(sigh) Today's news... Well, I do like hearing your perspective on it, even though the result came in. Fascinating and hopeful.
I tried looking up if I could set up a Facebook account for you, but I cannot do it in your name because I am not you. That goes against the site's rules. Only you can create your own Facebook account.
Potentially, I could perhaps set up an organization or project idea as a Facebook account, but I wanted to ask you if that would be okay with you first. What the name could be, how it could be approached, if it's against your prison's rules. Or if you think this is something you would prefer to plan out with your family due to its personal nature?
Whatever concerns you may have, please let me know. Because I think it's important for you to have your own say in it too. Thank you so much for speaking out.
As someone who's not always in the loop about prison news and advocacy, I really appreciate you posting these various news articles as your blog posts. It helps me turn an eye to what is often not stated by major media. Opens my view.
More importantly, it helps me determine which nonprofits I will donate to when I can. What actions I can take, even if I don't live in these states.
Thank you so much for sharing. Wishing you a wonderful day.
P.S. Random questions (or a blog post idea if you wish to make it so): Do you have a favorite time of day? What makes it so special to you?
Hi James, I just read your recent letter and was compelled to write you because I also have a deceased mother and brother and also am the youngest of 4. Though it would’ve been 5 too but my other brother died right before birth. If you don’t mind me askin...how did you mother and brother pass. My mom died from cancer and my brother committed suicide this past December. That one hit me hard cuz we were close. I was also close with my mom but at least I had time to prepare for her death. Though it still sucked and still was very hard. I have 2 kids and I am blessed to have them. They are the only thing keeping me from doin anything stupid....
This is Joanne Davis. Since Jeannine passed I have had no news on how you are doing. So how are you? We have lost so many of the old gang. I miss Jeannine every day she was such a great friend. I Don't know if you will ever get this. I was cleaning my desk at work and just came across the contact info.
Hello Douglas I cheated, I googled it. Here’s my riddle, it is known as the riddle of the Sphinx, it is two thousand years old and was engraved on the artefact in Egypt.
What has four legs in the morning, Two legs in the afternoon, And three legs in the evening?
I tried looking up if I could set up a Facebook account for you, but I cannot do it in your name because I am not you. That goes against the site's rules. Only you can create your own Facebook account.
Potentially, I could perhaps set up an organization or project idea as a Facebook account, but I wanted to ask you if that would be okay with you first. What the name could be, how it could be approached, if it's against your prison's rules. Or if you think this is something you would prefer to plan out with your family due to its personal nature?
Whatever concerns you may have, please let me know. Because I think it's important for you to have your own say in it too. Thank you so much for speaking out.
More importantly, it helps me determine which nonprofits I will donate to when I can. What actions I can take, even if I don't live in these states.
Thank you so much for sharing. Wishing you a wonderful day.
P.S. Random questions (or a blog post idea if you wish to make it so): Do you have a favorite time of day? What makes it so special to you?
I just read your recent letter and was compelled to write you because I also have a deceased mother and brother and also am the youngest of 4. Though it would’ve been 5 too but my other brother died right before birth. If you don’t mind me askin...how did you mother and brother pass. My mom died from cancer and my brother committed suicide this past December. That one hit me hard cuz we were close. I was also close with my mom but at least I had time to prepare for her death. Though it still sucked and still was very hard. I have 2 kids and I am blessed to have them. They are the only thing keeping me from doin anything stupid....
This is Joanne Davis. Since Jeannine passed I have had no news on how you are doing. So how are you? We have lost so many of the old gang. I miss Jeannine every day she was such a great friend. I Don't know if you will ever get this. I was cleaning my desk at work and just came across the contact info.
Hope you well, Love Joanne
I cheated, I googled it.
Here’s my riddle, it is known as the riddle of the Sphinx, it is two thousand years old and was engraved on the artefact in Egypt.
What has four legs in the morning,
Two legs in the afternoon,
And three legs in the evening?
All the best