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admin Posted 12 years, 2 months ago.   Favorite
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Posted on Interview Of An Innocent Man by Nathaniel Lindell Interview Of An Innocent Man
whoeveryouwantmetobe Posted 12 years, 2 months ago.   Favorite

Posted on Interview Of An Innocent Man by Nathaniel Lindell Interview Of An Innocent Man
SAH Posted 12 years, 2 months ago.   Favorite
I'd like to know more about your case that put you in prison. Simple google search doesn't return. Were you tried under a different name? Thank you.

Posted on Untitled by Amondo Duckworth Untitled
SAH Posted 12 years, 2 months ago.   Favorite
lwop or the death penalty? honestly...what is the difference? perhaps some lifers would disagree. that is their right. personally, living in a cage for my natural life doesn't appeal to me.

manny's family is OBVIOUSLY distressed. equally (or more so distressed)are the families of his victims.

i cannot speak up enough for the victims of the crimes for which death row inmates have been convicted.

i will repeat that I do have empathy and would be the FIRST to champion a convict who is exonerated by evidence. I honestly cannot consider a worse injustice than to be wrongfully convicted.

in your case - and the "other crimes" - I have yet to read or hear anything other than guilty.

i need to get off my focus on your case(s). originally, after reading your case & researching, you just came across to me as
a bad seed. i still feel that way.

to follow through with my earlier post, i WILL provide documents of alleged (never convicted) homicides.

not to mislead any readers knows you can ONLY be executed once. In multiple homicide investigations...the state oft opts for the sure win and the death sentence where applicable. my hunch is that IS the case re: Clarke.

nevertheless, I'm done with this debate. I'll check from time to time to see when his date is set.

Happy holidays to all.

Posted on Comment Response by Ronald W. Clark, Jr Comment Response
SAH Posted 12 years, 2 months ago.   Favorite
Your love is and always has been toxic. Not my problem. You bat the word "love" around like it was a football on a Sunday afternoon.

I'm done commenting on you, Clarke.

Posted on Daily Journal 11/30/12 To 12/2/12 by Ronald W. Clark, Jr Daily Journal 11/30/12 To 12/2/12
whoeveryouwantmetobe Posted 12 years, 2 months ago.   Favorite
Link to article posted above:

Posted on Interview Of An Innocent Man by Nathaniel Lindell Interview Of An Innocent Man
whoeveryouwantmetobe Posted 12 years, 2 months ago.   Favorite
Her attorney, Greg Stevens, asked Benson for leniency, claiming that Rogers played a minor role in the crime spree and was coerced into participating through beatings she received from Riker.

"I was involved in a lot of that but I was scared of him," Rogers said. "He did beat me up a lot and put me in the hospital. . . . He threatened my kids if I didn't stay."

This is from Sean's ex-girlfriend Paula. By Sean's own words he was never out of prison for longer than the timeframe that he was during the mid 1990's and he spent this time with Paula. This time was plauged with meth and drug use that Sean admits himself and claims he was out of control from.
And now the woman he was with during that time is claiming that Sean threatened her kids and beat her often including putting her in the hospital. Sean told me himself that he beat Paula almost dead one time and beat her often other than that. Add Paula and her children to the list of people who are victims of Sean.

Paula - If you ever come accross this stupid blog and read this garbage about Sean being innocent and a nice guy let me tell you this. I am sorry that I have used your name to further my own points. I am sorry for taking any privacy away from you by doing so.
I am also sorry that you knew Sean. I do believe you that you were scared. I was scared too. I believe that Sean used your children as a pawn to make you do things for him. I stayed for so long because I had kids and I was scared too. I believe you that he beat you and I am sorry for all of it. I am sorry that Judge Benson didn't believe you about the type of abuse that I know you suffered. I am sorry that you lost three years of your life to prison but I am grateful that you were able to escape and free yourself from Sean. Even if that escape could only come through a prison sentence. I hope that you have been able to move away from your time with Sean. I hope your family and you have healed. I hope you found some type of peace. I hope your life has happiness in it. Be proud that you also survived Sean. Others who knew him haven't been so lucky.

Posted on Interview Of An Innocent Man by Nathaniel Lindell Interview Of An Innocent Man
whoeveryouwantmetobe Posted 12 years, 2 months ago.   Favorite
Bomb-spree accomplice gets 3 years in prison

By Robert Gehrke, Associated Press writer

Published: Wednesday, Oct. 8 1997 12:00 a.m. MDT

A federal judge has sentenced Paula Castillo Rogers to three years in prison for her role in a bombing and robbery spree in St. George two years ago.

