Maisha- Im very interested in what you have to say as I understand very well and know that unless one has been there, they do not always understand why women cannot just get away from such relationships. Ive shared my story with many victims advocates in training to show (reinforce) what happens when you do try to get away, and what it is like when even a protective order strictly enforced does not help.....if a partner is angry enough and sees you as a possession of his only, its only a piece of paper to him and he will violate it quickly, and if he finds he cannot hurt the one he loved he will go after the ones THEY love etc. It happens more than others understand and it happens in secrecy, until its truly a matter of escaping safely. Id love to keep up with your blog here and read what you have to share, please keep writing. -CC
I have one more question, please. Am I correct to assume that EVERY death row inmate was convicted of homicide? I'd hate to think we had petty criminals (gas thiefs, convenience store 30 pak of buds lifters) on death row. ALL DR convicts have commited homicide? Please clarify. Thank You.
To kimberlita (post just before mine). I so agree. I think Mr. Clark is just playing. He has time (obviously). These boards affording the opportunity to further this BS should be restricted. I'm off to do a little research and see if MY voice on this matter can make a difference. I'm limited because I do have a job and a family (unlike Mr. Clark). Then again, I was never charged nor convicted of MURDER.
I (personally) am so done with these stories about DR prisoners crying about their deprivation(and a few who spend years complaining through the courts about the cost of goodies from the canteen).
Boo Hoo. You inmates need to spend your time giving back to humanity what you took.
I have NO sympathy. Looked for it and could not find it. Please find a way to attempt to repay humanity instead of this crazy psycho-babble you submit (with your scarce envelopes&stamps). Spend your time PRODUCTIVELY.
In the "free world" - I purchase a vitamin supplement at the local drugstore on a monthly basis. I usually get them when I buy my hair and hygiene products.
I use my DEBIT card that is available to me from funds I deposited from my PAYCHECK. The paycheck to fund the card comes from my 8 to 5 job (over 50 years of continuous employment).
Stop your whining. Don't know "your case" and really don't care. You're there because your peers (the jury) CONVICTED you. Please stop whining and perhaps figure out how you can give back to humanity what you took. I have a few ideas - how about writing/drawing for children in critical care cases (ie: kids hospitalized w/lukemia or other cancers). How about starting a "we love you" writing campaign to the veterans in the veteran hospitals across the US?
Stop about yourself. It's time to pay back your debt to society.
Ontime - this fella fails to mention he left 2 joints on his bunk and got this started let alone the snitching about others and the helicopter ordeal. He does not need help - as of today he has 418.72 on his account - some fellas there get maybe 20.00 a year!!!! 1-800-209-7250 tells all that. I dont feel sorry. He has the help he needs. There are not many readers who care enough - we do this to see how crazy. What does a DR inmate have to offer anyone in the free world? NOTHING. You can't write and teach about Jesus, being saved, they do not care!!!! What is the point? Useless.
There are many readers of your blogs who care enough to keep you from destructive behavior such as hunger strikes etc even if you do not fall in love. Please know that. I am glad you admit that you pushed people away in the past, but hopefully now anyone who supports you or cares or writes showing kindness wont be pushed away. They all mean well, with or without love involved. Please take the support they have to offer and hang onto their positive words as well, focus on them and use that support and their consideration in their replies and in their letters as a positive light in your life to focus on rather than negativity going on around you. Sometimes love between friends can mean more than the love you think you are missing so much. Hope to see more posts from you very soon and an update about your wellbeing. -CC
Sorry, meant to include that this entry was POSTED on Sept 2nd but the date you have written on the page says August 16th.... today is Sept 6th. There! (smile) Please give an update soon and let those who care know how you are and what you are doing. -CC
Ronnie, your latest BTB post to be received as of today (9-6) was written on August 16th titled Love. I hope you did not go through with the hunger strike as Ive read through your entries and it ended here, so I dont know if you did or did not. Hopefully not. Wanted to let you know when this was posted vs when it was written since you have mail issues there and have for a long time, I hope that changes soon. -CC
Boo Hoo. You inmates need to spend your time giving back to humanity what you took.
I have NO sympathy. Looked for it and could not find it. Please find a way to attempt to repay humanity instead of this crazy psycho-babble you submit (with your scarce envelopes&stamps). Spend your time PRODUCTIVELY.
I use my DEBIT card that is available to me from funds I deposited from my PAYCHECK. The paycheck to fund the card comes from my 8 to 5 job (over 50 years of continuous employment).
Stop your whining. Don't know "your case" and really don't care. You're there because your peers (the jury) CONVICTED you. Please stop whining and perhaps figure out how you can give back to humanity what you took. I have a few ideas - how about writing/drawing for children in critical care cases (ie: kids hospitalized w/lukemia or other cancers). How about starting a "we love you" writing campaign to the veterans in the veteran hospitals across the US?
Stop about yourself. It's time to pay back your debt to society.