"Let The Bullets Fly!"
Chapter IL
by Timothy J. Muise
** Special Chapter **
This weeks chapter is dedicated to our former Director of Security "Paul" Hands-Of-Sin who we had previously called out as one of the old fashioned "good cop, bad cop" participants here at the gulag. He has moved on to GardnerWorld but the firm of "Dewey, Cheatum, and Howe" is still investigating Former Director of Security Hands-Of-Sin for his role in illegally communicating with a prisoner through responses he leaves on the instant blog under a cowards moniker.
The following documents display full-bore the foolishness of these prison officials. They have a prison full of drugs, full of gang activity, and full of men likely to commit future violent crime, but they waste investigative tools, money, and time "investigating" prison volunteers and Free Speech Warriors who have done absolutely nothing wrong. Please read on;
- Investigator Hands-Of-Sin Goes After Religious Volunteer / Devil Cheers
Document One (6 Pages)
In a clear display of just how abusive these corruptional fools are former ShirleyWorld Director of Security Paul Hands-Of-Sin initiated an "investigation" against a beautiful person who is trying to make a difference in the world by helping to rehabilitate prisoners; something the DOC knows nothing about. After Hands-Of-Sin spent hours reading this blog on Between The Bars he chose to twist what he read [as] an attempt to intimidate the Free Speech Warrior by going after one of the prison volunteers. What follows is one of their foolish prison investigative reports which was released to Free Speech Central by Edward Snowden. Please read as to just[ify] what your tax dollars are being spent on;
** See Following Document **
ShirleyWorld Updates Timothy J. Muise
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The Commonwealth of Massachusetts
Executive Office of Public Safety and Security
Department of Correction
P.O. Box 1218
Shirley, Massachusetts 01464
(978) 425-4341, Fax (978) 514-6601
[logo with a man and a star on a shield]
Deval L. Patrick
Andrea J. Cabral
[logo with a shield, small man and what looks like a star, with the words Massachusetts Department of Correction]
Carol Higgins O'Brien
Katherine A. Chmiel
Thomas E. Dickhaut
Paul L. DiPaolo
Deputy Commissioners
Kelly A. Ryan
To: Superintendent Kelly Ryan
Thru: Director of Security Paul Henderson
From: Officer Michael Thomas
Date: 30 December 2014
Re: Transcribed Between The Bars Article
On 1 December 2014, an inquiry was initiated at the request of Superintendent Kelly Ryan as a result of suspicious content in an online article, submitted by inmate Timothy Muise W66927 [See attached].
In Muise's most recent article of Between The Bars, Muise makes the following statements:
Dear Jazzy,
Great to hear from you! You are one of my heroes! Let's make "four agreements" towards the future (-;
Thank you for transcribing my post; mucho appreciato my friend. When you have spare time such transcribing is greatly appreciated. Helps me out quite a bit by making the content "searchable".
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Give the Big M my best and know you guys are always in my prayers.
It should be noted that Jazzy is a moniker for Volunteer [marked out] who was in charge of the "Four Agreements" program. It should also be noted that her husband's name is Mario, which is consistent with Muise's comment of "the Big M." The content and references in the article makes it appear as though [marked out] is transcribing online articles for Muise. On 12 May, 2014, [marked out] did sign the Standard Volunteer Renewal Form, indicating that she would abide by all applicable laws, rules and regulations governing persons within the state correctional facility and the policies of the Department of Correction [See attached].
On 5 December 2014, SSI Thomas reported to C-2, cell 39, housing Muise. A search was conducted for any paperwork referring to [marked out] or Jazzy. The result of the search was negative for any related paperwork.
On 8 December 2014, SSI Thomas conducted a telephonic interview with [marked out] regarding her possible assistance in Muise's online article [marked out] was asked what her role as a volunteer was, to which she stated she works for the Chapel. [marked out] was asked if has any moniker within the institution to which she stated no. When asked about the nickname "Jazzy," [marked out] stated that years ago a few inmates called her that, but not any time recently. [marked out] admitted that she knew inmate Muise, but denied any knowledge of his participation in online articles or blog posts. [marked out] denied ever transcribing anything for Muise or any other inmate, claiming she has never gone beyond the means of the institution to assist an inmate with anything. [marked out] unyielding denied ever assisting Muise and maintained that she had no knowledge of any article Muise was involved with. [marked out] stated that Muise has...
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...never approached her for any favors, including putting something online, bringing in, or taking anything out of the institution. The interview was concluded and [marked out] "Swore on a stack of bibles," that she had nothing to with Muise's post.
