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Timothy J. Muise Posted 8 years, 1 month ago.   Favorite
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Posted on (2) Poems: Going Home; Iron Slab by Timothy J. Muise (2) Poems: Going Home; Iron Slab
Timothy J. Muise Posted 8 years, 1 month ago.   Favorite
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Posted on (2) Poems: Going Home; Iron Slab by Timothy J. Muise (2) Poems: Going Home; Iron Slab
Timothy J. Muise Posted 8 years, 1 month ago.   Favorite
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Posted on Cancer Becomes Contagious by Timothy J. Muise Cancer Becomes Contagious
Timothy J. Muise Posted 8 years, 1 month ago.   Favorite
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Posted on Recidivism Study 2016 by Timothy J. Muise Recidivism Study 2016
Leon Irby Posted 8 years, 1 month ago.   Favorite
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Posted on The Choice by Leon Irby The Choice
Julia Posted 8 years, 1 month ago.   Favorite
To no surprise, the coming election which could end
the death penalty in this State, has created and
environment of fear that has enslaved tounges,
killed spirits, and has scared the living streets
out of the selfproclaimed realest.

The overall take away from this work, ecposes that
each contributor is a true example that true unity
is still achievable within our own community, no
matter where we are, and that only real niggaz can
step up to the vent and provide fresh circualtions
of air, by having the courage to speak into a
situation, that portion, of reality, that some would
rather pretend doesn't exist, or, simply pass off
as being nothing but a bunch of godamn noise.

-Sniper Azande Xzyzst
Master of Ceremonies

Silence gives consent

(Terrence Crutcher)
1 of 1

Peace, Ju

Posted on VENT by Byron Wilson VENT
Julia Posted 8 years, 1 month ago.   Favorite
Bro, we are with you, this work needs you,and we will not allow
anyone to use our own shield's and spear'z against us, not even
our own hearts, your leadership is required, along with the
rest of us.

W/R Sugar Raylon - New Generation Rising!

(Stanley Tookie Williams) 2 of 2


"Struggle" typifies a thousand branches
jutting from one tree,
Each limb an "ism"
Deriving from one seed.

A thousand and one "ism's"
Propagate like a plague
Complicit are those
Who allow them to spread.

Purge or be ruined
Plant anew!

(©) Tim Young

Tim.Young F23374
San Quentin, Ca.94974 (Kieth Scott) 1 of 1

The resolution of power

It seems everyday, another unarmed black man is gunned down
by the police. And everday, someone picks up a mic, or get
online and rant about the injustice going on, but wheres the
change? The bibble says: "Faith without works is dead",
and I agree; "Protest without action is dead". You can march
all you want, you can riot and loot, boycot, or even take a
knee, but then what? Wheres the follow up? Wheres the action?

Though I do admire those who want to do things to start a
"conversation", my question is, how much "conversation" are
you going to have before you actually get up and do
something? Let me be clear, when I say do something, I
dont mean violence. I know some want to "fight fire with
fire", but that won't cause anything but more of what
we're mad about.

I truly believe nothing will change until we as a people
are ready to start putting action into faith, instead of
believing, or having faith that if we can start a
"conversation" with the police, they'll, all of a sudden,
start to hear us.
I think we should become the cops, we should become the
Mayor's and Govenor's, we, need to, as a community, come
together and make sure our children get the education
they need so that they can gain those positions of power.

Will it be easy? No. Will it be fast? Not as quick as we'd
like, but, will it work? Yes! It will work, but it's up to
us todo it, the police wont, the government wont, the
president wont, but we will. It's time to beat the
oppressors at their own game, it's time for us to take
the power, and I'm willing to do the work, are you?

By: BatMan

(Treyvon Martin)
1 of 1

THE VENT (Epilogue)

It's good to see more people from all walks of life in
outter society contribute their voices, resources and
skillsets to the movement against the crisis of
militarized police terrorist killings of Black people,
in the streets of America.

While recognizing laws associated with free speech,
and laws against incarcerating people without adequate
ventilation systems, we became interested in displaying
what a new generation of California's Death Row's
population of rhyme slingers, and ink spillers, had
to say about this issue.

