Daniel Gwynn Blog Update
Date: 02/04/13
Subject: A Letter
Today I received a letter, and it felt like the most precious gift in the world. It's difficult for someone not in solitary confinement to understand how much this letter meant to me. God has moved someone's spirit to reach out to me, showing me a kindness most people take for granted every day. To show someone that you don't even know that you are aware of their plight, and that you care very much, moves me to tears. Just imagine that everyone in the world would reach out to their neighbor and tell them they cared, that someone cared about them and their pain. The world would be a better place.
There are days when I just feel so lost and alone, forgotten like I was just dumped into some deep, dark hole and covered up, while everyone moves on. Everyday, the guard walks past my cell door with a stack of mail, and days go by with not one letter being for me. My heart sinks, and my spirit dims just a little. I guess that one guard took pity on me, because he stopped to tell me a joke. His compassion gave me pause to consider that it may be possible that the guards may be human too.
You would think that I'd be used to not receiving mail, but I don't. Each time the guard passes by, I'm standing on the door like everyone else, chasing him down for a letter. As I'm passed over, the pain is like a dagger to the chest. It feels like no one cares that I'm an innocent man the state is set on killing.
Solitary confinement is isolation at it's worst. It's not a deterrent to crime. You're out of touch with your family, friends and outside world. You become detached from the surroundings in order to survive. Memories of the world you knew begin to fade along with the face of loved ones. I've got grown siblings heading off to college that I've never met! My life has been stolen from me, and my life force drained.
That letter has renewed my faith and spirits, because someone cared enough to let me know that the injustice perpetrated upon me has not gone unnoticed. Can you imagine all of that from a simple letter!!! I wish people would learn the importance of a letter.
Signature of Daniel Gwynn
2017 may 13
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2017 apr 22
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2017 apr 22
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2017 apr 22
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Replies (4)
Take care. Nicki :)
Thanks for writing! I finished the transcription for your post.