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JT Posted 11 years, 6 months ago.   Favorite
You want to know if you should sign away your parental rights? What does she want you to sign?

I guess part of the question is, do you have a choice?

Personally, I think that it's always best to have an open arrangement. You should request that you can have contact (either through letters or visits - if that is possible).

Give your son what you can - even if it's only letters.

Do you do that now?

Do you have family that is in contact with him?

How old is he now?


Posted on To; Women Who Can Appreciate a Real Man! by Hakeem D. Holley To; Women Who Can Appreciate a Real Man!
catherinee Posted 11 years, 6 months ago.   Favorite
I have read your posts and you seem to be such an intelligent and wise man. It is sad that you are confined to such a isolated place. I hope that with the help of God you will stay head strong. I'm from Ireland, which is a very different world from the life you are living.

- Catherine

keke Thomas Posted 11 years, 6 months ago.   Favorite
Put up a picture of you so i can show your son how you look whys is you trying to find a female on the web site fuck them hoes you need to focus on your son that on some real shit we love you always sincere akakeke better knowa as thomas

Posted on You Wanna Make A Trade With Me by Marchristian Thomas You Wanna Make A Trade With Me
akalitty Posted 11 years, 6 months ago.   Favorite
Hi, I have something you wrote, wait, I have many many things you wrote. Here is a few of them...
You are the compassion harbored in your heart,
The kindness you practice which through
The barriers of a dreadful calloused life.
You are the unconditional love that you give. A
Deep love which radiates an embracing warmth,
So caring, so special from you to me.
You are in every possible way to me, so much,
Joy and hope you've brought into my life. A new lease on life you've given me--one
That includes you by my side eternally.

Here is another one.
Darkened Corridors
Take a walk if you dare, within the
Darkened chambers of your twisted
Mind; tell me - what do you think
You'll find?
Deep within the darkened corridors of
Your demented mind you sit wrapped
In darkness cold and alone.
With every step, every turn, another
Demon is manifested from the depths
Of your darkened and troubled mind;
Sitting enwrapped in illusions.
Trapped by your own delusions, there is
No escape - all that you know, all that you
Hold, built upon lies, will always fade away.
Chasing something which you can never have,
Something you know nothing about - eternally
Damned as you wander, obsequiously through
The darkened corridors of your demented mind.

Yet another:
This Battlefield of Life
Within this oft-confusing, chaotic and melancholy
World, often cruel and unforgiving, ambient darkness
Ever threatening to overwhelm and consume.
It's in these darkest moments, that I am able to
See the most lurid of lights, and in the heaviest of
Silence, that I am able to hear the most beautiful
And soothing voice.
As the Beloved stretches forth His hand to
Firmly take hold of mine. Softly He whispers
Into my ear, tender and subtle words of
Clinging to His arm as a small apprehensive
Child, I am safely encompassed within the
Tranquil radiance of His love.
In this I am given the strength and courage to
Stand defiantly, in the face of adversity, to walk, intrepidly through this battlefield of

Well that is a few of the many. I love you very very much. You are my number 1, my all, my everything, my rock. Thank you for being a part of my life.

Posted on Higher by Sarai Rose Higher
keke Thomas Posted 11 years, 6 months ago.   Favorite
what's up baby daddy how have you been I've been doing good so far and your son what the fuck you doing talking to tanya it ain't no reason for you to talk to her because she don't have no kids by you I do I love you and I miss you so much you is my heart and always going to be my forever sincere Bye Baby I got your letter I will be writing you back baby daddy

Posted on You Wanna Make A Trade With Me by Marchristian Thomas You Wanna Make A Trade With Me
wolfkeeper Posted 11 years, 6 months ago.   Favorite
Thanks for writing! I finished the transcription for your post.

Such a sad and lonely letter. I can see how much you want and need her.

Posted on Untitled by Roland F. Stoecker Jr Untitled
81055M Posted 11 years, 6 months ago.   Favorite
I've been reading your blog for a short while now and have to commend you. I give you kudos for trying to "out" the ridiculousness of "shirley world". This blog, and your others about the so called "skilled nursing facility" strike a cord with me, as I have, myself, witnessed the treatment of these patients. Yes, I refer to them as "patients" When someone is in the hospital, isn't that what they are? Patients in need of medical care? You speak of patients having their belongings taken while away for an outside medical appointment. I can't say that I have seen this with my own eyes, but I've heard of it happening, I have, however, seen with my own eyes, other, able bodied "patients", (and I use that term loosely in this case, as the person I write of was only housed there because there was nowhere else to put him at the time),rummage through a dementia patients belongings,find his legal documents pertaining to his charges and he along with "workers" and guards, read this documentation aloud for others to hear.
How disgraceful that my tax dollars are paying for this "guard" to join in with the inmates and invade this patients privacy.
I also find it appalling that these dementia patients are treated with such disregard. Most, I will not say ALL, but most of the people working there act, and I have heard them say "they don't know what's going on anyway, do you know why he's here"? Fact of the matter is, I didn't know why they were there, nor did I care. Hell, they don't even know where they are or why they are there. I was hired to give care to these people, not judge them. I have seen guards put these patients, one in particular, in the spotlight as their entertainment for the day. What is wrong with these people?! They are hired there for security, not to be on the entertainment committee.
It saddens me to think about these people, being blind, having dementia, being in complete paralysis, unable to speak for themselves, being treated this way. I understand that they are inmates, and they are there because some of them have done some horrific things, but we, as healthcare providers are not there to judge them,or provide punishment to them. We are supposed to be there to better their quality of life, not help bring it down. I think that the DOC should train the guards that work with these people a little bit about human rights!

ragland2014 Posted 11 years, 6 months ago.   Favorite
Today is one of my days I am going thru it. Its call Missing Oscar days.. You already know. It's been awhile since I been on this website, however you already know my love for you gets stronger by the minute of the days, weeks, and months.. I love you and looking forward for you to come home to your family. Keep your head up and always put GOD FIRST. He will get us thru all our strives and weakness in your own words like you always tell me.. :) I Love You!

Your Triple R.R.R.

Yours Always..

Posted on Bereft by Oscar Jemal McLeod Bereft
Yoko Posted 11 years, 6 months ago.   Favorite
We Japanese people also get a gevorce often.
But some good couples are compromise each other.
This called "dakyou-suru"(妥協する).
It is closer 許す"yurusu".

baileytherobot Posted 11 years, 6 months ago.   Favorite
Oh my goodness, that's incredible.

Posted on The Cannery by James Riva The Cannery
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