Posted on VENT by Byron Wilson VENT
Julia Posted 8 years, 1 month ago.   Favorite
Spear's & Shields

Blessed one, we send our'z to you and the fam, and we talked about your
powerful words because most people in "The Struggle" dont realize that there
is another struggle going on within the hearts of those of us outhere in
street tibal warfare.

Bro, eve I questioned my own positive youth development work when I learned
that two Black, and biological Brothers, not older than 23 years old, killed
my dad in front of a store, he was 63 years old.

How could I continue to spill ink on behalf of a generation of youth that
just stomped, and kicked the brains of my hero out his scull? Man, fuck
them niggaz.

Im not Jesus, so forgiveness, and forgetfulness is not my position on the
issue of black on black crime, Black Lives what?

However, like your niece, my hero loved deeply, and demanded the reales
from society.

So, what real? We sometimes forget that African's had shield's and spear's
long before enslavers set foot on the Continent, and they used them for
more than just hunting for food, and protection from wild animals.

Si, if no manner of tribal warfare constituted an excuse for others to
enslave, rape, and murder us in or near to 1619, then it must not be, and
cannot be used against us today; for there will always be tribal conflict
in our community.

(Dante Parker)
1 of 2

Sear's & Shield's (cont.)

We grieve with you out of love and respect, yet, in our past life, even
we was enemies to eachother, and we are the only reason I just wrote the
word, "was".

I want to bless you with the following words that helped me regain my
ballance and continue this work, and pray that these words help you to
struggle the concept of continuing not your amazing work.

"The search for security in conditions of
oppression, the quest for personal harmony
in circumstances of social violence, or
the wish for private success at the cost
of betraying collective aspirations, require
little originality, and risk, because such
efforts accept the status quo of oppression
as immutable. Freedom requires new courage,
new vision, and new commitments. The
dehumanizing master without must be killed,
at least psychologically, just as the
slumberingslave within must be ejected.
Neither can occur without willed, organized
action. Both entail risking a psychological
crisis and even physical death. For then
and only then can a given generation of the
oppresses effect change and reclaim their

-Frantz Fanon

Posted on VENT by Byron Wilson VENT
Julia Posted 8 years, 1 month ago.   Favorite
A Beautiful Day!
Raylon & Comrade Bird September 11, 2016

Peace & Gods blessings Be upon your first and most important I extend my respects
to both you brothers. I keep yall as well as you alls kin in my prayers. It is
my hope 2 sticc around and maintain but you both know the nature of our
surroundings, I'll try 2 make it bacc 2 (5yard). The situation with comrade Ray
has been resolved and we have been cleared to be bacc on yard 2gether so that
should not be a problem...
Bro Im heart broken my writing spirit has been crushed last year while
I was housed in a/c, my eldest niece was killed in some gangbangging
shit. Bird you remember her I used to show you all her pictures.
Well she got caught up homie she was gang bangging (Hoover) she got
caught up in a murder & the dudes got bacc., taking her & her baby Daddy.
Devastated me & my family. I've tried to write on some positive
Blck unity & Im lost homie. My thoughts are (evil) white & plane. I hope
2 find my way bout right now my spirit aint in it. I still laugh & clown
Im still the same wiz but somewhere deep lies an uglyness & its blocking my
shine... On the real Raylon / Bird yall both know how much I use to pray
its been a minute since my forehead touch the ground. Im angry, shit
homie I quit smoking weed... I cant even enjoy being high because of my
In the mean time I got a lil work out routine. I dont do it to work the hate/
anger out. I do it to give the hate & anger something to hold on to. Its
crazy Im 40 been on Death Row 20 years my niece 19, been on earth
19 years & gone but Im still here. Got to be a reason but its over my
As I opened comrades I shall close Peace & Gods blessing be upon you
I extend my respects to both you brothers. Peace to all the Lavells growing
in the Hoods (Lavell killed 4 Oakland pigs) Sincerely with honor & love
Mr. Michael Lamar Bramit aka Narmir
(Larry Davis)

Posted on VENT by Byron Wilson VENT
Leon Irby Posted 8 years, 1 month ago.   Favorite
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Posted on Wisconsin Legal Newa by Leon Irby Wisconsin Legal Newa
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