Aug. 6, 2012

Welcome to My Newly Revised Page

by Amondo Duckworth (author's profile)


Welcome to my newly revised page.

To my readers:

My name is Amondo Duckworth. I have been incarcerated for 6 years and, during this time, I have sought ways to reach out to the world. My blog site is a very important part of that. It has crossed my mind due to a lack of responses to my topics, expressions, messages, etc., that I must not be doing a good job of relating to the people who visit Between the Bars.

Today, I decided to start over again in hopes of making a site that includes all walks of life but at the same time expresses myself to the masses. I'm truly hoping that my new concept will grab hold and start a foundation of communication. What I have decided to do is to have a topic of the month, which will hopefully give everyone enough time to respond to my posts.

I'm now asking for your help to pick a topic for the July through August post. I am open-minded and willing to talk about anything. I have placed a few ideas and hope for more input from all of you.

Topic ideas:
1. Relationships
2. Trials and Tribulations
3. Searching for...
4. I promise...
5. I express myself by...
6. I grew up in a...
7. [cut off]


Replies (4) Replies feed

Nicki Posted 12 years, 4 months ago. ✓ Mailed 12 years, 4 months ago   Favorite
Hi there, I've just stumbled across this site & have read through a few of your posts, which I've enjoyed. It seems you (and others in your situation) just want to be heard; as do each and every one of us. I find it very interesting reading your thoughts & I'd like to hear more about the first 2 of your suggestions. In regard to relationships, how they change when you're incarcerated. Do your loved ones still behave like they always did or do relationships become more labored..? & How do things change (assuming they do), is it something you talk about with them or is it more of a mutual perception that neither wants to speak about? I look forward to reading more of what you have to say.

Amondo Duckworth Posted 12 years, 3 months ago.   Favorite
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Nicki Posted 12 years, 3 months ago. ✓ Mailed 12 years, 3 months ago   Favorite
I just wanted to say something about this post where you were saying that due to your lack of responses you must not be doing a good job of relating to people. I don't think this is the case. Most posts only seem to get a few comments at the most and many go without comment at all. I don't know that trying to 'appeal to the masses' is necessarily a good idea because... what does that even mean!? haha

I just went back through and read each and every one of your posts to date and I don't think you necessarily need to change anything. I've read a lot on this site and your posts are good, but a lot of people just read & don't necessarily comment. Just write what you feel - that's a fail safe recipe in my humble opinion.

Amondo Duckworth Posted 12 years, 1 month ago.   Favorite
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