Dear Milo, Did you know that in one persons case studies online regarding innocence and wrongful convictions etc he found that out of ten innocent people, in their cases, EIGHT of them were convicted based on testimony of a person or people who were truly testifying because either 1) they were protecting who they knew really did it and/or 2) they were involved themselves and had then just quickly went to the police to place blame elsewhere on someone they knew enough about to make the lie sound right....and also to quickly get the eyes off of them plus to set the lies going in motion and in the right direction for THEM yet in the wrong direction for the wrongly accused. This sounds so similar, dont you think?? I would be livid to sit on DR for any amount of time much less YEARS not only being innocent but also knowing most likely who really did the crime....even if I didnt know for sure, knowing who helped the state convict me wrongfully by giving false testimony that the jury believed and took seriously is bad enough as is. I hope they are happy, for I could never bring myself no matter what to put an innocent person behind bars PLUS take their life as well. I would sit in jail myself before being talked into or paid in any way shape or form to do so. But as we both know, the majority of human beings are not so concerned unless its about their own selves. Truly wishing you the best everyday, dont forget that, CC
Dear Milo, I would shout it out as well during my trial, and I am glad you did. Are you being represented now by someone you trust that is unlike your representatives before?? I hope so. Also, if I can get you in contact with anyone whose primary cause is proving innocence through evidence not considered, things not brought up, stuff not shared in court fairly etc- can you provide the necessary documents for them or are they ALL correct on the public record? I hope that the information about the racketeering comes to light asap and that its looked into also. I cant stop thinking about that. I also cant stop thinking about someone not proving your innocence IN TIME, which is a scary thought as it truly saddens me when people are exonerated posthumously, its too late! -CC
Keep writing, Milo, please. Ive passed this blog site (yours) on to several other sites and several through e-mail who handle cases like it will be read along with those of us reading at this moment already. I am not done passing this webpage on, but want to make sure it gets to the correct, best people it possibly can. I hope you hear from someone, even if they are involved in another case right now, they can at least look into yours and read what you have to say and maybe they know someone higher up that I do not. I do not know if these people will write me back or if they will just start reading up on your case, but I am doing my best to get their interest on you where it belongs. -CC
I expect I'm the last person you ever thought you'd hear from. It's Jason, Mel and Fran's nephew/Jim's son.
I read about what happened to you. Whatever happened, prison's no cake walk. You'll be out in a few more years though, yes? Do you have plans for when you get out?
Do you have any contact from Sean? Or Janis' kids, Matthew or Debbie? If so, would you be willing or able to put me in touch with them? It's a long shot I suppose, but worth the try. And thank you either way.
I live in Oregon now, since moving from New Mexico in 2002. I love it up here.
And listen, I realize things weren't particularly great when we knew each other, but that was decades ago, and we're different people. At least I must suppose we are. I was a kid after all. *wry grin*
Anyway, take care of yourself and try to keep your chin up. Things will turn out okay.
Jailhouse snitch testimony, if I am a juror, is not taken seriously by me because most likely it has been purchased somehow and that is pretty low to go! You are very correct about going against the law and how its truly meant to be utilized in court. I agree, I just wish more people wanted something done about it. I feel when I question things, the public wants to quiet me and not make waves but I cannot be that way, never. Never should the US execute anyone who is innocent and who did not receive a trial where the guilty verdict received included a case where their so called "supposed" GUILT WAS PROVED BEYOND A REASONABLE DOUBT regardless of what was said about the person, their past, where they were at the time, where they were not at the time of the crime, and so on so on, etc. The oath that jurors swear to is not to just go by who the person being defended IS in his or her everyday life and by just the sometimes damning wrongly stated words by prosecutors BUT THEY ARE TO: consider did the state do its job in proving guilt or not?? If not, then as a jury they should stick to their oath and not risk sending an innocent man or woman to death especially, for anything. Even if I was one of twelve only, who did not feel that the state did its supposed job of proving its case to me, Id do my best to explain to my fellow jurors that its only fair going by oath and the real original law that the trial end as a hung jury. Id not give in either. Stay strong Milo, please!