SSI Thomas navigated the Between The Bars website in an attempt to obtain more information. It was determined that original letters are scanned to the website for viewing purposes. Civilians, who have a registered account with the website can rewrite (transcribe) the posts, enabling the content to be searchable online [See attached]. One post by Muise was submitted on 4 October 2014 and was titled Fundraiser: Toys for Tots [see attached]. This post describes the MCI Shirley fundraising event, whereas inmates are sponsored to walk for donations to the charity. This post was transcribed by a person with the username jazzyj. One comment is made, by this user and reads, "Thanks for writing! I finished the transcript for your post." Following this comment, Muise then responds by uploading the post in question, thanking Jazzy. A further review of the website shows that the user jazzyj only transcribed this one post, made the one comment, however, had no other action [See attached].
On 9 December 2014, SSI Thomas conducted an interview with Chaplain Arthur Rogers. Rogers stated that Muise participated in the Toys for Tots fundraiser. When asked if any volunteers sponsored Muise, Rogers was unsure. Rogers went on to explain that sometimes the inmates ask volunteers to sponsor them, but he did not know who, if any, sponsored Muise. Rogers was then asked about the Four Agreements program, as mentioned in the suspicious online post. Rogers stated that it is a unique program that discusses an old book. When asked who teaches the program, Rogers claimed that [marked out] is the main person, with Rogers sometimes assisting. Rogers then claimed...
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...that [marked out] has not been a part of that program for a few years, due to [marked out] have scheduling conflicts.
On 9 December 2014, SSI Thomas, along with IPS Deveneau conducted an interview with Muise. Muise was asked about the post, to which he explained that he has articles uploaded. When anonymous people read and like the articles, they can transcribe them so they become more accessible. When asked for the identity of Jazzy, Muise claimed he did not know, nor was it possible for him to know, due to the person being anonymous. Muise was questioned as to why he would mention "the Big M" in the post if he did not know who it was, to which Muise claimed, he thought he knew initially. When asked who the Big M was, Muise stated that he thought it was his friend Susan M[marked out]. Muise was again asked who Jazzy was, to which he again stated he did not know, but attempted to explain he thought it was just someone who knew M[marked out]. Muise admitted that he attended the Four Agreements program, and could not provide a reason as to why he mentioned it in the post. Muise appeared less than truthful during questioning and the interview was concluded.
On 22 December 2014, SSI Thomas conducted a secondary telephonic interview with [marked out], [marked out] was asked about her involvement in this year's Toys for Tots program, to which she admitted knowledge, but claimed she only participated in the Walk for Hunger. [marked out] stated that she donated money for the walk, but did not specifically sponsor any inmates. [marked out] was asked if she had any knowledge of Muise's Toys for Tots online article, to which [marked out] adamantly denied. [marked out] continued to claim she has never assisted Muise with transcribing articles online and also maintained she has never been on the Between The Bars website. When asked to explain...
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...the "Four Agreements," [marked out] stated that it was a program she ran a few years ago. [marked out] was asked if it was a program around the same time inmates called her Jazzy J, to which [marked out] stated yes. [marked out] agreed that the totality of information was suspicious and made her appear to be the main suspect, but maintained she had absolutely nothing to do with Muise's online post.
In conclusion, it is the finding of this Inquiry that allegations of Volunteer [marked out] transcribing an online post for inmate Timothy Muise W66927 are SUSTAINED. This conclusion was reached due to:
1. [marked out] acknowledging she had the moniker of "Jazzy J" around the same time she ran the "Four Agreements" program a few years ago.
2. [marked out] admitted knowledge of Muise, who was involved with at least one Four Agreements program.
3. [marked out] husband name is Mario, which coincides with Muise's statement of "the Big M" in the online post.
4. The username jazzyj only transcribed the one post by Muise and no others on the website.
5. Muise's diction in the post indicated that he knew the identity of jazzyj, however, by refusing to admit to such knowledge, incriminated the transcriber as an individual whom should not be transcribing.
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Submitted by: Michael Thomas Date: 12/30/14
Officer Michael Thomas
Superintendent's Special Investigator
Reviewed by: Paul Henderson Date: 1/6/14
Paul Henderson
Director of Security
Accepted by: Kelly Ryan Date: 1-7-15
Kelly Ryan
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- Former D.O.S. (Director Of Stupidity) Hands-Of-Sin Lies About Lies
The following document is an internal email which displays how these jackbooted jailers will lie about their own lies. Dying prisoner Frank Soffen needed a "Power Of Attorney" notarized, he was making the Warrior his POA, but Deputy Denied-Oh was furious about it, her spinnaker panties (nautical themed) were all in a bo-lin knot, and Frankie tried to address the situation with Hands-Of-Sin who "good cop, bad copped" Frank with some Denied-Oh bashing, but when Frankie called him on it he "bitch buttoned up" as he could not stand the wrath of the Beach Shoe Nazi. The bottom line was that these gulag chieftains wanted to stop a sick old man from getting help. They care not about the men they are duty charged to oversee and do anything and everything to discount their lives.
