean Riker stabbed the victim, my former cellmate and friend. I did then run behind the victim - between him and his assailant - after he was stabbed by Riker. Although not on video, which mysterioulsy skips over this activity, I did throw the murder weapon on a rooftop and run to a Bureau of Prison' Lieutenant to assist the victim, Davin Brian Stone, who died later that day. Further contrary to the commenter's misstatements, the actual assailant, Sean Riker, was not "seen leaving the scene long before the stabbing happened". Indeed, the video places him with the victim minutes prior to his assault and the government's own star witness, Gary Collins, a fellow gang associate of Riker, testified to Riker's presence at the time of the stabbing.
Simple answer – Sean’s a coward.
Longer answer – If Sean had taken the stand it would have allowed the D.A. to ask Sean if he was a felon. Sean would have to answer yes to this question. Then the D.A. could answer what felonies have you been convicted of. And Sean would have to answer that he was convicted of felonies that include arson, bombing an elementary school and three other buildings among others. This would have looked very bad for Sean. If Sean took the stand his entire past criminal and prison history would have been fair game. By not taking the stand it was never brought up. That’s right. The jury did not know that Sean had served federal prison time for any reason let alone for bombing a school. They didn’t know of his prison career from age 13 onward in max and supermax facilities in California and the federal system. They got no info that he is the most likely suspect in a murder that was committed in prison. They knew nothing of his past. And yet they still convicted him on all 16 state charges. It also allowed Sean to skate around all of the felonies he committed during our time in Utah. The abuse in Utah, the things he stole ect. All of Utah has basically off limits because Sean didn’t take the stand and because I did Sean the favor of not bringing up Utah. I stayed focused on only what happened in Wisconsin. If Utah had been brought up five days of trail would not have been enough.
But it just isn’t true Sean. I have proved over and over again that you’re a liar.
You claim to be a good guy vs. the court paperwork that says you’re a federal prison snitch who was in protective custody because you were worried for your own safety. You checked in Sean and we all know it.
You say you’re not racist but the paperwork I posted shows you asked for “any nigger to kill” as well as demanding jail staff not house black men near your cells and calling a Hispanic jail guard a “spic”.
You claim you’re getting out on your prisoninmates.com site vs. me showing that clearly you’re not thanks to the appellate court upholding the 7 ½ years.
You said you got a letter from your child vs. nobody actually get a letter and me talking to four of the agencies you said you sent the letter to and the Attorney General’s own letter back to you mentioning only YOUR letter.
You claiming I’m going to prison vs. Well, I haven’t yet so that is rather obvious.
Saying I’m unstable vs. your fiancé killing herself over you and you being on psychotropic drugs.
You claiming DNA evidence will exonerate you vs. you saying everywhere else that only my lies convicted you. And then Nathan saying the DNA mixup was just a white lie at most.
Your desperate housewives and Nathan can go around on the merry-go-round of excuses and lies all they want.
You went to federal prison for burglaries, arson and bombings. Including an elementary school. And you lied about the motive because it was to cover up a robbery from your meth-induced crime spree. Not because of Mormons having sex with kids. But they excuse that.
You were in a prison gang and involved in a murder where a man has spent almost 15 years now proclaiming his own innocence. But Mark Jordan is also just a liar and this is all excused too.
You committed crimes during the entire time you lived in Utah. Excused.
You admit you were never out of trouble or prison for more than four years from the age of 13 until now. No biggie, it’s excused too.
You have a swastika tattoo and you refer to black people almost solely as niggers. You ask to kill them and tell guards they are spics and you will remember their face and get them when they are not around five other guards. But you say you’re not a racist. We believe you, excused.