May 22, 2011

What is Happening in America?

From The Modern Blackamoor by Al-Amin Akbar (author's profile)


What Is Happening In America?

5:22 P.M.

I am a concerned, incarcerated American man of African descent; and in the last 7 years I have been finding myself wondering where is America headed as a society??? When we stop and take a long, careful look around today we see our legislators and politicians passing all sorts of corrupt laws in which to govern the people. We see a declining, immoral, and vulgar culture. Our country engaged in 3 wars (all at the same time). All against, by chance, Islamic nations. We see (parts of) America passing laws legalizing the use of marijuana as a social and recreation device. We see perverse laws being passed. Laws such as homosexuality. When I was growing up in the late 1970's and 1980's I was taught that homosexuality was not just a sin, but also an evil. But today I hear such American notables, as Rev. Al Sharpton, saying it's O.K. and that Black Americans should accept it and promote it. I have immense veneration for the Rev. Al Sharpton because of the many good things he has done for Black Americans (in the area of race-relations), and America as a whole. On the other hand, I think the Reverend error greatly when he say to Black Americans, and other Americans, to embrace homosexuality. I have noticed more, and more attacks on religion (be it Catholic or Islam) when ever I read or turn on the T.V. It's almost always "Terror" when the attack is against Islam. "Sexual Violence" when it's on Catholics. I have began to believe that there is some sort of clandestine, conspiratorial affront on all religion. Move religion from the fore-front of peoples' minds; and then make it something abhorred. In this way it would be easier to pass corrupt laws. It has been said by a great man that, "we will know when we're living in the last days, because children will say 'Fa!' to their parents, men will go unto men, women will go unto women, and everything good will be considered evil and everything evil will be considered good. People will go into space and come back with blood on their arrows (Guns, bombs, planes, rockets, etc...) and say 'We pierced the heart of God'".
All concerned Americans, are we living in the last days?
When we take a look at technology, such as the internet, cell phones, texting, has it helped or hindered American Society? We're hearing more and more about all sorts of scandalous, hideous acts being demonstrated by way of the internet. We're hearing more and more about tragic, and fatal car crashes, train crashes because people are talking on their cell phones while - at the same time - attempting to operate these vehicles and machines. In fact, doctors are saying that cell phones are causing some people to have brain tumours and to actually experience memory loss. "Texting" is what a lot of the young people are doing today. "Texting" sexual photos of themselves (even while in school). Many major and traditional newspapers and magazines are being driven into bankruptcy, because people won't buy newspapers and magazines anymore. Why should they? Especially when they can just down load off the internet. Musical artist can sale a million C.D.'s and still make little to no money, due to internet downloading. I think some of the things I have mentioned is a feature of today's (negative aspect of) technology that people (scientists, sociologists, Governors???) may or may not be looking at. That's why I asked the question, has technology (its advancements, i.e. cell phones, internet, texting, etc...) helped or hindered American Society?
And what do we make of all the wars in the last ten years? First, the 9-11 tragedy. Shortly after that, the former president, George Bush, believed the Afghanistan Government was allowing Osama Bin Laden to seek refuge there, so he ordered them to hand him over. After they congregated and concluded they couldn't hand over a Muslim to a non-Muslim people, President Bush then declared war on Afghanistan. Then, in 2003, under the belief that the late Saddam Hussein may just be harbouring nuclear weapons, President Bush declared war on Iraq. (This war cost America a trillion dollars - and we wonder why we are suffering from a bad economy). As I write this, President Barack Obama has declared war on Libya. So America is effectively engaged in three wars - all at the same time.
Afghanistan, Iraq, and Libya are all Islamic nations. This jumps out at concerned Americans like the moon over the night time sky. Our last two presidents have said repeatedly that America is not an enemy of Islam or Islamic societies. Yet, when one look carefully at what's happening today in America, it becomes very difficult to believe those iterations. When we go and study past civilizations - their rise, prosperity, prime, and fall - we find that in every great civilization from the ancient cushites (their civilizations lasted 6,000 years), the ancient Egyptians (Nubians) (their civilization lasted 3,000 years). the Medieval Moors (their civilization lasted 800 yrs.), to the present European World dominance period (hitherto, 520 years) we find that arrogance, corruption, spiritual bankruptcy, (and now perversion) has lead to the demise of many a great civilization. All brave, cognizant, concerned Americans who have an interest in a healthy American future must begin to ask ourselves hoe can we keep from succumbing to arrogance, corruption, spiritual bankruptcy (and now perversion)? We must ask ourselves will we just sit and be silent as our culture, our country, and our people become corrupt with perversion and mind-pollutions?
To all concerned Americans,


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onlyone1147 Posted 13 years, 8 months ago. ✓ Mailed 13 years, 8 months ago   Favorite
I was looking around the internet for something to and found this website, and read your blog. I agree with what you have said, I am in Canada, but the same things are happening here. The government brainwashes societies. Not that govt is bad, there ways of thinking are not well. I wish the world was as simple as i thought it was ten years ago, it not. If you know about Canada our current prime minister wants to make a 1 yr prison sentence to all marijuana dealers/ users caught!! It is a waste of money. I am currently in university working toward a major in women studies and a minor in psychology. I want to be a prison/ jail psychologist, I believe in second chances! I think humanity is failing. Recently the NHL cup was won by boston, and Vancouver rioted over this defeat. Humanity is failing me, but I am a positive person and believe there are good people in this world. Many people deserve second chances at life, and that majority of bad choices are a reaction of some past experience , if this is not the case bad choices can be a mental disorder, and i want to help those in need. And i wanted to know do you get bored, just sitting their silently? I sure would being kept alone, when i was younger i remember being grounded month on months for breaking silly rules. while rules are good some people are overly strict with them. I wish people would sit back and smell the flowers, look at the world and admire the differences, instead of hate just love thy neighbor. ( while i know this is not true i still have hope).

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