Dec. 4, 2015

Shirleyworld Updates, "Let the Bullets Fly!"; Chapter LXXIII

by Timothy J. Muise (author's profile)

Replies (3) Replies feed

Paul Posted 9 years, 3 months ago. ✓ Mailed 9 years, 2 months ago   Favorite
Joseph Yandle did indeed falsify service in Vietnam and used it as a cornerstone in a petition for commutation. He also cited rehabilitation and education (he earned both a Bachelor's and a Master's degree whilst incarcerated). He was the getaway driver whose partner shot and killed a man in an armed robbery.......he was not the shooter, another fact considered in his commutation. The truth was revealed 3 years later (hardly shortly thereafter!!) and his parole was revoked. He has been paroled and revoked twice since then with his latest parole granted in December 2014.

Joseph Labriola was sentenced as the shooter in a murder. He also granted himself parole by escaping from prison and stayed on the lam for 93 days before being recaptured and returned. He told a reporter from the Boston Globe as recently as 4 years ago that, if given the opportunity, he would escape again. Hardly an ideal candidate. LWOP is effective to the extent that it keeps murderers incarcerated and the public at large safe from them.

Now that Soffen has bought the farm I assume you will need another poster child. I am sure that you will find someone else to fixate upon. I'm just not sure that Joe Lab is the best choice.


Timothy J. Muise Posted 9 years ago.   Favorite
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Paul Posted 9 years ago. ✓ Mailed 9 years ago   Favorite
What a vacuous response to a well structured comment by one of your only 2 fans (Hi Gypsy!). Seems that you can bash everyone that you come in contact with but the 'free speech warrior' fears the truth.

Lets face it.........your self hatred, that is so evident that it does not bode well for your eventual release into society, will weigh you down.

Welcome back!


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