** See Following Document **
** Following Document **
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Karen Dinardo - Re: Soffen W34022 / grievance #69767
From: Paul Henderson
To: Bariamis, Timothy
Date: 12/6/2013 2:28 PM
Subject: Re: Soffen W34022 / grievance #69767
CC: Dinardo, Karen; Melville, Margaret; Ryan, Kelly
Please send to DOC legal and CC the Superintendent. In regards to the grievance, I never had a conversation with Inmate Soffen in regards to Deputy Dinardo denying anything. I simply stated that I believed he already had a power of Attorney in the past and that I wanted to check with Deputy Dinardo first prior to notarizing another one as I have concerns as a notary. My first goes with what Legal has already stated in regards to one inmate having control of another. Inmate Soffen can hardly sign his own name and my observations of him indicate that he is often confused. With that said I do not believe that he authored the original document and I am not sure if he has the ability to understand what the document language actually states. With that said I will not notarize another Power of Attorney letter for him from Inmate Muise as requested.
Paul J. Henderson
Director of Security
Department of Correction
MCI Shirley
(978) 425-4341 Ext. 4210
>>> Timothy Bariamis 12/6/2013 11:25 AM >>>
Please review complaint below (which appears to have been authored by Muise) and advise. You probably already know, but the DOC is not required to provide Notary Services, and DOC Legal has worked on this in the past. I will send the email, which is approx. a year old, that relates to Soffen/Muise. In the email, DOC Legal's Margaret Melville asks me to send her grievances related to the Power of Attorney issue. Ok to do that?
I requested to have a "Power Of Attorney" (legal document) notarized here at the facility. Director of Security Paul Henderson (the purported Notary Public) took the legal document from me stating, "I have to look into this Frank." I was then informed by the HSU Law Library Clerk that DOS Henderson had informed him that Deputy Karen DiNardo instructed that my official legal document, a power of attorney authorization, would not be notarized on her orders. Under the "Standards of Conduct for Notaries Public" (Governor's Executive Order of 12/19/2003, "Standards of Notaries Public") a Notary Public "must serve anyone who makes a lawful and reasonable request for notarization..." and goes on to state in the same section, "these provisions do not (emphasis added) allow notary to refuse services based on the status of a signer." My request is lawful and reasonable and it is a violation of the sworn duties of a Notary Public Henderson to refuse notarization of my official legal document. Deputy Karen DiNardo's order not to allow my document to be notarized violates Massachusetts law and is actionable. [See Revised Executive Order No. #455 (04-04)]
Immediately have my official and legal Power of Attorney document notarized before I suffer further damage and rights violations. Train Deputy DiNardo and DOS Henderson concerning the law governing notary services.
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- Next Phase Of Investigation Moves Forward / Hands-Of-Sin With Bitches
The next phase of the Investigation by the firm Dewey, Cheatum, and Howe will move forward to the phase where the Warrior supplies the Office of Investigative Services with the mass of evidence that proves "Paul" Hands-Of-Sin Henderson has been communicating with prisoners through a blog. Timothy J. Muise despises all corruptional staff and now that he knows who the mysterious "Paul" really is he will no longer respond to the comments left on the blog from this coward and internet scoflaw. It took the efforts of Edward Snowden, in supplying the Warrior with "Free Speech" documents, to display to the Warrior who "Paul" really was, but now that he knows he is not surprised. Thank you to Mr. Snowden for all his hard work and thanks to Deputy Denied-Oh for Driving Hands-Of-Sin out of this gulag to go the women's gulag in Framingham. Quite appropriate as you now have the "bitch" working with the "bitches!" (-: (-: (-:
More To Come...
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Replies (1)
I'm sure that someone in C-2 can run you through a refresher on junior mathematics.
2 + 2 does not equal 6.
I will be only too happy to cooperate with MR. Paul Henderson, should he contact me through the blog, in the likely event that he chooses to litigate for libel.
FYI, according to statistical and
demographic data from US Census Bureau, there are 1,528,496 people in the U.S. with the first name Paul. Statistically the 17th most popular first name.