I look forward to the day that those who are proved innocent are not under the twisted power trip control of states where the courts would much rather execute an innocent man rather than admit they were not RIGHT! (shaking my head) Its so wrong. I share your anger with you, please know this, as I have seen too many cases and experienced firsthand that what the law wants to happen is what will happen even when its not correct. I wish that I was in a position to help you with your definite need to prove your case truly. Id give anything to be a powerful lawyer that was listened to and was able to teach the US that its okay to question the courts and the law, etc. So many juries do not remain skeptical and look at things further than what the prosecutor is saying in his own twisted way, and the defense does not always bring up the correct issues.....I feel they leave so much out. If that isnt the problem then the judge can sometimes be biased to the prosecutors side rather than any defense side. I know you mentioned judge bias. I know for a fact this happens, you are not alone. -CC
Milo, I am going to do my best to pass your blog onto some websites I know of (and other blogs as well ran by those who do their best to look into cases) that are involved in proving innocence if at all possible. If I am able to reach one man through e-mail via his website/blog Ill request that he get in touch with you directly. I have never met him or written to him but hopefully he will get my message and take it seriously. Ill ask that he at least take a look at your story, because he does a great job. I also know that he has written himself (and I agreed with him) about his view of prosecuting attorneys which you discuss here and its very true in most cases where innocence is lost in all the misconstrued rambling, etc. I truly do wish you the best and will past this blog and its web address on to all I know involved in law and involved in innocence proving/looking into trial records for things not correct and many other things they do out of the kindness of their hearts. I know if I leave the web address for them, they can reach and read this blog easier/quicker that way. Wish me luck getting one of them to answer me and better yet, to contact you via mail which is my goal most of all. Stay strong, CC
Hi Milo, I wanted to let you know I am reading your blog and just found you thanks to Ronnie's post on his blog deathrowpoet where you said to google your name, which I did and thankfully I found you here. Im going to catch up on your other entries and just wanted to let you know I am reading, so you will know you are not writing for no reason. Please take care of yourself, I am unable to imagine what you have been through and hope all is as well as can possibly be considering the circumstances. Best wishes from further on up the East Coast :) C.C.
Here is one more thought I'd like to share. I NEVER considered the penal system or mis-treatment of felons serving time. Just not something I ever considered because myself and my family were never involved in the system. Nobody was ever incarcerated. Then, 2000, the unthinkable and my world shattered. Since then, I've read a lot to try to understand what makes someone play God with lives and still sleep at night. I didn't play God and I need sleeping aids (12 years later). Maybe if these convicted murderers opened up more (instead of posting commisary lists) - people like me could understand. Thank you for the chance to post in a respectful and honest manner.
I see your point of view. I hope I didn't come off as rude or disrespectful because that was NOT my intent. Having been a victim of a horrific crime (personally and one I won't share here) - I get my feathers ruffled rather easily when convicted murderers complain about the cost of Skittles or the price of Raman noodles. My ENTIRE life was erased. I have a difficult time finding sympathy.
I expect I'm the last person you ever thought you'd hear from. It's Jason, Mel and Fran's nephew/Jim's son.
I read about what happened to you. Whatever happened, prison's no cake walk. You'll be out in a few more years though, yes? Do you have plans for when you get out?
Do you have any contact from Sean? Or Janis' kids, Matthew or Debbie? If so, would you be willing or able to put me in touch with them? It's a long shot I suppose, but worth the try. And thank you either way.
I live in Oregon now, since moving from New Mexico in 2002. I love it up here.
And listen, I realize things weren't particularly great when we knew each other, but that was decades ago, and we're different people. At least I must suppose we are. I was a kid after all. *wry grin*
Anyway, take care of yourself and try to keep your chin up. Things will turn out okay.