Jan. 17, 2012
by Joe Gaillard (author's profile)


Since I didn't write in time for Christmas, I hope everyone had a wonderful time and was able to spend it with family and friends. And I hope the coming year will be your best so far, not only economically and physically, but spiritually as well.

A lot of that will depend on us. There are some things out of our control, but if we will continue to be obedient, then he will continue to expand our borders, and we will find favor with him.

I've never been one to make New Years resolutions, but I'm making one this year. It's not to lose weight or break a bad habit (which I would guess are the most common ones). What I need, what I want, is to be at peace with my lord daily. I could stand to lose some weight and work on a bad habit or two (not the least of these being discipline). But to live so close to God that you can feel his spirit throughout each day, his love washing over you, his peace—that's my goal.

Is that an obtainable goal? Is it possible to live that close to God daily? If you read the eleventh chapter of Hebrews, it sure sounds like it. All it takes is faith. But how can I have that much faith? The first two verses of chapter twelve tells us to use those mentioned in chapter eleven as examples and then lay down the things that weigh us down, then to not give up running the race to go to Jesus daily.

I'm not so naive as to think there won't be days that I'll feel down or feel like God is nowhere near me, but what I'm talking about is a daily victorious life in Christ where he can see me as he sees fit.

None of us really have an excuse not to be walking close to the lord, but I feel that I especially do not. I have a lot more time than most to spend with him. Yet some days, I don't communicate with him at all. Some days, I read fiction all day or do mindless things that do not benefit me at all. It makes no sense. I wonder why I do it, but all I come up with is laziness.

I'll start the new year with a fast. I do that every year. It works for me. The most I fast, the more I need to fast. But I find that true with all things spiritual—the more I pray, the more I need to; the more I study, the more I feel I fall short in studying. I would encourage you all to think about doing it as well. After all, Jesus commanded us to fast in Matt 6:16-17. Twice Jesus said when you fast not if you fast. In Matt 17:14-21, Jesus tell his disciples that only by fasting and prayer could they have the power to cast out demons. Jesus himself had to fast before he went toe to toe with Satan.

Before I sign off, I want to thank you for your cards and letters, but mostly for your prayers. I know that they carry me through many days. I had wonderful visits with my girls and Joseph (and Mom, and all the rest, you know who you are). It felt like years instead of months since I had seen AJ. We both needed that.

Enjoy the pic.



Replies (2) Replies feed

lmason41 Posted 13 years ago. ✓ Mailed 13 years ago   Favorite
My what a blog this time I am so proud of you Joe. You amaze me everytime I read what you write. Your resolution is a very attainable goal for all of us. I have that same goal and you know just by spending more time in the word I am feeling more and more of His Peace. I do not think I can fast at this tiem but I can give up something and that is what I am doing. Joe what an inspiration you are to me you have made me want to spend more time in God's Word. I pray for God's strength and peace for you every day. I love you so much and keep praying for a miracle. On a lighter note what a beautiful picture I do not know which is better looking. you both look so much alike. What a blessing Joseph is to this family God sent him just when we needed him most. I want to thank MIT for this opportunity to read these blogs. It makes me feel so much closer to my son.

I love you Joe and looking forward to seeing you next week.
God Bless You

jennymac207@aol.com Posted 12 years, 12 months ago. ✓ Mailed 12 years, 12 months ago   Favorite
Joe,Enjoy all your blogs. Your faith is a blessing to me. You have such insight on God's word. Remember He makes no mistakes uyou are there for a reason. You are touching so many lives each time you write a blog. Loveyou, AuntJenny

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