"You terrorized the city of St. George," U.S. District Judge Dee Benson told Rogers on Tuesday.Rogers, 31, had pleaded guilty to one count of malicious destruction of a building and admitted to being an accomplice of Sean Riker. Riker has pleaded guilty to detonating five bombs in St. George businesses and the two have admitted to a string of robberies.

Her attorney, Greg Stevens, asked Benson for leniency, claiming that Rogers played a minor role in the crime spree and was coerced into participating through beatings she received from Riker.

"I was involved in a lot of that but I was scared of him," Rogers said. "He did beat me up a lot and put me in the hospital. . . . He threatened my kids if I didn't stay."

Stevens also said Rogers was enrolled in Narcotics Anonymous to try to kick a drug habit.

Benson was dubious of her explanation. He ran down a list of 14 robberies of southern Utah businesses and residences in which she and Riker are suspects, asking if she played a part in each. She admitted involvement in six.

The state has agreed not to prosecute Rogers in those robberies.

Benson said that the fact she chose not to take part in eight alleged robberies indicates that Riker did not exercise excessive control and chastised her for offering "some 1990s excuse that you were being bullied and coerced by your boyfriend."

"I find quite to the contrary," Benson said. "You were in this up to your eyeballs."

Benson sentenced Rogers to 36 months in prison and an additional three years on supervised release. She also must participate in a psychiatric-health program and a drug and alcohol testing program and pay $59,452 restitution.

"I think (36) months is light, and it's a good thing you didn't get caught and prosecuted on the others, or you could be spending the rest of your life in prison," Benson said.

Since her arrest, Rogers has spent the 21 months in Salt Lake County Jail. She will be in a federal prison for the duration of her sentence, said Stevens.

Riker has pleaded guilty to five counts of use of an explosive device. Prosecutors plan to seek a prison sentence of more than 11 years at his Oct. 27 sentencing.

Riker admitted to detonating bombs at Star Flag and Display on July 31, 1995; at Dixie Auto Sales on Aug. 4, 1995; at Woodward Elementary School on Aug. 5, 1995; and at Agave bookstore on Sept. 23, 1995. Two bombs were set off at the school.

Rogers admitted to acting as a lookout and buying supplies for Riker in at least four bombings.

Posted on Interview Of An Innocent Man by Nathaniel Lindell Interview Of An Innocent Man
whoeveryouwantmetobe Posted 12 years, 2 months ago.   Favorite
Mark Jordan's right for a new trial

Submitted by Anonymous on November 3, 2009 - 12:04pm.

Hi I am a long time friend of Mark and just wanted to say this man was once a boy who was and i believe still is a wonderful, loving person. Did he commit robbery at 17? Yes. But he has also served 15 years in prison which is not usual considering his age and the fact no one was hurt. I am in my 70's and hope to see mark with his family once again and hope and pray he gets a new trial to prove his innocence.I am tired of hearing so much negative when there are so many positive things about mark. I remember when mark was younger he would walk around for hours collecting food for homeless people or families who wouldnt have a meal on holidays,and then surprise these families for the holidays.He would shovel snow for hours free of charge so that seniors around the neighborhood wouldn't have to go outside and do it. I just needed to let people know this man is not the monster some make him out to be and in my opinion " innocent ".

Posted on Interview Of An Innocent Man by Nathaniel Lindell Interview Of An Innocent Man
whoeveryouwantmetobe Posted 12 years, 2 months ago.   Favorite
Mark Jordan New Trial

Submitted by Anonymous on November 21, 2009 - 3:37pm.

There is no doubt in my mind that Mr. Jordan is innocent. I was reading his website and learned alot of details that i never knew before.How this jury found him guilty still blows my mind.I think the workers from the bop know much more about that day then they are saying, also it seems to amaze me how cameras in the most secure prison in the country just so happen to change views while the stabbing took place.Give me a break!! Probly a set up of some sort.It also says bloody glove was found near a set of bleachers where "it has been proven Mark Jordan was no where near".There are just way to many facts that prove him innocent and i believe the truth will be told one day.But until that day Mr Jordan should be a free man.Whats there to hide?Give him the DNA test requested.

Posted on Interview Of An Innocent Man by Nathaniel Lindell Interview Of An Innocent Man
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