Thanks for writing! I just finished the transcription for your post.
Several people close to me have used mindfulness in difficult times and it's worked for them. I've never really understood why until now. Your determination to learn from suffering, and more than that to help others to do so, is truly inspirational.
well let me start by saying we all want a mr or ms right. Peoples are never what they portray to be. They do enough to get you & then their cover up face comes off. But you never should allow the person that done wrong to you to make you feel like they all our no good. I have learned ppls do what you allow & that's to disobient kids to relationship. When you use to abuse & ppls not treating you right when the right one does comes alone you not going to know how to handle it because of your past life. I have been told by guys the reason I can't keep a man cuz I want to be the man. I wasn't taught to be needy with a guy. I hold my own always have even in a relationship to the point where I'm holding him to but those were the days.When there is no more you & I,I won't be stuck. I leave that impression I was me before I met you, I'll definite be me when you leave. you have to let ppls know when you invite them in your life, you are here cause I want you to be here:)
Maryland inmate, Larry Bratt, has just launched a Kickstarter campaign to fund the design, production and printing of his new children's book, "Kaia and the Birthday Kites," the story of one girl's quest to fly kites in a prison yard on her and her incarcerated dad's mutual birthday. Could this become the world's first legitimate "Breakout Bestseller"?
Thanks for writing! I finished the transcription for your post. Sorry I couldn't quite make out one or two words, and I hope I got the US-specific details right.
This is in reference to the post above. Below, I am linking to the community guidelines. In it, it asks that people who post refrain from
"personal attacks" and "hate speech."
It sounds like you have strong opinions against someone else who has posted.
It seems to me that you should find a way to express that without personally attacking them or making comments that fall outside these accepted guidelines.
Here is the link:
I renewed you'r subscription for Popular Science. You should already have the books from Bookaholic. I sent three National Geographic. You will get one issue monthly. Happy birth day Baby. I love you. Please call me
Words of Encouragement,God loves you and desire a closer relationship with you he want you to surrender your all to him he doesn't want you bound by religion or tradition but he want you bound by his Holy Word!
I'm having the nurse in the ER send this for me.There is something else going on with me . My elbows, knee's, ankles and feet are swollen up . It is so bad they look deformed. I went to the Dr the Monday after the fourth. She put me potassium and furosemide ( water pills) I woke up two hours before the kids got here this morning and my left elbow hurts so much I am in tears. i have the kids with me here. Alicia hasnt been getting off work untill about 6-7:30 pm. I didnt tell you what I went through on the fourth at the ER. I'll put it this way. They gave me an IV of doladine that knocked me out. They did a CT scan, ultra sound on my left leg to make sure I didn't have a blood clot. they had me on a heart monitor for six hours. My blood pressure and heart rate was thru the roof.When I woke up they gave me a stronger dose of the pain med. My elbows hurt the worse.I felt no pain after that. They kept me there for six more hours on the heart monitor. What sucks the most is that I had to call Lane to come pick me up. I could's walk home. I was so drugged up I was out of it. I read what Dianne wrote to you. She is such a sweet heart. I'm sorry for being so mean to you. I love you Johnny.
Several people close to me have used mindfulness in difficult times and it's worked for them. I've never really understood why until now. Your determination to learn from suffering, and more than that to help others to do so, is truly inspirational.
Keep writing. We're reading...
vandermerwe, Cardiff, Wales
Maryland inmate, Larry Bratt, has just launched a Kickstarter campaign to fund the design, production and printing of his new children's book, "Kaia and the Birthday Kites," the story of one girl's quest to fly kites in a prison yard on her and her incarcerated dad's mutual birthday. Could this become the world's first legitimate "Breakout Bestseller"?
vandermerwe, Cardiff, Wales
"personal attacks" and "hate speech."
It sounds like you have strong opinions against someone else who has posted.
It seems to me that you should find a way to express that without personally attacking them or making comments that fall outside these accepted guidelines.
Here is the link: